xt7000002q77 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7000002q77/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1997-02-28 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 28, 1997 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 28, 1997 1997 1997-02-28 2020 true xt7000002q77 section xt7000002q77  





lblAb’llelU 1111i




destructive characters. See Review, page 2.


WEATllflI Chance of showers
today; high 55. Showers likely
tonight; low mid- 50s. lVarm
with rain tomorrow; high 70.

Klllfll "l“IlE japenese monster

movies add a new face to their line of





February 28,1997
. (lasifiedr 7 6.17.77

(.rosm'ord 7 Sports 3



l)ll'(fl'loll.i' 2 Viewpoint 5



committee to decide late at student tickets

with it, ”
students are constantly getting the

Brlan Dunn
Staff Writer

A vote today decides whether
or not fewer students will watch
men’s basketball games in Rup
Arena and take in home football
games in Commonwealth Stadium

This morning at 11:30, the
ticket committee is scheduled to
meet at the Boone Faculty Club to
vote on Athletic Director C. M.
Newton’s pro osal that 1,700 stu-
dent basketba 1 and 2,000 student
football tickets be directly sold to
the public and faculty because stu-
dents weren’t using all of their
allotted tickets.

The committee is made up of
representatives from throughout
the University. Whitney Hale,
director of governmental affairs
for the Student Government

Association represents the student
body, and David Stockham, dean
of students, will vote for Student
Affairs in place of committee

which he communicates to the
committee the opinions that have
been brought to him by students.
Some of these include reasons for

decline in student





james Kuder, ticket sales like
yice fchanscel- "a“ cmm.. schedule and lot-
or or tu- terv times and that
dent Affairs. VT". AM“ mpmm part-time students
Stockham “9km commutes meets a “:30 are not allowed to
said he this mommg 3‘ the Boone Facu" purchase tickets.
applauded the tyCIUD- “I think the pro-
athletics osal is ilausible
department’s VThe Mai WI" reduce the End merits very
and commit— number 0' Student ”35"“?3" serious considera—
tee’s efforts to was by 11700 and football “Gk' tion," Stockham
put the pro- “Shim-000' said.
posal before SGA President
the University Alan Aja said he
because the understood the

University had not been as well
informed with previous ticket

He views his role as one in

Athletic Department’s point of

view from a business stand oint,

but he felt that wasn't enough.
“I’m honestly not very happy

A cyclist’s obsession

By Jay G. Tate
Weekend Sports Editor

[March 23, I996 — Franklin,

“Good luck, Eddie,” the com-
petitors grumble as he makes his
final preparations before the race
begins. Pull a strap here. Tighten
a joint here. Check the tires. Fill
up on water. Scan the opponents.
Visualize the race.

Shortly after, UK junior Eddie
Church rolls along, laced nicely
inside a pack of cyclists It' 5 like
any of the other 50 races over the
East year. He’s where he wants to

e ._ drafting off the riders in
front, conserving energy for the
last push which will come in an
hour or so.

Things feel good. His legs feel
even better. It’s a good race.

It feels like a winning day.

May 12, I996 — Paducah, Ken-

Eddie’s home looks roughly the
same since his last visit. It’s a place
he’s been many times, a place
where he feels comfortable.

And comfort is in high demand.
Eddie is home for the first time
since March, havin spent the last
month and a hal wondering if


he’d ever get here again.

The Nashville race is largely
absent from his temporarily belea—
guered short-term memory.
There had been an accident. A
do had run out on the course,
and there was nowhere to go.

He had been “aslee ” for five
days. Eddie doesn’t cal it a coma
—— sa 5 it’s too dramatic.

T ere had been damage to his
brain and as a result, the left side
of his body wasn’t working. It was
the kind of damage which ointed
to the possibility of 11f: in a
wheelchair, problems with mental
organization, struggles with the
most basic things in human expo-

“That was a time when igno-
rance was bliss, I guess,” Sara
Church, Eddie’s mom, says now,
nearly one year after the accident.
“I didn’t want to face the severity
of the injury

“I had always told him to do his
best at everything and this was no
exception. I knew he would give it
his all. I knew he would make it.”

She was right. Only one month
after being told he may never walk
again, Eddie was up and about. He
was talking. He was aware.

