xt702v2c8t6q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt702v2c8t6q/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1956-09-28  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, September 28, 1956 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 28, 1956 1956 1956-09-28 2013 true xt702v2c8t6q section xt702v2c8t6q V',

Ike To Speak Mere Monday


President Eisenhower will speak In Memorial Coliseum at 8:30 p.m. ever, "because of the high political office he holds
we thought It
was our obligation to make the Coliseum available to Mr. Elsenhower "
The President's Islington visit l calculated to strengthen the
Dickey added that should Adlal Stevenson. Democratic presidential
campaign of GOP senatorial nominee John Sherman Cooper and nominee, request the same privilege. It would be extended to him.
Thrusfon It. Morton, and of Wallace Jones, former I'K
Traveling with the President will be I)r. Howard Snyder, his
now a candidate for Congress from the 6th district.
personal physician; James Hagerty, White Home secretary; and.
The speech, to be televised roast to coast by CBS. marks the second Thomas E. Stephens, campaign advisor to Eisenhower.
time within nine days the University has been featured on a nationRobert Montgomery, nationally known motion picture and tele
wide telecast the other being the opening football game with Georgia vision star, will arrive sometime before the President's group. Mont
Tech Sept. 22.
gomery will supervlsr the technical aspects of the television appearThe speech will be open to the public with no admission charge. ance.
Students do not need ID cards.
Arrangements have been made to set up a public addrevs system
Plans for the Eisenhower visit were first announced Sept. 1!) by should the crowd overflow the 1.V0O0 seat Coliseum.
Republican state campaign chairman Louis It. Nunn. Nunn said the
The University of Kentucky band will play for the Coliseum proarrangements for the speech would be handled largely by Fayette gram.
County Republican campaign committee, headed by John Kerr.
Special parking arrangements have been made at the airport t
According to Republican spokesmen, one of the decisive factors in accommodate 1.000 cars.
the choice of Lexington as the site for a major campaign speech was
Eisenhower's tentative schedule calls for him to leave the airport
the recent Kentucky law according
the voting privilege.
at 3:15. ten minutes after arrival. He and his party will arrive at the
Resides the Coliseum address, the "Elsenhower Day" activities will Phoenix Hotel at 3:45. A parade Is also scheduled at this time between
include a short address at Rluegrass Airport, where the president will the airport and the hotel.
arrive at 3:03 p.m. and another brief talk at the Phoenix Hotel followThe President will leave the hotel at 7:45. following the dinner
ing a 7:15 dinner there for county campaign chairmen.
for the county chairmen. The main addrevs will conclude sometime
By speaking here, Elsenhower becomes the first United States around 9 and Elsenhower will return
president to make two public appearances in Lexington while in office. uled to leave for Washington at 9:30. to the airport where he is schedHis first public address in Lexington was made April 23, 1954 at
The President and his party will fly in the presidential plane, th
the opening of Transylvania College's Development Program.
UK President Frank O. Dickey said an exception in University
Kerr said a display of flags, bunting, and pictures of Elsenhower
policy had to be made in order that Eisenhower might speak.
Dickey said the University's rule in the past has been not to permit is planned at key locations for the President's visit.
the use of any of its buildings for political purposes. He added, how
Title of the Eisenhower speech was not announced.
(CDT) Monday.




President Eisenhower

Dr. Donovan Makes
Dedication Address


Terming it the "best of its kind in the land." president emeritus Herman I,. Donovan Sunday dedicated UK's new Coopers-towhousing project for married students.


University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky., Friday, Sept. 28,




The project, to cost a net $3,160.-00- 0
($2,980,000 to be borne by a
bond issue plus $180,000 ol
University money), Is located on
the site of the original Coopers-towbuilt in 1945 and named in
honor of the late Deal! Thomas P.



