xt702v2c8d5h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt702v2c8d5h/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1980-01-jan29-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1980-01-jan29-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1980-01-jan29-ec. 1980 1980-01-jan29-ec. 2011 true xt702v2c8d5h section xt702v2c8d5h 

     !Y'inutes of the Meeting c- -he Executive Committee of the Board of
Trustees of the Universi'y of Kentuckv, January 29, 19-80

     The Executive Comnnittee of the Board of Trustees of the University
of Kentucky met at 2:00 o'clock (Eastern Standard Time) on Tuesday,
January 29, 1980 in the Board Room on the 18th floor of the Patterson
Office Tower on the Lexington campus with the following members answering
the call of the roll:  Mr. William B. Sturgill, Chairman, Mr. William R.
Black, Mr. Albert G. Clay, Mr. George W. Griff in, Mr. Homer W. Ramsey, and
Mrs. Betty Pace Clark, Ex Officio Secretary. Members of the Board of
.rustees attending the meeting included Professor Michael Adelstein,
Mr. Mark Metcalf, and Professor Constance Wilson.  The University admin-
'stration was represented by President Otis A. Singletary; Vice Presidents
Jack C. Blanton, Peter P. Bosomworth, Donald P. Clapp, Lewis W. Cochran,
FRaymond R. Hornback, M. Stanley Wall, and Robert G. Zumwinkle; Dr. Wimberl7
C. Rovster, Dean of the Graduate School and Coordinator of Research; and
Mr. John C. Darsie. General Counsel. Members of the various news media
were also in attendance.

     A. Meeting ODened

     The meeting was called to order at 2:20 r.m.  Following the invocation
pronounced by Mr. Slack, the Secretary called the roll and reDorted all
members of the Executive Committee Dresent. The meeting was declared
officia'ly open for the conduct of business at.2:21 D.m.

     B. Minutes Approved

     On motion duly made. seconded, and carried, the reading of the
Minutes of the December 11, 1979 meeting of the Board of Trustees was
dispensed with and the Minutes were approved as published.

     C. President's Report to the Trustees (PR 1)

     Presidernt Sincletary reviewed briefly the items in his monthly
report to the Trustees, calling particular attention to (1) the $380,699
grant under Title III of the Surface Mining and Control and Reclamation
Act of 1977, which makes the University first in funding among 22
American universities who receive funds from that source, (2) the
continuing accreditation for both the baccalaureate and master's
degree programs in the College of Nursing, and (3) the dollar amount
of grants processed through the University of Kentucky Research
Foundation which is one million dollars greater than the amount received
for the same period a year ago. Upon recommendation of President
Singletary, the Chairman received the report and ordered it filed.

     D. Recommendations of the President (PR 2)

     After noting that the personnel changes in PR 2, Recommendations
of the President, were routine in nature, President Singletarv recommended
its approval. On motion by Mr. Ramsey, seconded by Mr. Black, and passed,
PR 2 was approved.  (See PR 2 at the end of the Minutes.)


     E.  Su-1nemetal Recomme-endations of the President (PR 3)

     There were no suDplemental recommendations.

     F. Degree Candidates - Community College System (PR 4)

     President Singletarv recommended that approval be given to the
awarding of degrees and/or certificates as specified to the persons
named in PP 4.  Without discussion, on motion by Mr. Griffin, seconded
by Mr. Clay, and carried, it was so ordered. (See PR 4 at the end of
the Minutes.)

     G. Budget Revisions for 1979-80 (PR 5)

     The budget revisions recommended in PR 5 being of a routine nature
and there being no questions, President Singletary recommended approval.
On motion by Mr. Black, seconded by Mr. Ramsey, and passed, the budget
revisions recommended in PR 5 were authorized and approved. (See PR 5
at the end of the Minutes.)

     H. CaDital Construction Projects (PR 6)

     President Singletary recommended that the Board of Trustees approve
for submission to the Council on Higher Education three capital construction
project proposals. The source of funding for these three proposals will be
institutional 1978-79 Fund Balances already allocated for future operating

     On motion by Mr. Clay, seconded by Mr. Black, and passed without
dissent, approval was given for submission to the Council on Higher
Education the three capital construction project proposals: (1) McVey
Hall Addition at a cost of approximately $600,000; (2) Student Center
Parking Lot Relocation estimated at $200,000, and (3) Fine Arts - Rehearsal
Room at an estimated cost of $200,000. (See PR 6 at the end of the Minutes.)