“I wanted to prove all the doc-
tors wrong,” Eddie says. “There
was never any doubt — I wanted
to get back to cycling.”

But getting back into a sport so
physically demanding was a tall
order. Cyclists by trade are at the
peak of physical fitness, often rid-
ing 20 miles or more per da

After 47 days in hospitaifs, days
when Eddie’s legs would no
Ion er move on command, his
b0 y was not what it used to be.
His leg muscles, long hardened

' and toned as the result of thou-

sands of miles of road racing,
hadn’t been worked in a while.

And it showed.

“People would come up to me
and say, ou look good, ’” Eddie
says. “And, that was really hard. It’s
not like I’m some kind of invalid.

Eddie still has problems with





Members 12;: Kafpa Alpha, Phi Kappa Tau and Kappa

Delta swrntrning tearn d during
Delta antrna/Si Nu Anchor Splash [art night
(above). Tara Pac er, journalism sophomore and
Miss Al ha Gantrna lta, waits between rwirnmin

events. he .1wirnrnin events d a week 0 activities
which raised 31,000 Service Sight. eoverall
winner was the Si Chiand Beta Phi tearn. Second
place went to Phi

a:d "59h Theta.
Delta Sigma Phi aiid Chi th



é’n'x J ”“1.


his left side. Though it’s improv—
ing, his left leg continues with its
cantankerous ways. It still has the
tendency to move along clumsily,
which has obvious drawbacks to a
cyclist. Each leg needs to push the
pedals at full stren th and at the
moment, that’s not appening.

“All I can do is keep working,”
Eddie says. “I’m a erson that
loves routine. My 111% is cycling
and whatever needs to be done is
what I do. I don’t do anything

In keeping with his drive to
return to competitive cycling,
Eddie immediately set out to
begin the long road back. One of
the most popular therapies for
people with similar injuries is
aquatic recreation.

The pool challenges a wide
variety of muscle groups and
serves as an ideal way to help
regain a patient’s lost strength and

It’s a great idea.

Eddie didn’t know how to

“I was terrified of water,” Eddie
explains. “I had never learned to
swim and truthfully, I wasn’t really
wanting to learn how, either.”

The passion that accompanies
those devoted to their craft will
lead them to do anything to
progress. 50 Eddie jumped — er,
eased -—— into the idea of swim-
ming to help him reacquire his
lost skills.

Acceptin the challenge was
one thing. (5vercoming his fear 0
water was another.

That’s where Margo Lynch
comes in. Lynch, a 1995 UK grad-
uate who is now a local swim
coach, got a call from Paducah
explaining how Eddie needed
someone to help him learn to
swim. Without hesitation, she
acce ted.

’m here to help him et com-
fortable with the water, Margo
says. “He came in here and told

Only one

me, ‘you just tell me what to do —



he said. “It seems that the

shaft lhe UK basketball team
belongs to the students.”

But only about 1,800 students
per game are picking up tickets
from the 6,700 allotted, according
to the Athletics Department
report. On average, more than
800 tickets aren’t picked up at all.

Newton said the department
needs to sell those tickets because
it is self-funding.

Assistant Dean of Studentsjake
Karnes, who serves as a liaison
between the athletics office and
Student Affairs, said he under-
stood the Athletics Department
has a business to run.

Because student attendance
may change the number of stu-
dent tickets given to the public
each year, Karnes said he had no
problem with the proposal as long


as the students can get the tickets

“If the students don’t pick up
the tickets, then (the public)
should be able to pick tip the tick-
ets." he said.

Newton said a passn-e fan, one
who would rather watch the
games on television or follow the
team on computer, was emerging.

But Aja said there were several
other factors that were leading to
declining student participation.
Students don't want to pay the S 5
charge, they don’t want to go to
the 8 11.111. ticket lottery and they
don’t like the weak home sched—
ule, he said.

Also, Aja thought the four
games over the holidays affect the

Most importantly.
don't feel like they’re
Rupp Arena because

a part (11

cx11cd to the upper arena bleach—
ers, be said.

“The UK basketball team
belongs to the students," he said.
“Students may be at fault, but the
system is at fault too .\1.11be the
whole process 1151.11 of Ru 1p
\rena and basketball needs to lie
looked at

R1 .111 lohnson .1 bistor1 sopho-
mote. said he u11derst1mlx1h1 the
Athletics l)cp;'1rt111tnt \11s piopos
ing the change.