Expected Record Enrollment
Produces H ousing Problem
A new record in enrollment will be set this year for UK, Dr.
Robert L. Mills, registrar, has said.
According to figures released and Sciences has an enrollment of
Wednesday afternoon, there are 1,799 and the Engineering College
7,879 students enrolled in the Unihas 1.640. The Arts and Sciences
versity. Dr. Mills said that the enrollment, however, has increased
enrollment is expected to reach the only 38 students, while the Engi8,000 mark before registration is neering College shot up 265 over
last year.
closed Saturday.
Of the new freshmen, over 500,
The registrar pointed out that,
of the group,
while this year will bring about nearly one-thithe largest total enrollment at the signed up for Engineering.
University, it will not break the
The College of Commerce is the
campus enrollment record. third largest college with an enDuring the 1947-4- 8 school year the rollment of 1,084, an increase of 128
enrollment on the Lexington cam- over last year. There are 715 stupus was over 7,800.
dents enrolled in the College of
The present enrollment figure Agriculture, 610 in the College of
includes the College of Pharmacy Education, 168 in the Pharmacy
at Louisville and the Northern College, and 124 in the College of
Center at Covington, which are not Law. Only the Graduate School
considered part of the main cam- has failed to go over its last year's
enrollment. So far only 651 stuDr. Mills said that there Is littls dents have enrolled, but the regisdoubt that the campus enrollment trar expects the enrollment to
record will be broken next year.
show an increase when registration
Over 2,000 new freshmen and closes tomorrow. There are also
transfer students went through 325 students enrolled in the ColOrientation Week, 1,572 'freshmen lege of Adult and Extension Eduand 511 transfers. According to cation taking night classes for
latest IBM tabulations. : there are credit.
2,160 students classified fas freshThe recording breaking enrollmen. This figure includes both ment has brought at least one
new freshmen and second semester major problem to the University,
that of living quarters for the stuThe IBM figures indicated that dents. With the exception of
the College of Arts and Sciences Bowman Hall, temporary beds have
Is the most popular, veith Engineer- been placed in every men's dormiing running a close second. Arts tory. Jewell Hall has 38 girls over



Want To Debate?
Anyone Interested in becoming
a member of the debate team
should see Dr. G if ford Blyton,
room 137, Fine Arts Building.



guests will be admitted to "Red
Shoes." "Pickwick Papers." "Carmen Jones." and "Henry V." Afternoon movies will not be shown
this year since there will be more
accommodation for night movies
in Memorial Hall.
Tickets may be purchased from
the Department of Audio-VisuServices in the basement of the
Agriculture Building either by
sending a check or coming to the
lobby of the Student Union Building, or they may be purchased
from any member of the Selection
Committee. Season tickets are $3,
regular individual tickets 35 cents
and the four special movies 50
cents. These movies will be shown
in Memorial Hall at 7:30 p.m. on




Q L.




Concert Series
Opens With
Opera Star ,

Students will be admitted by ID
card. Those who do not have identification cards will be admitted by
showing their registration receipt.
Tickets for student wives may be
obtained at the office of Dr. Leo
M. Chamberlain, UK vice president. The tickets will cost $5.00.
Tucker has earned the. reputation as "the greatest tenor singing
in the world today." He is in constant demand for leading roles at
the Metropolitan Opera, as soloist
with major symphony orchestras,
and for television, oratorio, recordings and radio engagements.
He- - has starred In such productions of the Metropolitan Opera as
"Carmen," "La Boheme," "Illgolet-to,- "
"Don Carlo," "Tale of Hoffman," an dmany other. He haa
recorded many complete opera
and collections of arias on the
Columbia Masterwork label and
for Angel Record.
During the concert Tucker will
sing selections from Mendelssohn's
"Elejah," Handel's "Judas Macca-baeus- ,"
Mozart's "Don Giovanni,"
and Bizet's "Carmen."