     I. Interim Financial Report (FCR 1)

     Mr. Clay, Chairman, said that the Finance Committee had met on
Tuesday morning, January 29, and reviewed the reports to be presented
at the Executive Committee meeting. He then moved that the Financial
Report for the period ending December 21, 1979 be accepted.   His motion
was seconded by Mr. Griffin, and passed without dissent. (See FCR 1 at
the end of the Minutes.)

     J. External Auditor for Fiscal Year 1979-80 (FCR 2)

     The Finance Committee so recommending, Mr. Clay moved that the firm
of Arthur Andersen & Company, Certified Public Accountants, be engaged
to perform an examination of the various accounts of the Universitv of
Kentucky and its affiliated corporations in accordance with the recom-
mendation in FCR 2. His motion was seconded by Mr. Ramsey, and passed
without dissent. (See FCR 2 at the end of the Minutes.)


     K. Disposal or Propertv on Viley Road and U.S. 421 (F Ct. 3)

     Mr. Clav in explaining the recommendation contained in FCR 3 recalled
that the Dears of the College of Aariculrcre had considered the 85.63 acres
located at the corner o Vilev Road and U.S. 421 as inadeouate for the
Poultry Farm oDeration.  For aD~roxinately two years the University has
been negotiating with the Department of Highways and others to dispose
of this property.  At the request of the University the property was
advertised for sale by the Division of Real Properties. Mr. Clay reported
that three sealed bids were received, the highest being $856,300 from the
4-T Leasing Comapny, which the Finance Committee understands is a partnership
composed of the sons of W. B. Terrv.  Mr. Clay continued by saying that,
to the best of his knowledge and belief, Mr. Terry, a member of the Board,
has no financial interest whatsoever in the 4-T Leasing Company.

     Mr. Clay then stated the Finance Committee wished to amend the
recommendation in FCR 3 to read as follows:

     1. That the Board of Trustees declare as surplus 85.63 acres of
     property owned by the University located at the corner of U.S. 421
     and Viley Road in Fayette County, Kentucky. 2. That the Board
     authorize the Vice President for Business Affairs and Treasurer
     to accept the high bid of $856,300 submitted by the 4-T Leasing
     Company, a Kentucky partnership, subject to approval by the
     Council on Higher Education and the State Department of Finance,
     the said bids having been received by the Division of Real
     Properties of the Department of Finance of the Commonwealth of
     Kentucky in response to a public advertisement thereof. 3. That
     the-Board authorize the use of the proceeds from this sale for the
     construction of a new Poultry Research facility, subject also to
     the approval of the Council on Higher Education and the Department
     of Finance.

     Upon recommendation of Mr. Clay, seconded by Mr. Ramsey, and passed
without dissent, the amended recommendation in FCR 3 was approved. (See
FCR 3 at the end of the Minutes.)

     L. ReDort of Investments (ICR 1)

     Mr. Griffin, Chairman of the Investment Committee, presented a
quarterly report of changes made in investments for the University
and its affiliated corporations for the quarter ending December 31, 1979,
and moved that the report be accepted. Mr. Black seconded his motion,
which passed without dissent. (See ICR 1 at the end of the Minutes.)

     M. Meeting Adjourned

     There being no further business to come before the meeting, on
motion duly made, seconded, and carried, the Chairman declared the
meeting adjourned at 2:37 p.m.

                                  Respectfully submitted,

                                  Betty Pace Clark
                                  Secretary, Board of Trustees
PR's 2, 4, 5, and 6; FCR's 1, 2, and 3; and ICR 1 which follow are official
parts of the Minutes of the meeting.)


                                                   Office of the President
                                                   January 29, 1980


Members, Executive Committee, Board of Trustees:


Appointments and/or Other Staff Changes

Recommendations: (1) that aDprova1 be given to the appointments and/or
other staff changes which require Board action; and (2) that the report
relative to appointments and/or changes already approved by the adminis-
-ration be accepted.

Background:  The following recommended aDpointments and/or other staff
changes require approval by the Board of Trustees in accordance with
Part VIII-B of the Governing Regulations of the University.  These
recommendations are transmitted to the Board by the appropriate vice
president through the President and have his concurrence.