“It's just sad that the students
aren't filling the seats they have."
he said.

Kelly Killebrcw, a nursing
freshman, said only a few days for
students to pick up the tickets
wasn’t enough.

“The ideal situation,"johnson
said, “would be to mow the stu-
dents down there where they have
the rich alumni."






IIEAII HIST junior Eddie Church .rwims in the pool at the Lancaster Aquatics Center weekday mornings at part of
his rehabilitation from a cycling accident.

I’ll do it.’

“He’s really easy to work with
because he wants to learn. He
wants to improve”

The improvement has been
remarkable. It was only early
February when Eddie began to
feel comfortable in the water.
Now, he swims in water far above
his head without hesitancy.

And on a recent day with tern—
peratures in the mid 60s — per—
fect weather in which to ride — it
was the Lancaster Aquatics C enter
that got his attention. He felt the
pool would be of more benefit that

“He’ 5 so motivated, ” Mar 0
explains. “He comes in here fin
lessons at 7 a. m. —— a time when

most people don't do much -— and
he does something (he) hates so he
can improve. It says a lot about
what kind ofpcrson he is.”

So what kind of person is
Eddie? Focused. Determined.
'l’ough-minded. Confident.

But after the crash, there was a

See CYCLE on 3

Speaker recounts journey

By Chlp Bright
Contributing Writer

Anthony Cohen awed the
Worsham Theater crowd last
night with stories from his per-
sonal experiences tracing the
Underground Railroad.

Cohen began his journey last
May in Sandy Springs, Md. end-
ing at the Howard-Holland fami-
ly reunion, descendants of a
refugee slave family, in Ambers-
burg, Ontario two months later.

Now his journey takes him
from elementary schools to col-
lege campuses to government
agencies in an effort to educate
the public about the Under-
ground Railroad.

‘Hc has turned, what 1 and
many others thought, a piece of
African-American history into
just American history,” said Jon
Hall, inc-chairman of the Student

.. a ..... .- 4;“-..

- ana.-.


Activities Board Multicultural
During the presentation,

Cohen said, “I want to show peo-
ple that this is a very diverse
piece of history full of legend and
lore involving many different
races and beliefs.

Although not on the run from
slave hunters, Cohen faced many
obstacles during his trek of the
historical trail.

He covered the 1,200-mi1e
trip by foot, train and boat,
sometimes walking up to 25 miles
a day.

Cohen’s unique approach to
the journey offered interaction
with people via the World Wide

“I had a web page where peo-
ple could e-mail me, and offer me
any further information regard-
ing my quest," the 33- -year- -old
historian said.

Cohen hopes to publish a
book from excerpts of a diary he
kept while traveling.

A documentary of the journey
is also expected, which Cohen
said all proceeds from will help
start a national foundation for the
Underground Railroad.

Spectators from campus and
the community gathered after the
show to discuss personal feelings
about the topic.

Rev. John Reece, a board
member at the National Under-

round Railroad Museum in
haysville, said the Underground
Railroad was a spiritual journey
for the slaves with only the
Northern Star and God to guide

“Without any knowledge of
who or where they were looking
for, the slaves attained their free-
dom through raw faith," said
Reece, also a part-time student
at UK.


t . i a





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«.mmuv, W .2333:

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By Josh Herr

There is something oddly

appealing about monster movies.

They aren’t works of art by any
stretch of the imagination, but it is
somehow satisfyin to the internal
misanthrope in al of us to see a
major metropolitan area destroyed
by a rampaging puppet in the form
of a nuclear mutation. Surely at
some point we have all wished that
a big green thing would come
tramplintg through our world, tak-

e annoving bureaucracy

ing out
that plagues us all.
On to

movie was intentionally bad.

You have to give a monster
movie the same sort of leeway that
you would give to, say, 3 Jackie
Chan film or a B-grade horror
movie. When all is said and done,
it’s not a Merchant and Ivory pro-
duction by any stretch of the

imagination, but its a lot of fun.

And what, you might ask, is

Gamera exactly? Good question.