tional buildings . . . laboratories In
which you can learn about home
life, community living, and democratic processes In society."
Donovan termed the building,
which will house 330 student families, "memorials to those who pro
duccd Kentucky's greatest literature.
He charged the residents to bo
good citizens, nddtng each should.
irnut'tiir wtuti 10 wir run song,
God Bless Our Home."
The units are named for the
following Kentucky literary figures, all deceased:
Theodore O'Hara, Madison J.
Caweln. Alice llegan Rice and Tale
Young Rice, Irvln 8. Cobb. Grant
C. Knight. J. T. C. Noe, James
Lane Allen. Elizabeth Maddox
Roberts, Annie Fellows Johnston,
and John Fox, Jr.
Only 10 of the 13 units have
been named (The Rice House U
(Continued on rage 8)






Cooperstown Dedication
Herman L. Donovan delivers dedication add res
last Sunday at the new Cooperstown housing project. Pictured on the
speaking platform with Dr. Donovan are from left to right the Rev.
It. C. Spaine and President Dickey.


Fifteen movies are scheduled to be shown through the Camit is announced by Mrs. Ruby
pus Cinema program of 1956-57- ,
Hart, head of the Department of Audio-VisuCampus Cinema, sponsored by
cf Adult and Extension
Education, University of Kentucky,
brings films to the campus which
are no longer available at the commercial theaters. All suggestions
sent in response to the questionnaire last spring have been seriously considered, and. many of
these put into operation.
The schedule for this year Includes "There's No Business Like
Bhow Business," "Red Shoes,"
"Pickwick Papers," "Carmen
Jones," "The Promoter," and
"Henry V,"
Last year's policy of allowing
the season ticket holders to bring
one guest and have his ticket
punched an additional time will
also be followed this year with the
exception cf four movies. No

Donovan, who retired Sept. 1 a
president after serving more than
15 years, dedicated the
project to 11 of Kentucky'
great writers of the past and to
"the young people, present and
its normal capacity of 100. Boyd future, who will reside in the
Hall generally houses 134 freshmen apartments."
girls, but now has 140. Patterson
The former president told of the
Hall, another freshman dorm with history of Cooperstown. saying it
a normal capacity of 134, contains came into being after World War
150 women. Keeneland Hall only-- II when UK purchased prefabrihas more than the 300 girls it cated structures for $1 each to
house 334 married veterans and
would normally house.
According to a Board of Trustees their families.
ruling, both freshmen and sophoDonovan said the new apart
mores are required to live in resi- ments were more than merely
dence halls when rooms are avail- places to reside, but are "educa- -'
given prefable, but freshmen-arerence.
Dean of Men Leslie L. Martin
has said that if UK built "another
dormitory the size of Donovan Hall,
every year for the next three years,
they could fill the dorms and still
have people out in town." Donovan
Hall normally houses 350 men.

Richard Tucker, leading tenor of
the Metropolitan Opera Company,
will open the Central Kentucky
Concert and Lecture Series at 8:15
p.m. Monday, Oct. 4, in Memorial

Schedule Announced
For Campus Cinema




Oct. 5 Is Deadline
To Register Autos
Final day for registration o f students motor vehiilcs lut
been set for October 5 according to Dave Ravencraft, Chairman
of the Judiciary Committee.
. A penalty of two dollars will be
put Into effect after the deadline
for registration.
A student desiring to register a
car must present a valid operator's
license to the dean of men's office, and must show that when he
is driving the vehicle he is Insured
against public liability In an
amount not less than tlO.000 and
against property damage In an
amount not less than $5,000. If the
student Is an undergraduate, the
application must be accompanied


by the written consent of his par

ent or guardian.
Ravencraft stated that all students seeking a parking permit
should come to room 201J at tho
Administration Building to appear

before the Judiciary Committee to
day at 3 pm. The SO A committer
will determine the need of the per
Students prohibited to operate
vehicles are freshmen and sopho
mores, and students on academic
probation or disciplinary probation

� ;Sft.