Under the Governing Regulations the authority to make certain appointments
and/or other staff changes is delegated to the President or other admini-
strators who are required to report their actions to the Board. This re-
port follows the recommendations reouirina Board approval.

                              BOARD ACTION



            College of Agriculture

            Bjorklund, Gail J., Assistant Extension Professor*, Home Economics
                 Programs, 12/18/79 through 6/30/81.
            Donahue, James M., Assistant Professor-Clinical Sciences*, Veterinary
                 Science, 1/1/80 through 6/30/81.
            Forester, Janice Darlene, Assistant Extension Professor*, Home
                 Economics Extension, 12/1/79 through 6/30/80.
            Hong, C. B., Assistant Clinical Professor', Veterinary Sciences,
                 1/1/80 through 6/30/80.
            Martin, James R., Assistant Extension Professor*, Agronomy,
                 12/1/79 through 6/30/81.
            Prickett Patricia A., Assistant Professor-Clinical Sciences*,
                 Veterinary Science, 1/1/80 through 6/30/81.
            Tramontin, Robert R., Assistant Clinical Professor', Veterinary
                  Science, 12/1/79 through 6/30/81.

*Special Title Series



    College or Arch tecture

    Nordemann, Francis, Visitin= Professor. (part-time), 1/16/80
          zhrough 4/30,/SO.
    Oubrerie, Jose, 7.'siting Professor, l/2.650 through 4/30/SO.

    College of Arts and Sciences

    Hill, Kathleen Kulp, Visiting Professcr, (var.-time), Spanish
          and Italian, 1/1/S0 through 5/15/SO.
    ;Mitchell, LTC John M., Professor of Military Science, Military
          Science, effective 2/19/80.
     Slavin, Arthur J., Visiting Professor, (part-time), History,
          1/1/80 through 5/15/80.
    Ward, Colin, Visiting Associale Professor, Geology, 1/l/80
          through 5/15/8S.

    College of Business and Economics

    Ingram, Thomas N., Instructor, Business Administration, 8/16/80
          through 6/30/81.

     Graduate Center

     Wright, Joseph W., Visiting Associate Professor, (part-time),
          Martin Graduate Center for Public Administration, 1/l/S0
          through 5/15/8S.

     College of Law

     Brabant, Thomas C., Professor, (part-time), 1/l/80 through
     Lee, Joe, Professor, (part-time), 1/1/80 through 4/30/80.

     College of Social Professions

     Egli, Daniel S., Visiting Instructor, Social Work, 12/1/79 through


     College of Medicine

     Martin, Catherine A., Assistant Professor, Psychiatry, 7/l/80
          through 6/30/81.


     Southeast Community College

     Wiggington, Mark A., Instructor in the Community College System,
          1/1/80 through 6/30/80.




          Colle:e of Arts and Sciences

          Harris, Jesse G., Jr., Pro-essor, (with tenure), Psychology,
               named Chairman, Departnent of Psychology, 1/1/30 through


          College of Medicine

          Nikitovitch-Winer, M. B., Professor, (with tenure), Anatomy,
               and Professor, (with tenure), Physiology and Biophysics,
               named Chairman, Department of Anatomy, 12/1/79 through



          College of Business and Economics

          Herbert, Albert S., Senior Engineer, Center for Business Development,
               effective 12/15/79.

          College of Engineering

          Dugan, Robert J., Director of Engineering Services, effective
          Wu, Vic C., Bio-Medical Research Engineer, Wenner Gren Laboratory,
               effective 12/1/79.

          Institute for Mining and Minerals Research

          Flam,, Kevin J., Research Engineer (temporary), 1/2/80 through


          Vice President for the Medical Center

          Greenwood, Donald, University Information Specialist, Office of
               Public Information, effective 1/2/80.

          University Hospital

          Sever, Ken, Manager, Patient Accounts and Financial Counseling,
               University Hospital, effective 12/3/79.


         Collece of M eci '- ne

         Bannon, Catherine T   Cl nical Research Associate, Surgery,
               effective 12/17/79.
         Bernier, Jon, Business Manager T7T, Office of -he Dean, effective
         Bryannt, Jane L., Instrucional Specialist I, Mecicine, ef ectIve
               1 2/17/79.
         Fisher, Mary, Research .Assistant, Community Medicine, effective
         Meckel, Susan R., Assistant Director for Communications, Ephraim
               McDowe'1 Community Cancer Net.ork, effective 1/2/80.
         Proudfoot, Rebecca, Senior Administrative Assistant (Exempt),
               Community Medicine, effective 1/7/80.
         WIhattley, Betty, Allied Health STmecialist II, Medicine, effective
         Wigler, Paul, Bic-Medical Research Engineer, Medoicine, effective

         College of Nursing

         Lynaugh, Kathleen H., Nurse Midwife, effective 1/1/80.


