xt702v2c8d2r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt702v2c8d2r/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1873-01-jun10. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1873-01-jun10. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1873-01-jun10. 1873 1873-01-jun10. 2011 true xt702v2c8d2r section xt702v2c8d2r 


Kentucky University, Morrison College
               June 10, 187

MNeeting of
June 1C,

Renrort of
F zec. C m.
re- 1

Motion t o
s dop t
motion to
m.e n  the
l,.tter motion

^.iotion to
amend lost
M~o tjion to
app rove

Regents report
Time given
Trea surer

Thi;s esolu-
tion adopted &
made a by la77
see n. 256.

By Law

       The Board of Curators met at Morrison College . t 2 o'clock
  P. M. and upon calling the roll the following Curptors were
  found. present-
       P. M. Bishop, John G. Allen, Andrew Steele, D. S. Gooeloe,
  James B. Beck, J. S. Woolfolk, G. W. Elley, A. H. Bowin:n, Joseph
  Smith, R. J. White, R. C. -Ricketts, B. B. Groom, J. P. T~rbitt,
  BP R. Sloe~n, Z. M. Shirley, S. 211. Win-, Hor-3ce Miller, Josenh
  Wasson, Benj. Gratz, J. B. Bo '.inan, 0. T. Worthington, V. E.
  Rogers, A. G. Herndon, Jn. Aug. 77illiams, John Shsckelford.

       Session opened. with prayer by Curetor Ricketts.
       Chairman called for reports of Comtees. mwhereupon Curptor
  Smith read the report of the Extive Comtee.
       Curator Steele moved that the report of the Comtee. be adopted.

       Curator Ricketts moved to amend that all of the report be
  adopted except so far as applies to the use of the Grounds la-st
  year for holding a Fair. A discussion then arose participated in
  by Curators J. G. Allen- Beck- Elley- Regent Bowman amendment
  was lost. The question of approving reoort was then submitte' ani
       Regent Bowman then reae his annual report setting forth the
 present condition and. management of the different Colleges of the
 University. Curator J. P. TS.rbittn moved that the Regents' Report
 be refered to appropriate Cov.mitties  adopted.

       The Treasurer asked for farther time to report -Granted till
  tomorrow morning. /251/
       Curator R. M. Bishoo as Chairman cf the Committee of Five an
  unfinished business not refered the Board tha t he wa:.s not rcealy
  to report t-,hereupon fFrther time wns- granted.
A.     Curator Joseph Smith offerel tre following resolution to be
  called up at some future 4 ir-e of this session of the Poard..
       viz: Resolved
                     1. That during the sittings of this 2oBoard no
  declaration or motios shall be entertained involving the Charac-
  ter of any Officer, Professor or Curator unless it be mn.2-e in
  written char-es and specifications over the signature of the
  person or persons making sa-id motion.
       2. No charges shall be entertained that does not -    rtrin to
  incompetency or unfaithfulneas i4n duty.
       Curator '17illizrns moved to adjourn until to-morro- morning at
  9 o'clock  Adopted  Benrddiction by Curator Elloy_  __