KENTUCKY KERNEL. Friday. Scpi. 28.


Made A vailable
Prc-Mc- d

Successful Year Seen
For University Press
With a new lxxk by Dr. Thomas 1). Clark now being
for fall publication and the sales of its five spring releases
more than doubling those of last year, the University Press ap
pears to Ik? headed for its most successful year.

prc-lure- d

Bruce Denbo, director of the
ntverfUty Tress, said that all of
the publication;! of last sprlnf were
veil received by both the public
and critics. He Is looking forward
to the publication of Dr. Clark's
new book titled "Bluefrass Cavalcade" which is scheduled for release on November 7.
Dr. Clark, professor of history



the University, has selected

Tilings which he thinks best reveal the various aspects of Kenv.


and are of a scholarly nature.
"Magic In the Web" by Robert II.
Heilman Is a criticism and analysis of Shakespeare's "Othello" using
a new approach which Heilman
created in his work on "King Lear."
Charles F. Mullett's book is an
essay on the history of public
health titled "The Bubonic Tlague
nml I'n irl i rwi

era gjsn nr.

A house at 112 Maxwell Street
has been made available by several
Lexington doctors as a housing
unit for worthy and needy
students at the University
of Kentucky.
The offer, made as a means of
furthering medical education, was
accepted at a recent meeting of
the UK Board of Trustees, .subject
to further study of details.
President Frank G. Dickey said
that the house provides living
quarters for 15 premedical students. Management and maintenance of the building will be the
responsibility of the University,
but the title will remain with the
medical group. The physicians will
provide up to $2,400 a year to help
underwrite the project.

'.usi- -

tucky and its history. The writings
pre by persons from many different
fields including famous novelists,
historians, scholars, politicians,
Several students who signed
.'atcsmen, Journalists, anonymous up for apartments in the new
v ritcrs and two stories by Dr.
jCooperstown housing project
Clark himself, an authority on have not reported to claim their
Kentucky history. At present a assignment.
t tal of 62 selections are planned
These apartments, therefore,
f r "Bluegrass Cavalcade."
are now available to married stuAmong the five books published dents who are registered in the
by the rress last spring, "Johnny University. Assignments will be
Cireen of the Orphan Brigade" given on a basis of Immediate
was the best seller as the first application in the office of the
printing was completely sold out. Dean of Menr
1 he book, a Journal of a Confederate soldier servjng in a Kentucky
unit of the C.S.A., was edited by
A. D. Klrwan, professor of history
at the University.
FOR SALE - Tuxrdo. AfUr Six brand,
Other publications were "Lincoln
S20. Call
rind the Bluegrass" by William H.
Townsend, published last
STt'DFA'T WIVES - Thire hit opn-in- u
ber, and " John Filson of Kentucke"
for registered nurses on the stall of
by John Walton. Townsend's book Central "Baptist Hospital.' Thnr who have
extension 3 5.
the qiialilii at ions t all
relates the Influence of the Blue-graregion and its people in
old Lonuines wrist
shaping the opinions of Lincoln on wateh. Tan plastic hand. Student side of
stadium. Reward. Allison Tate,
'.avery and secession. Walton has foothall Hall, Ext. 2171.
written a biography of John Filson
v ho wrote this state's first history
LOST - Silver bracelet with lartfc blue
book. Filson's accounts of Ken- sets. If found please tall
tucky frontier life led many people
FOl'N'D: Shaefferjendurini! rcK'stra-tiot ) settle in Kentucky. He also was
Owner tan claim by idcntifyinn. See
responsible for the stories that Perry Ashley, Journalism Department.
made Daniel Boone a legend in
FOR SALE - S 160.00 Cash - U)48
American folklore.
R. and H. A real buy.
The remaining two books are Motor p.m. Must sell. Call
beginning to receive reviews 1:00

For Rent

m- -




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Bible Is Featured Deadline Set
lit Library Exhibit For Fulbright

Building Projects
Are Moving Along



The Margaret I. Kin Library is
commemorating the 500th anniversary of the completion of the


lOVW-S- of.