In the fine tradition of Japanese
monster movie mutations that
brought us a giant lizard, a flying
pterodactyl, and a huge ravenous

of that, it’s great to
watch an see exactly how bad the
special effects, writing, and acting
possibly can be. And of course you
can’t go wrong with horrendous
dubbing, which in the case of this




moth we have been



nerdy chick to stop


given another innova-
tive creation: a giant,
flying, fire-spouting
turtle. OK, so maybe
it’s not the most origi-
nal creation to grace
the silver screen, but
you ain’t seen nothing




the beast before it is


too late.
Like most of the
latter-day monster

movies, a few more
monsters get trotted
out for some awesome
monster for monster

till on see a turtle toast brawling. In the mix it
Togyo. f . irhr gets kind {ff difficult

ot as or as it oes to remem er w o it
is really pretty rougne. (out offim) was we were supposed
If you've seen one “Camera: to be rooting for. Of
monster movre, you’ve Guardian course, in the end,
seen ’em all. The fall- qftbe Universe” everything ends up

out of nuclear radiation
creates another horren-


okay, and the beloved

humans are saved, but



dous beast to unleash
upon the world, and it is up to a
stalwart band of scientists (.3) and a

who cares. As far as special effects
are concerned Camera seems to
almost revel in its cheesiness, as

' Photofinobd
"MILE PWEI The giantfire-breatbing turtle fights bi: arch-nemesis in tbejopanese-monmrflick Gomero.

the rubber monsters stampede and
fi ht and fake blood spurts. Some
of the finest points in the film
come in the battles between our
title character and his gargantuan
flying reptilian nemesis.

I would have to say, as a con-
noisseur of monster films, Gamma
ranks highl on the list of essential
classics, a list that includes such
giants of film-making achievement
as the sublime Son of Godzilla, the
highly cerebral Roda series, and, of
course, the Citizen Kl" ofJapanese
monster movies King Kong V:

So monster fans everywhere
looking for something to do at
midnight, go to The Kentucky,
slap some extra butter on that
popcorn and have a blast.

TIII‘IISII makes auspicious label llflllllt

By Brian R. Gilbert
C mn‘ibutr'ng Critic

If simplicity served as a goal for
this Canadian foursome when
entering the studio, then the
most certainly left successfu.
Sweet Homrwrerker is the first
major label release for Thrush
Hermit, a power pop/rock group
from Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Demonstrating their diverse
taste in music, Thrush Hermit
takes you on a l4—song roller-
coaster ride of simple, guitar-driv-
en rock and pleasant, dreamy


melodies. Statin that the have
been influencedg by ban 5 like
AC/DC and the Beach Boys, Sweet
Home'wrerker clearly shows how
these influences have affected
Thrush Hermit.

With grinding guitars and
scream-like vocals being the sign
of the times (i.e. Marilyn Manson,
Rage Against The Machine),
Thrush Hermit offers an alterna—
tive sound that relies on lucid
melodies, flashy guitars and off-
key vocals to car their songs.

The first single off the album,
“North Dakota,” begins with a



Pbm fumisbed

IIIIIIISII HIP"! Tbe Nova Station power pop band Tbrwb Hermit released
itsfim major label album in Sweet Homrwrerleer.’

And the Grammy Award goes to...

VRecord of the Year — Change

" the World, Eric Clapton.

VAlbum of the Year —- Falling
Into You, Celine Dion.

VSong of the Year —- “Chan e
the World,” Gordon Kenncdg,
Wayne Kirkpatrick and Tommy

‘ Sims.

VMale Pop Vocal Performance
— “Change the World,” Eric

VFemale Pop Vocal Perfor-
mance — “Un-break My Heart,”
Toni Braxton.

VNew Artist — LeAnn Rimes.

VPop Performance by a Duo
or Group — “Free as a Bird,” The

VPo Instrumental Perfor-
mance gr an Orchestra, Group or

nor—‘1; Artist - “The Sinister Minister,”

Bela Fleck and the Flecktones.
VPop Album —- Falling Into

You, Celine Dion.

VTraditional Pop Vocal Per-
formance for Solos, Duos or
Groups — “Here’s to the Ladies,”
Tony Bennett.

VProducer of the Year —

VMale Rock Vocal Perfor-
mance — “Where It’s At,” Beck.