         Jefferson Community College

         Daly, Bryant, Systems Analvst, Jefferson Community College,
               effective 1/1/SOr.
          Jacobus, Mary E., Student Services Officer III, Jefferson
               Community College, effective 1/1/80.


          Vice President for Student Affairs

          Hicks, Sara C., Director, Educational Talent Search, effective

          Vice President for Universitv Relations

          Henderson, John, Radio-Television News Bureau Director, University
               Information Services, effective 12/17/79.



          College of Medicine

          Burkhart, William K., from Assistant Clinical Professor voluntary),
               Family Practice, to Associate Clinical Professor (voluntary),
               Family Practice, 2/1/80 through 6/30/82.




          Collece of Medicine

          Allnutt, Richard A., Associate Clinical Professor, Family
               Practice, 7/1/79 through 6/30/82.
          Bowling, R. Eugene, Associate Clinical Professor, Family
               Practice, 7/1/79 through 6/30/82.
          Burkhart, Robert C., Associate Clinical Professor, Faumil-
               Practice, 7/1/79 through 6/30/82.
          Crossen, Phillip S., Associate Clinical Professor, Obstetrics
               and Gynecology, and Associate Clinical Professor, Family
               Practice, 7/1/79 through 6/30/82.
          Cunningham, Guy C., Clinical Professor, Pediatrics, 7/1/79
               through 6/30/S2.
          Edelstein. Stephen C., Associate Clinical Professor (voluntary) ,
               Medicine, and Associate Clinical Professor (voluntary),
               Family Practice, 7/1/79 through 6/30/32.
          Ullis. William C., Associate Clinical Professor. Obstetrics and
               Gynecology, and Associate Clinical Professor, Family Practice,
               7/1/79 through 6/30/82.
          Ferrell, James L., Associate Clinical Professor, Family Practice,
               7/1/79 through 6/30/82.
          Gorodetzky, Charles W. , Associate Professor (Adjunct Series),
               E-harmacolou, 7/1/79 through 6/30/80.
          Hench, Richard F., Associate Clinical Professor (voluntary),
               Medicine, and Associate Clinical Professor (voluntary),
               Family Practice, 7/1/79 through 6/30/82.
          Huang, Kee Chang, Professor (Adjunct Series), Pharmacology,
               7/1/79 through 6/30/80.
          Jasinski, Donald R., Associate Professor (Adjunct Series),
               Pharmacology, 7/1/79 through 6/30/80.
          Jenkins, Van Ransler II, Clinical Professor, Obstetrics and
               Gynecology, and Associate Clinical Professor, Family
               Practice, 7/1/79 through 6/30/82.
          Jones, Erwin A., Associate Clinical Professor, Pediatrics,
               7/1/79 through 6/30/82.
          Kaplan, Martin, Associate Clinical Professor, Pediatrics,
               7/1/79 through 6/30/82.
          Kaufman, Maurice, Clinical Professor, Pediatrics. 7/1/79
               through 6/30/82.
          Lewis, David T., Associate Clinical Professor, Family Practice,
               7/1/79 through 6/30/82.
          Macfarlane, Noble T. Jr., Associate Clinical Professor, Pediatrics,
               7/1/79 through 6/30/82.
          Maddox, Paul F., Associate Clinical Professor, Family Practice,
               7/1/79 through 6/30/82.
          Martin, Dan A., Clinical Professor (voluntary), Community Medicine,
               and Clinical Professor (voluntary), Family Practice, 7/1/79
               through 6/30/82.



