xt7000002n8q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7000002n8q/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1980-04-08 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 08, 1980 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 08, 1980 1980 1980-04-08 2020 true xt7000002n8q section xt7000002n8q .. ‘T . .- I?
Vol. LXXII. No. no - all ‘
Tuesday. April 3. I980 . .I k
l'nlverslty of Kentucky N , _. If”
Lexlngton. Kentucky an Independent student newspaper ‘\ I‘ A ,
arter ans tra e wrt ran t. . .
l s “I hit V g .. I.I II. . s-:-- IIIII
orders diplomats to leave I l .1...
By The Associated lam. Sadr‘s proposal to transfer custody of reasons or where the national interest " » . -. .".. 1
Avatollah Ruholliih Khomeini has lh€ Americans to the ruling requires” ' f“, .. II ' I; _ _ i ‘
scuttled the We“ firm“ I“ Revolutionary Council. , “The hostages and their families , . u ’\ A" .. . . st \os . 7
concrlitation in the Iehran hostage lhe hostages Will remain under the 'hde‘id‘hll °l us lh America _‘ have . ' . ' _ ’ MggI
crisis. and pigment (aim has control of their militant captors until llVCd “I’lth thCIlffllllty and the anguish W w l ar" " ‘ t _ \s i“
retaliated by breaking diplomatic the new Iranian Parliament decides of their IcaPIIVlty for five months." - ‘ ‘ 3 33;." h I ‘ . , 'h
relations. ordering Iranian diplomats thrill late. lt said. SUCh a decision may Caner said. a. -. .. “' “if
out of the l'nrted States within 34 he months away “The steps l have ordered ‘ ..
hours and banning virtually all IIS. Miter lengthy meetings with his top (yesterday) are those_ that are ' _ gore t t * __
trade “1th Iran foreign policyadvisers. Carter wenton necessary "0W," he said. “Other " . “l ‘vx‘. * sift ’1 .. .
It was the toughest Amt-map, intinn national television and announced the actions may become necessary ifthese \ . - at. . " ' ' '
against the humans in more than four new retaliatory stepsz Step5 d0 "0‘ I’m‘l“cc th° Prompt f It .- . a§ zI" '
months. rind ('arter warned that A break lh diplomatic relations. release hf the hostages." ( ii“? ’ 3“ ‘:-.-,::¢,;, ' 1 I
continued refusal to tree the 50 l .8. EXPUlSth Of all Iranian he dld hOl say what other steps “ 5‘ tits -
Embassy hostages "will ant)l\€ diplomats and officials remaining in might be taken. bl" a naval blockade x ' ' . . ‘5‘ ’
increasingl) heat) cost to the the l'hltt'd States by midnighttonight. 0f Iran ls known to have been h i“ h - " ‘ to; W ‘thh ‘ fit?" r
government of Iran “ A prohibition of almost all COIhSldel’Cd and the Uhlted States ' Vfio‘h" H '-'~-:':a,';‘.' Q ,‘kwt _ as?“ 2%“
Carter. in an announcement turthcr C-‘tPOTtS to Iran. This Wlll might try ‘0 ehhSl the help 0f “5 ‘ #3 ~ lib i-i c i . -. . ‘ “am
' hroadgdgl Inc from ilIL' W‘hlit‘ H Olly: virtually eliminate trade. even in {00d European allies in further CCOHOITIIC s _ I z t ‘ b‘“‘j‘ ha . \ .3‘ igh ”h he I a‘Ww ’
press room. said his government has and medicine. which were exempt retaliation. . . 5&1“ I--I--"“I hsi't I; “1‘s
shown "exceptional patience and from earlier sanctionsCarterimposed. There was no Immediate comment ”‘9‘" » “_ $1;
restraint" in Irving to resoltc the All inventory (ll “OI-Ch Iranian on the developments from the & i a"? '. (he.
stalemate assets in the United States with a view militants who have held the embassy "'_'. » N ' a M “Ti as» I
But he said theretusalol the Iranian toward establishing a program of and hostages since NOV- 4- " ' r was .
government to assume control oi the financial assistance to the hostages A SPOl‘csman for a MOSlem ...; It yafir’l'
. hostages from [he mmmnh “h” haw and their familiesI and to prepare for movement close to the militants had ;. $.sz . be‘ - 1
held them for more than rm. months claims by LS. corporations and said earlier in an interview with a 3 ,_ ” - I » v. .