The deadline for rrceivine ap- -i
Lanfuaet and Literature.
With tho expected completion of Holmes ll.dl and the new
printing of the Bible by Johann plications for the foreign travel
See Dr. Skilet, Room Ml in
Gutenberg with an exhibit In the FulbriRht Scholarships is Oct. 31.
Jowrnahtm Building or
Pharmacy School within the next ear, the hmldim: program at
lobby on the ground floor.
Dr. A. K. Blue, head of the
Eit. 2419.
Included in the exhibit is a hand partmrnt of Modern Forrln Lan-- I the University is steadily moving aloni.'
decorated facsimile of the original guarr. Miller Hall, will Interview
The footings are now being net
Bible formerly owned by Crown all ftrniors and graduate students' in place for Holmes Hall, under
Prince Wilhelm of Germany. A who wish to do graduate research construction on the corner of
facsimile of the Golden Gospels In foreign countries.
Limestone and Euclid Avenue. The
and a leaf of the Manesslsche
The Ful bright Scholarships, new building is expected to bo
manuscript which are typical of esiaousnea by United States Public ready for its 298 women resident
days are also In the Law 584 following World War II, by September, 1957.
in cooperation with foreign counAlso to be completed by next
Dr. Lawrence S. Thompson, Di- tries, is designed to enable men September will be the new Pharmrector of Libraries, says that and women throughout the world acy Building, located behind the
Biological Science Building, on the
Gutenberg had to learn by unsci- to continue their
entific trial and error. lie started work in the country of their choice. corner of Gladstone and Washing
As application,-th- e
on the highest plane by printing
student must ton Avenue. The cost of the new
200 copies of the 42 line Bible In present to Dr. Blgge an overall school without equipment is esti
Mainz, Germany. The big probl- educational project, outlining in mated at $463,056.
em1 was to cut and cast type general the particular work he
Future plans call for the reconhopes to accomplish. The ap- struction of Frazee Hall, damaged
Today I bejfin the third year of writing this colsuitable for use in a heavy press.
plicant's petition will then be re- by fire last winter, and the proumn for Philip Morris Cigarettes, and I am merry in
Gutenberg tried to make his
by the United States
posed Shawneetown construction
oprinted book resemble the slowly viewed Committee and will
my heart.
written manuscript books of his sent to the national committee be will begin soon.
I am merry for several reasons. First, because I am
Frazee Hall, formerly the home
and previous days.
the country in which the student of the College of Adult and Exbeing paid.
This exhibit is one of the many wishes to study.
tension Education, and the Departexhibits featured in the Margaret
Not, let me hasten to state, that an emolument was
The receiver of the scholarship
History, Philosophy, and
I. King Library throughout the will be awarded passage, board, ments of Languages,
necessary. "Sirs,' 1 .aid a few days ago to the makers
has been
-- year.
tuition and expenses for one year. opened for bids.
of Philip Morris, who underneath their dickeys are as
Some scholarships, howevrt. have
Thus far three bids on the refriendly as pups and twice as cute, "Sirs," I said to this
Coventry is an industrial city lo- been extended beyond this one modeling and repairing of the hall
winsome assemblage, "there is no need to pay me for
cated in central England, noted year limit.
have been received by the UniAt present, there are five foreign versity. C. Standford Company of
writing this column. If I can introduce America's collego
for its manufacturing of
students on the University campus Lexington placed the lowest bid
men and women to Philip Morris's natural tobacco gxd-nes- s,
studying under this plan.
at S1G4.250. However, the contract
if I can inaugurate them into the vast sodality of
has not been awarded.
Philip Morris smokers and thus enhance their happiness,
Construction of Shawneetown Is
heighten their zest, upgrade their gusto, magnify their
expected to get underway in the
164 one, two, and
near future. The
cheer, broaden their bliss, augment their glce7 and inPROMPT, COURTEOUS
apartments will be
crease their PQ "
rented to married students and to
"PQ?" said the makers, looking at me askance.
faculty members. The
project is being financed through
"Pleasure Quotient," I explained.
federal loans totaling $1,806,000.
We're kind to your clothes, kind to your
"Ah!" said the makers, nodding' their sweet, shaggy
Also in the near future is the
budget. Make us a habit.
construction of a fraternity house.
Bids for building project will be
"If," I continued, "I can do these splendid things for
opened October 2. The new buildEuclid
the college population of America, there is no need for
ing will be the home of Phi Delta
money, because I am more than amply repaid."

