xt7000002x4s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7000002x4s/data/mets.xml  Thomas Merton 1964-10-14 This letter is from collection 75m28 Thomas Merton papers. archival material 75m28 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Thomas Merton correspondence Letter from Thomas Merton to Carolyn Hammer, October 14, 1964 text Letter from Thomas Merton to Carolyn Hammer, October 14, 1964 1964 1964-10-14 2023 true xt7000002x4s section xt7000002x4s October lh, lQéh


I have not h ard from you or Victor for some time, and am writing to
find out how Victor is getting along. I suppose that he is slowly recovering
and that, inevitably, one cannot expect him to be able to get around so
easily. But I do miss you both and it is a long ttne since we have been
able to get together. Is there any chance? I aémit, November is not going
to be too good for me, as it is rather crowd d, and from December on there
is not much good weather. I wish there were some way 0: my gettinc over there.
However, since I cannot come in person I senda nrotogranh. It is by no
means such a "presence" as Victor's painting and is considerably less

All summ r longI have had trou le with the s in o? my hands, a» innine
with what seemed to be poison ivy ant going on with some kino OI Ierma.titis
for which there seems to be no satisfactory cure. It is a little better at the
moment, however,

Do you know that liarco Fa 1lie is coming witha eroun o." musicisns to t‘is
nart of the country? He is stonpmng off here on the way from Louisville to
erea, on Oct c>ber 2Lth. They give concerts of ancient music, as you nrobably

know. You might be interested in h aring them.T hone they mav nlav something for
5 here, but am not yet quite sure how it is to be arranged.

Please let me know hov Victor is and is there is anv ehnnce of our
getting tog :ether. It ha.s been so longs ince we have had a chat, anr T hone
one way or the other we can meet.

Very best r garés to both of you, and all blessings.

Most cordially in Christ,