         McLeod, Robert N. Jr., Associate Clinical Professor, Pediatnics,
               7/1/79 +:hrou;h 6/30/82.
          Myers, John E. Jr., Associate Clinical Professor (voluntary),
               !Mediccne, -nd Associate Clinical Professor (voluntary),
               'amilv Practice, 7/1/79 through 6/30/82.
          Nunnelley, Preston, Associate Clinical Professor, Obstetrics an._
               Gvnecology, and Olinical Instructor, Family Practice,
               7/1/79 through 6/30/82.
          Rider, Joan E., Associate Clinical Professor, Pediatrics,
               7/1/79 through 6/30/82.
          Trapp, Claude W., Associate Clinical Professor (voluntary),
               OnhthalTnologY, 7/1/79 through 6/30/82.
          Waddell, William J., Professor (Adjunct Series), Pharmacology,
               7/1/79 through 6/30/80.
          Wells, Francis B., Associate Clinical Professor (voluntary),
               Ophthalmology, 7/1/79 through 6/30/82.



          College of Agriculture

          Morgan, June G., Ag. Technician I, Management Operations, after
               18.1 consecutive years of service, effective 2/1/80.

                       ADMINISTRATIVE ACTION



          College of Arts and Sciences

          Allen, Timothy W., Visiting Instructor, (part-time), Philosophy,
               1/1/80 through 5/31/80.
          Boxill, Jeanette Marie, Visiting Instructor, (part-time),
               Philosophy, 1/1/80 through 5/15/80.
          Dey, Dipak K., Visiting Instructor, Statistics, 1/1/80 through
          Hufferd, James L., Visiting Assistant Professor, Geography,
               1/1/80 through 5/15/80.
          Neill, T. Kerby, Visiting Instructor, (Dart-time), Psychology,
               l1l/80 through 5/15/80.
          Reeves, Edward B., Instructor, "part-time), Anthropology,
               1/1/80 through 5/31/80.
          Robinson, George M., Visiting Assistant Professor, (part-time),
               Psychology, 1/1/30 through 5/15/80.

          College of Business and Economics

          Pescatrice, Donn. R., Assistant Professor, (part-time), Economics,
                1/1/80 through 5/15/80.
          Webster, Allen L., Assistant Professor, (part-time), Economics,
                1/1/80 through 5/15/80.


     Colleae or Communications

     Church, Samuel M., Visiting instructor, (part-time), Communication,
          1/1/80 through 5/31/80.

     College of Engineering

     Ballinger, Robert S., Visiting Instructor, (part-time), Engineering
          Mechanics, 1/1/80 through 4/30/80.
     Hopkins, Tom C., Instructor, (part-time), (temporary), Civil
          Engineering, 1/1/ 8 through 5/15/80.
     Poage, Joe, Visiting Instructor, (part-time), Continuing Education,
          8/16/79 through 12/31/79.

     College of Fine Arts

     Christensen, Barbara F., Visiting Instructor, (part-time), Art,
          l/l/80 through 5/31/80.
     Dunn, Jon R.J., Visiting Instructor, (part-time), Art, 1/1/80
          through 5/31/80.

     Graduate Center

     Lynch, Lawrence K., Visiting Assistant Professor, (part-time),
          Martin Graduate Center for Public Administration, 1/1/80
          through 5/15/80.

     College of Social Professions

     Lusk, Mark, Visiting Instructor, (part-time), Social Work, 1/1/80
          through 5/15/80.


     College of Allied Health Professions

     Coughlin, Kathryn Ann, Instructor, (part-time), Clinical Nutrition,
          12/1/79 through 6/30/80.
     DeBolt, Jill A.. Clinical Instructor, Health Education and Research,
          11/1/79 through 6/30/80.
     Bohman, Isabelle, Visiting Assistant Professor, Physical Therapy,
          1/1/80 through 6/30/80.

     College of Dentistry

     Kimmel, Richard, Assistant Professor, (temporary), Restorative
          Dentistry, 11/1/79 through 5/31/80.

     Medical Center Library

     Allen, Stephanie L., Librarian III, (temporary), Library 6
          Communications, 1/1/80 through 6/30/80.

      College of Medicine

      Barton, Donald C., Assistant Clinical Professor (voluntary),
           Family Practice, 9/1/79 through 6/30/82.
      Brueggemann, Carl J., Assistant Clinical Professor (voluntary),
           Family Practice, 11/1/79 through 6/30/82.