“lays full responsibilitv"tor the mot others against Iran. An estimated $8 Western reporter in Tehran that he i“ . - . .. .. ~' "hi-"=3 i
on “an; rc\(,i,m._)m,.I alum“. billion in Iranian government assets expects“theliberaland compromiser‘s ‘ r. ~. », ‘I ' ,
Alalollait its-holler Klit‘iix'JE'. and was frozen last fall in one of Carter‘s Wing Of the 8°V°lnm°“t" ‘0 "3' again ». , »_ a“ » - ' *a‘x’.
Iran's governing Remitmnndpt initial retaliatory steps. to transfer the hostages tothe Iranian ’_ g sgfIIt .- ., zft ‘; i“ .. .
(‘ouncil Invalidation of visas issued to government before the Parliament i. {fig . ta=a:".':s;;§ig;.i%i‘l=-‘€x;_ ‘Qgi§iar§§h ‘
V Karlie: \estrfrtid‘. Kliitms-tiil office iraniiins for future arrival in the meets. h‘gsgj “19% “gang‘s
a i'aaad *iaia Ha d new or Elections have not been completed s. sis ‘ a“ -
' re\ olutlona r\ leader llad reiected lt‘ht‘WllS Wlll ”m be issued “6X00 Pt lOl’ for the new Parliament, and no date is {Th-- ' ‘ N '5 «htgs‘ish‘h‘ \ ‘
' Iranian President A holhassan ‘Banl- compelling and WOW" humanitarian set for h to meet. ‘ h g t‘g‘g‘g is; helm‘h‘ ., '
Radiation traces found In test we 3 _ . A A”
l I i I i Y at culzsrm SI'BIJ-ZTT/Kernel suit .
. around base Of Three Mlle [Sland It was-little scary at first as the guinea pig...er...the“Q Supply Secretary Dana Rhodes. left, assists Gloria
bird” tried to relax after getting a pint of blood drawn Leosu. a registered nurse, right. in comforting the “Q
, . during the Donor Derby yesterday sponsored by Stu- bird," WKQQ‘s radio mascot. The Donor Derby will
8) The Aswtllted Pm. the concentration Is about l0 percent krypton 835- . dent Government and WKQQ-FM. Central Kentucky resume today at noon and run until 8 pm.
of the EnVlronmental Protection The steel-reinforced concrete walls -
Traces of radiation. possibly from Agency‘sdrinkingwater guidelines.”it are 4 feet thiCk and theirinterior hasa C I K t k Bl d C h
' the leakage of severe]; contaminated said. layer 0f steel about a half-inch tthk- entra en UC y 00 enter oplng
water. have been sound In his: wells ”l he statement said no unusual Most concern about leakage focused .
drilled around the base o! lhrce ’vlllc radiation has been found in the on the possibility that water might I -
Island‘s damaged nuclear reactor Susquehanna River downstream from cause the steel lining to COTl’OdC- to reaCh estlmated goal and not see red
. containment building. talficlals it. the the plant. The concrete walls. withom the

. power plant said tcstcrtiay ‘lritium is knowntoexistinboththe lining. cannot be penetrated by .