VFemale Rock Vocal Perfor-
mance — “If It Makes You
Happy,” Sheryl Crow.

VRock Performance b a Duo
or Group - “So Much 'lxo Sly,”
Dave Matthews Band.

VMetal Performance — “Tire
Me,” Rage ainst the Machine
Rob Zombie and Alice Cooper.

VHard Rock Performance —
“Bullet With Butterfly “rings,”
The Smashing Pumpkins.

VRock Instrument Perfor-
mance —— 'SRV Shuffle,” Jimmie

driving guitar groove, but then
slows and almost silences as the
vocals appear. This change occurs
continuously throughout the song.
As vocals combine with guitar and
drums in the chorus, a full, solid
sound entices one to sing along.
Possibly the greatest downfall
to the song is the cheesy l rics
which accompany the music. ead

slow, poetic song in which the
band most effectively demon-
strates their writing talent. Benvie
sin 5 in a gentle, restrained voice
andg correctly conveys the emotion
that the music creates. As he
croons, “And it is so strange to be
so involved, where nothin ’s
resolved. And I don’t mind at al ,”
the peaceful guitar and drums lull


vocalist and guitarist
on the song, Joel Plas-
kett, sings in a standard
pro-pubescent voice,
which fits perfectly
with the clangy guitars,
it is 'ust what he sings
that thers me.

“The state of North




you into a tender,
dreamy state. Again
the lyrics are question—
able as to having a
point, but then I’m
sure there is a deep
meaning that is just
soaring over my head.

The song “At My









Dakota has to fill its V Ex ense” is extremely
quota/ and separate the ***1/2 upbeat and contains a
irls from the boys/ (out affiv) c orus which will rat—
keep the trouble out of e tle in our head, and '
Illinois.” Simple Mb Hermit both “ eart Wrench-
rhyming lyrics fill most ing Man” and “Dar-
of the songs on the ‘Sweet ling Don’t Worry” are
album and rarely make Homewnrker’ the most radio friendly
much of a point. (Elertm) pop songs I have heard
Thrush Hermit has in a long time.
wondered why they The 0 enin and
have been labeled “young and closing tracks “Skip e Li e” and

cute” in the ast. Obviously, they
havn’t looked) at their lyrics for an

One interesting aspect of the
band is that they utilize multiple
lead vocalists. Plaskett, guitarist
Rob Benvie and bassist Ian
McGettigan all sing on different
tracks and combine on some also.
This helps add to the diversity of
songs on the album. Plaskett wails
on most of the guitar—led tracks,
while Benvie sings on the softer,
melodic tunes. Both have similar
voices, but the style in which they
sing rovides the variety.

“ trange To Be Involved” is a

Vaughan, Eric Clapton, Bonnie
Raitt, Robert Cra , BB. King,
Buddy Guy, Dr. ,l’ohn and Art

VRock Son ——
One Reason,” 1sracy
VRock Album
Crow, Sheryl Crow.

VAlternative Music Perfor-
mance —“Odelay,” Beck. , -

VFemale R&B Performance
- “You’re Makin’ Me High”
Toni Braxton.

VR&B Performance by a Duo
or Group — “Killing Me Softly
With His Song,” Fugees.

VR&B Song “Exhale
(Shoop Shoop)," Bebyface.

VR&B Album - Wordr, The
Tony Rich Project.

VRAP Album — The Score,

1:pr Solo Performance —

“Give Me
— Sheryl



. Lester?

“Came and Went” are noteworthy
also. “Skip the Life” 0 ens the
album with a bouncy eel, and
“Came and Went” ends Sweet
Homewrrrker with a seven-minute
tour-de-force of the band’s musi-
cal ability.

On whole, Sweet Homewrerker
is successful in its simplicity.

Thrush Hermit’s first attempt
at major label stardom is com-
mendablc,_ but the band does
:lt‘ruggle infdefining a sound all

eir own. I u en 0 wer
alon the lingoof ezzepfor bfiodla)
Sur , this is an album you might
consider picking up.


VRap Performance by a Duo
or Group — “The Crossroads,”

VCountry Album - Tb: Road
to Ema-do, .1..er haven.