Department of Ancient






Ful-brig- ht






Cleaners and Laundry

Corner Woodland and Euclid

The University of Kentucky is a

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Soar to Success in a
Trim Wool Jersey



or at work you'll be a big fashion success
sheath dress plus jacket.
Made of 100 wool jersey it will be an indispensable
addition to your wardrobe. The dress with its sweater
trim at the neck and sleeveless armholes has a
partially lined skirt to insure you always a perfect fit.
sleeves features
The cardigan jacket with
the same sweater trim. Sizes 9 to 15. In black, camel,
red and royal blue

Be it



in this trim,











r- -

















We wept then. I am not ashamed to say it. WR
WEPT! I wish the wiseacres who say big business is
cold and heartless could have been there that day. I wish
they could have witnessed the deep, croaking sob that
racked the gathering, the great, shimmering tears that
splashed on the boardroom table. We wept, every man-jac- k
of us. The makers wept. The secretaries wept. I
wept. My agent, Clyde Greedy, wept. We wept all.
"No, no!" cried one of the makers, whose name Is
Good Sam. "We insist on paying you."
"Oh, all right," I said.
Then we laughed. The gloom passed like a summer
shower. We all laughed and chose up sides and played
stoop-ta- g
and had steaming mugs of cocoa and lit plump,
firm, white cigarettes, brimming full of natural tobacco
goodness. I mean Philip Morris, of corns!






Refreshed and exalted, we returned to the business at hand. "Now then," said one of the makers, whose
name is Merry Andrew, "what will you write about in
your column this year?"
"About students and teachers," I said. "About classes
and cutting. About eds and coeds. About Greeks and
independents. About the important issues that occupy
the supple young minds of college America."
"Like what?" asked one of the makers, whose namo
is Tol'able David.
"Like how to finance a full social life without a revolver," I replied. "Like how to wear Permuda shorts
though your knees look like brain-cora- l.
Like how to'
double-dat- e
in an MG."
"And will you," asked one of the makers, whose name
"from time to time say a pleasant word about Philip Morris Cigarettes, which are now
available in two sizes Regular in the familiar Soap-Oie- n
Pack, and Long Size in the new Crushproof Hox?"
"Crazy kid!" I chuckled, pushing my fist gently
against his jaw. "You know I will."
And we all shook hands silently, firmly, manlily
and 1 left, dabbing at my eyes with my agent, and hurried
to the nearest typewriter.









CMai Shulman.


Thr maker $ of I'hilip Morris lake pleasure in bringing you
thi$ uiteentored, frer-- heeling column eath ueeh during the
7too year und ulto in bringing you today t neut I'hilip
Morris, packed Kith natural tobacco goodness, lip end to tip end.





� 4--






Why The Crowd
At The Dorms?