Click, C. Glyn-don, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Family
     Practice, 1/1/SC through 6/30/82.
Eblen, Kenneth i., Assistant Clinical Professor (voluntarv),
     familv -rae'ice, 9/1/79 th-rougch 6/`0/2.
Flnnery, !Nlaureen A., Clinical Instruczor(voluntarv), Family
     Practice, 11/1/79 through 6/30/82.
Freer, James A.'., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Family
     Practice, 2/1/80 through 6/30/52.
Hamilton, William Frank, Assistant Professor (Adjunct), Pathology,
     effective 11/1/79.
Hatten, iH. Paul, Jr., Assistant Clinical Professor (voluntary),
     Diagnostic Radiology, 1/1/80 through 6/30/82.
Hoffman, Phillip, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Medicine,
     1/1/80 through 6/30/82.
Houston, Robert L., Assistant Clinical Professor (voluntary),
     Family Practice, 9/1/79 through 6/30/82.
Joyce, Ellen Marie, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Family
     Practice, 11/1/79 through 6/30/82.
Kemp, William C., Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Family
     Practice, 11/1/79 through 6/30/82.
Life, Darrel Dean, Assistant Clinical Professor (-voluntary),
     Family Practice, 9/1/79 through 6/30/82.
Moss, Kelly G., Assistant Clinical Professor (voluntary), Family
     Practice, 11/1/79 through 6/30/82.
Palmer, Stephen D., Assistant Clinical Professor (voluntary),
     Family Practice, 2/1/80 through 6/30/82.
Peters, C. Kenneth, Assistant Clinical Professor (voluntary),
     Family Practice, 1/1/60 through 6/30/92.
Ratcliff, Elmer B., Assistant Clinical Professor (voluntary),
     Family Practice, 1/1/80 through 6/30/82.
Roberts, Lon E., Assistant Clinical Professor (voluntary),
     Family Practice, 9/1/79 through 6/30/82.
Roberts, Marvin, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Family
     Practice, 9/1/79 through 6/30/82.
Samuels, Michael E., Assistant Clinical Professor (voluntary),
     Community Medicine, 1/1/80 through 6/30/82.
Spalding, Charles, Assistant Clinical Professor (voluntary),
     Family Practice, 9/1/79 through 6/30/82.
Taylor, Paul M. Sr., Assistant Clinical Professor (voluntary),
     Family Practice, 11/1/79 through 6/30/82.
Wolf, Paul A., Assistant Clinical Professor (voluntary), Family
     Practice, 9/1/79 through 6/30/82.
Yancey, William E., Assistant Clinical Professor (voluntary),
     Family Practice, 9/1/79 through 6/30/82.

College of Nursing

Hopkins, Marilyn A., Assistant Clinical Professor (voluntary),
     l/l/80 through 6/30/80.

College of Pharmacy

Schanzenbach, Kurt S., Assistant Professor, (part-time),'*
     11/1/79 through 6/30/80.

*Special Title Series




         Elizabetht sown Comrmuni ty College

         Brit~air., John 0., Instructor in the Co'munity College System,
               2/1/80 through 6/30/80.

         Jefferson Community College

         Gilbert, Robert B., Instructor in the Community Ccllege System,
               12/7/79 through 6/30/8.
         Meredith Vicki A., Instructor in the Community College System,
               1/1/80 through 6/30/0.
          Simmons, Sandra C., Instructor. in the Community College System,
               1/1/S0 through 6/30/80.

          Lexincton Technical Institute

          Barnes, Robert L., Instructor in the Community College System,
               1/14/S0 through 6/30/SO.
          Maggard, Robert M., Instructor in the Community College System,
               (temporary), 1/1/80 through 6/30/8.
          Waterman, Marilyn, Instructor in the Communitv College System,
               (temporary), 1/1/80 through 6/30/80.

          Somerset Community College

          Harris, William E., Instructor in the Community College System,
               (voluntary), 12/1/79 through 6/30/S0.



          College of Education

          Nelson, C. Michael, Professor, (with tenure), Special Education,
               named Acting Chairman, Special Education, 1/2/80 through

          College of Engineering

          Back, Lyle N., Assistant Professor (with tenure), Electrical 7
               Engineering, named Assistant Dean for Instruction, Engineering,
               effective 1/1/80.
          Conger, William L., Associate    Professor, (with tenure), Chemical
               Engineering, named Associate Director of Summer Programs:
               University Extension, effective 1/1/80.


          College of Allied Health Professions

          Storat, Robert, Assistant Professor (Adjunct), Allied Health
                Education and Research, and Assistant Director, Clinical
                Associate Program, named Acting Director, Clinical Associate
                Program, Allied Health Education and Research, 1/1/80 through





         Medical Center Librar-y

         Lucas, Barbara, Librarian ItVT named Head, Public Service Medical
               Center Library, effective 12/1/79.