VFemele Conn Vocal Per-
formance — '3 tie,” LeAnn

VMale Country Vocal Perfor—
mance — “Worlds Apart,” Vince














USC, UK battle for SEC

title Sunday, honor seniors

By Chris Eesterllng
Spam Editor

No. 3 versus No. 6.

Senior Day.

For the Southeastern Confer-
ence Championship.

Win, and the Cats capture the
school’s 39th conference title,
sharing it with USC. Lose, and
the Gamecocks capture the SEC
title for themselves for the first
time since joining the league in
thel991-92 season.

UK enters the contest at high
noon on Sunday with a 27-3
record overall and a l3-2 mark in
the SEC. South Carolina is some
number-6, but more importantly,
l4—l in conference play.

The Cocks also won the only
game played this season, winning
84-79 in overtime on Feb. 4 in

If the Cats win, they would also
clinch the number one seed in the
SEC Eastern Division for the
conference tournament which
begins Thursday at The Pyramid
in Memphis, Tenn.


Win or lose, UK will be play-
ing its first tourney game next Fri-

But the SEC Tournament is
the least of the two team's worries
right now.

“I sure hope it’s one of the
mar uee games this season,” said
Sout Carolina Coach Eddie
Fogler of Sunday’s game.“Right
now, the two teams who are on
top with wins and losses overall
and in the league. It will be a very
difficult games for us, to go into
Rupp Arena —— where it is very
difficult to win — on Senior Day
to say the least.

“I think Kentucky is an out-
standing basketball team,” he said.
“I marvel at the job Rick (Pitino)
has done with his team; losing
Derek Anderson and yet develop-
ing others to take up the slack.
They are very, very difficult to

In the first meeting between
the two teams, UK was short-
handed due to an ankle injury to
Jared Prickett that sidelined the
senior forward for two games.

Despite this injury, the Cats
jumped out early on the Game—
cocks, taking the lead into the
locker room at halftime.

But the tremendous backcourt
trio of 8.]. McKie, Larry Davis
and Melvin Watson blew through
the Cats in the second half.

The trifecta helped give Car-
olina a 11-point lead a one point
in the second half.

Pitino’s squad wasn’t done yet,
though. They rallied back, even
taking a four-point lead late in
regulation before letting USC tie
it at 75. Ron Mercer’s jumper at
the buzzer rimmed out and the
teams were heading to overtime,
where Carolina eventually took

“W'e played an outstanding
game here (in Columbia),” Fogler
said of the first contest.

“They played well here
although they played without
Prickett. They get (him) back (for
Sunday’s game).”

Sunday will mark the final
game in Rupp Arena for four
Wildcat players -— three seniors
and the NBA—bound Mercer.
Prickett, Anthony Epps and
Anderson will be honored in the
traditional pregame ceremony.

Mercer will get a special recog-
nition immediately following the



Rupp Arena
UK (27-11. 13-2 SEC)

‘ Idleeel tenths: No. 3
Probable more: He: Rd:
6 Anthony Enos 82 '50
6 Ron Mercer 18.1 5.3
C Jamaal Magloire 5.7 4.8
F Scott PM 10.0 5.1
F Allen Edwards 1111 3.8
Reserves: C Nazi Mohainined, 8.2 goo; F
Jared Puckett 7.6; 6 Wayne tuner. .0. G/F
Cameron Mills. 3.3; G Stephen Mesiello. 0.9.

s. Carolina (22-6, 14-1)

Mellon! No. 6

Probable starters: III: M:
G Melvin Watson 1119 4.7
G at McKie 17.4 3.9
G Larry Dams 165 4.1
F Ryan Slack 6.0 4.1
F William Galimm 85 6.5
Reserves: C Nate Wliboiirne, 6.0 poo;

F Herbert Davis 4.0, F Arthur Carilsle 3.6: F Bud
Johnson. 2.7; G Hagar Rouse. 1.1.




game prior to the awards ceremo-

The same type of recognition
was given to Jamal Mashburn on
Senior Day in 1993 after he
announced his decision to leave
for the NBA.