The crowded conditions at the men's and women's dormitories point up a vital need of the University and at the same time pose several unanswered questions.
Hie need is obvious more housing facilities for
incoming freshmen. Hut can UK afford a building
construction program that would absorb all the expected increase in student enrollment during the
coming years?
Or is the proposal suggested recently by President Dickey in a speech at Louisville that UK may
have to consider limiting its enrollment in the future the only feasible solution to the problem?
Regardless of the eventual overall program
agreed upon, the situation this year, particularly in
the men's residence halls, shows that more foresight
must be exhibited concerning housing in future
years than was in 19oG.
The women were supposedly warned before coming to Lexington that their residence halls would

be crowded; they came prepared.
The male students received no such warning. As
a result, freshmen were forced to share rooms with
more roommates than either they, or apparently,
university officials expected; sophomores' who came
to the University fully expecting to receive rooms
were turned away at the last minute to ajow freshmen to live in the dorms.
The five men's dorms (Donovan, Bowman, Bradley, Kinkead, and Breckinridge) normally house 915
Latest official figures show there are still 935
students living in these dormitories, and, although
no official' corroboration can be obtained, reports
have indicated there have been quite a few more.
The statistics possibly do not seem so bad when
freshman who
seen on paperT But to a
suddenly acquires a new, unexpected roommate in
a room already none too large, the situation could
be improved upon.
Dormitory rules state freshmen and sophomores
shall live in and eat two meals a day in the dorms
unless excused by the Dean of Men. The rules also
say that if necessity requires, freshmen shall have
preference over sophomores.
Yet, despite the fact that some sophomores were
forced to find other accomodations, some 75 to 90
second year men are still living in the dorms
enough to more than compensate for the reported
20 extra men. Why the distinction?
Dean of Men Leslie L. Martin and dormitory
director Robert Blakeman say they believe enough
freshmen will soon drop out to relieve the situation.
Judging from previous years, this is 'undoubtedly
true. But is it a wise policy to have to depend upon
students quitting school to alleviate any situation,
regardless of what it is?
Dean Martin says the male students will be forewarned of the conditions next year, if they still exist, just as the women students were this year. If
this plan is carried out, it will be a forward step,
and a necessary one.
As was stated, the University may never be able
to build enough dormitories to house all the eligible
freshmen who wish to live there.
If enrollment increases as is expected, other
measures will certainly have to be adopted.
But in the meantime, let's hope that students and
prospective students will be told of existing dormitory conditions, regardless of how crowded, before
they arrive at the Universitynot after.


If the University had a dollar for every cigarette
smoked at the rush parties they could build another
freshman dormitory. It'll take the Creeks and
rushees another two weeks to get rid of that "cigarette hangover."
One of the most ignored rulings on this campus
is the $125 limit placed on sororities during rush
by Panhellenic. One of the basic qualifications for
a rush chairman is that she can count to 125 and
no further.
The Marching One Hundred deserves only the
highest praise after Saturday's exhibition. Those
long, hard days of practice paid off.


Welcome, Ike!r
Regardless of party affiliation or personal belief,
each student at the University should make every
effort to be present at Memorial Coliseum Monday
when President Dwight D. Eisenhower will speak.
Although the president's speech is admittedly a
major campaign one, designed to influence voters
in a state designated as "key" by Democrats and
Republicans alike, it is still a signal honor to both
UK and the city of Lexington that Mr. Eisenhower
should appear here.
It should be explained that the coming of the
president in this election year does not foredoom
the university to the role of a political arena until
November. Mr. Eisenhower's Democratic opponent, Adlai Stevenson, has been extended the same
privilege as the president in that if he wishes to
speak at the Coliseum, he will be allowed to do so.
That, in the words of UK President Frank Dickey, "is as far as it will go."
Which, the Kernel thinks, is a very wise and sensible policy. If Mr. Stevenson should decide to
avail himself of the opportunity, his speech would
be just as wholeheartedly recommended as the

With the increased responsibility cast on the
and with two
shoulders of Kentucky
senatorial races being contested in the state, each
Kentuckian should attempt to become as familiar
as possible with the major political issues. The
president's speech certainly presents a golden opportunity for at least the beginning of this political
The Kernel wishes to join with the thousands of
other enthusiastic Americans in the surrounding