          College of Architecture

          Wilson, Thomas C.,Visitinr Assistant Professor, 1/1/80 through

          College of Arts and Sciences

          Allen, Susan E., Instructor, (Dart-time), English, 1/1/80 through
          Bohen, Christopher F., Instructor, (part-time), English, 1/1/80
               through 5/31/80.
          Brewer, Celia, Instructor, (part-time), English, 1/1/8S through
          Burkholder, Donald L., Instructor, (part-timej English, 1/1/80
               through 5/31/SO.
          Campbell, F. D., Instructor, (Dart-time), English, 1/1/80 through
          Cetrulo, Christine L., Instructor, (part-time), English, 1/1/80
               through 5/31/80.
          Conway, Glenda, Instructor, (part-time), English, 1/1/80 through
          Crosby, David A., Visiting Instructor, (full-time), Physics and
               Astronomy, 1/1/80 through 5/31/80.
          Dawahare, Debra H., Instructor, (part-timeLEnglish, 1/1/80
               through 5/31/80.
          Gehringer, Martha G., Instructor, (part-time), English, 1/1/80
               through 5/31/80.
          Godfrey, David A., Instructor, (part-time), English, 1/1/80 through
          Greco-Curry, Bryan T., Instructor, (part-time), English, 1/1/80
               through 5/31/80.
          Hamilton, Sally, Instructor, (part-time), English, 1/1/80 through
          Hettich, Rebecca L., Instructor, (part-time), English, 1/1/80
               through 5/31/80.
          Howell, John D., Instructor, (part-time), English, 1/1/80 through
          Huntress, Elizabeth J., Instructor , (part-time), English, 1/1/80
               through 5/31/80.


    Jackson, JaccuelVn V., Instructor, (Dart-time), Enclish_ l/l/SC
          throu g  5/31/80.
     Jurin, Arvin H., Instructor, (Dart-time), English, 1/1 /3 through
    Redmon, Delmar Ray, Visiting Instructor, (part-time), Philosophyv
         1/1/80 through 5/15/SO.
    Va-n, Tassel, Carol, Visiting Instructor, (mar-time), Sociology,
         1/1/30 through 5/15/SO.

    College of Communications

    Peel, Barry W., Visiting Instructor, (part-time), Communication,
         1/1/80 through 5/31/30.
    Rayburn, Winnifred, Visiting Instructor, (part-time), Communication,
          1/1/80 through 5/31/30.

     College of Fine Arts

     Hall, Bruce R., Visiting Instructcr, (part-time), Art, 1/1/80
         through 5/31/30.
    McCord, Barbara M., Visiting Instructor, (Dart-time), Art, 1/1/80
          through 5/31/SO.
    Mendes, Guy M., III, Visiting Instructor, (part-time), Art, 1/1/S0
          through 5/31/80.
     Tannen, Jason, Visiting Instructor, (part-time), Art, 1/i/SO through
     Tower, Ann P., Visiting Instructor, (part-time), Art, 1/1/80 through

     College of Social Professions

     Taylor, Ann H., Assistant Professor*, (three-fourth time), Social
          Work, 1/1/80 through 5/15/80.


     College of Medicine

     Anzures, Humildad, Assistant Clinical Professor, Pediatrics,
          7/1/79 through 6/30/82.
     Bachman, Richard K., Assistant Clinical Professor, Pediatrics,
          7/1/79 through 6/30/82.
     Ballard, Ted D., Assistant Clinical Professor, Family Practice,
          7/1/79 through 6/30/82.
     Baker, James W., Clinical Instructor, Family Practice, 7/1/79
          through 6/30/82.
     Beihn, Robert, Clinical Instructor, (voluntary), Diagnostic
          Radiology, and Clinical Instructor, (voluntary), Radiation
          Medicine, 7/1/79 through 6/30/82.
     Blair, Murvel C., Assistant Clinical Professor, Pediatrics,
          7/1/79 through 6/30/82.
     Boarman, Christopher, Assistant Clinical Professor, Pediatrics,
          7/1/79 through 6/30/82.
     Bobys, Stephen M., Clinical Instructor, Obstetrics and Gynecology,
          and Clinical Instructor, Family Practice, 7/1/79 through

'"Special Tit-le Se'i_-s



Erown, Robert K