, _.....w v».«»-qu.*flsw..i .. .. a

money Kernel, Friday, £an 23. 1997 8

Cocklight to relocate in Rupp






.. . , you’ve been under a lock termspasi ten weeks you’iie ard aboutthe
South Carofina backcourt. Point guard Melvin-Watson has enlarged as one otthe



GRAB IT Start Padgett, averaging IO point: per game, attempts a rebound




coinitry's mostexplosive and crafty floor leaders, dfsh ‘ otitlive ass per game- i .
and scoring iridoubte figures. North Carolina t ' . g 'mi '
bedroom Meanwhile. UKwireieiynmsopnomore-wm '

sailor Anthony Epps wit spent some time at tliotwogiiard

iiitiiiiicouiii _ ,
On a team dominated with superior guard play. 8503 tronléoult

doesn‘t get the attention it deserves. ”The Gamecocks rely heavilyon Ryan m i 1,)?3tson
andWiiiamGallmantoraninsidepieseme.1lioumtlieycomblriielororily-10.69~ ~ ,-
points per game, it’s rebounding that matters, v—llley haul in to hardener me.




SOUTH cnlilllllilnsmts



learn statistics learn statistics








"ll _ mm TheCats omiomraagmmmmmmmmmwmm. .1 ' i "30 “WM:
.472 Field Goal Percentage .398 1* m ' .- .451 Field Goal Percentage .423
.687 Free-Throw Percentage .665 The mm o, the use mama” upwards 0,30 Wes per game. m * .687 Free-Throw Percentage .673
.362 Three-Paint Percentage .318 m the becgch to 023011 filmy; logo. W UK press :11ng ‘ .377 Three-Point Percentage .323
83.5 Points Per Game 61.6 . m ”l“. - :3 “9° . ”Mm” “3‘ 75 0 Points Per Game 66 1
Dave’Siidaee-gohipercem convoandsnmolookstranmeuxdetanse. ‘ '
39.9 Rebounds Per Game 33.4 - - j - . . 37.4 Rebounds Per Game 33.8
15.2 Off. Rebounds Per Game 12.4 ' . - p ' ,. * , , 13.8 011. Rebounds Per Game 13.0 g
20.0 Assists Per Game 12.5 ngg ggmgggmgmm' a _ 13.5 Assists Per Game 13.2
15.1 Turnovers Per Game 23.4 “Eoglerislonlt‘r‘mto becomefite‘i'l‘ir‘slSEC coach to 14,0 Turnovers Per Game 14.5
5.2 Blocks Per Game 2.6 illumfwmmhkmmmw 3.3 Blocks Per Game 3.1
12.6 Steals Per Game 6.7 ' ' ‘ ' 7.2 Steals Per Game 7.3





Women enter SEC tourney play

By Rob Herbst
Wee/rend Spam Editor

One could speculate that nine squads have
something to play for in the Southeastern
Conference Women’s Basketball Tourna—
ment this weekend in Chattanooga, Tenn.

Some teams like Georgia and Alabama are
playing for seeds in the upcoming NCAA
Tournament. Then there are the proverbial
bubble teams like Arkansas, Ole Miss, and
Auburn who need a good showin .

Then there’s UK (8-18, 2-9). The Wild-
cats would need a miracle run through the
SEC Tournament to advance to the NCAA
Tournament. ‘

Tenth-seeded UK will take on 7th-seeded
Arkansas (17-9, 5-7) in the first round of the
SEC Tourney at 3 p.m.

Arkansas head coach Gary Blair said,
“We’re a bubble team. We need to win
against Kentucky to make it hard for the
committee and that’s the number one thing.

“If we don’t make the NCAA Tourna-
ment, we may be the on] team in the history
of men’s or women’s bas etball that’s been in
the Top 25 in both polls all year and not
make the NCAA Tournament.”

fill Ni ght at the Movies


Currently ranked No. 23, Arkansas has
fallen on hard times. The Lady Razorbacks
have lost 5-of-7 to put their NCAA hopes up
for grabs.

UK and Arkansas met each other in Jan-
uary in Fayetteville. Arkansas gave the Cats
an 88-55 drubbing.

“Kentucky is playing very well right
now,” Blair said of UK, losers of six of their
last seven. “We handled them pretty easy in
F ayetteville. That could be in our favor or it
could work against us. Obviously we cannot
overlook anyone.”

The Wildcats enter the SEC Tournament
on a modest one-game