. _ Plant operators said they would not water tank and in the 600,000 gallons radiation, and they would prevent the By PAUL MANN This screening protects both the donor I“ll a married student donates. then -
rule out the pOShlhlllt) that some oi the of reactor cooling watertrapped inside escape of radioactive gases. But they COpy Editor and "Clpleht inthat the donor mustbe hls spouse. h'S children and bOlh 55“
severely contaminated water in the the huge reactor containment were not expected to stop the seepage symptom-free for at lCaSt seven days. Of parents are also covered for one ‘

. building has begun to leak out for the building. of radioactive water. A blood drive sponsored by the This insures the recipient that he will year,“ she said. . _
first time since the March Zh‘. l9“), The highly radioactive cooling The eight WCllS were drilled around Central Kentucky BlOOd Center, UK “0‘ have a disease transferged into his Hagan cmphastzed that .th plan ls
l accrdent at the plant‘s Inn 2 reactor water accumulated in the basement of the base of the containment building Student GOVCrthht and LCthBtOTl body through the thOd- especrally a 309d deal considering the
But a statement issued h)‘ the plant the ZOO-foot-high building after it so that samples could be periodically radio station WKQQ-FM will be held The donor is then put under the care price 0t hl00d ”l mosthosprtalsrsSlOO
said the radioactivity was more likely gushed through a stuck valve at the taken just to be able to detect such today in Memorial Coliseum from Ola phlebotimistwho willmakeafinal a plht' ‘
from a large outside storage tank that height of the crisis. the worst in the seepage noon to 3 P-m~ check and perform the thOd dlanhS Hagan praised the Central Ken-
I holds mildly contaminated cooling history of commercial nuclear power. Local residents and government Todayisthe second and finaldayof process. The actual hl°°d donating lucky Blood Center forsettingupIteIm-
water for lMl‘s undamaged and idle ’lhe 400.000-gallon Unit I tank, officials have opposed any releases of the drive. takes about 20 minutes. porary bl°°d centerI thd provrding
. [hit I facility. which has developed small temporary radioactive water into the Susan Hagan. so special projects “After the blood is donated it is posters for the drive. “KQQhasalso
"Last week. water samples from leaks in the past. is located near the Susquehanna River. chairperson, said the drive hopes to taken to a hl0°d bank and 5"“th lh do,“ I? greatI l°h hf promoting the
three of eight wells hgid ll’liltlm lQ\t‘l§ ['ntt 2comainmem building, The City Of Lancaster and other I'CCCIVC 500 pints of donated blood the lab.“ WCbStCI' said. "It IS then dI‘IVC. Sl‘IC sald: Anyone Who donates
about two to live llmc‘s grca'er than Some officials had expressed communities downstream obtain their Howey". at Presstime only 88 pints of GISPCrSCd to 40 counties in Kentucky." hl°°d Wt“ few“ 3 h“ album “0'“
normal background.‘ the statement concern in recent months that the drinking water from the river. hl°°d had been donated. The fourth and final stage takes WKQQ plus coupons from local fIast-
said. walls of the containment building In recent weeks. however. attention An official working at the project place at thC recovery or canteen area {00d restaurants. Today a hm'wd
" Although the aCtltlt} tor thcsc two might eventually leak either the water has been focused on a proposal to vent said Eastern Kentucky University where the donor relaxes another 10 to number 0f "‘0‘" passes are also to be
elements is abmc background le\els. or a less serious accumulation of some radioactive kryptongas from the hOldS a similar two»day blOOd drive l5 minutes before being “ht 0“ hlS given Ohl- However: JaneIMiller. a
I I containment building into the each semester which raises approxi- wayr 59Ph0m°Ir€ malor'Ins in metal work.
LTI S eIUSIve 86 seat atmosphere. mately 400 units of blood per day. Webster‘s advice to all donors is to did "Ct 81"? bloodyustso she FOUld get
Plant officials have said they need to Jim Webster. who is in charge of the take it easy for the rest of the day and a free album. COUPONS or movie passes.
' I vent the gas to be able to enter the operation. said all lyPCS 0t hl00d are "0t smoke a cigarette for thirty min- “My roommate and} decrdeo a If" 9f
IS dead ' for fourth t'me building and get on with cleanup needed and the blood drive is open to utes. This is du:to the fact that one‘s PCOPlC need blOOdI. she said. THIS
operations, including the treatment of all UK faculty, students and the Lex- blood count is lower than normal and was my hTSt tll'hc- . .
By JAY HAMBL‘Rt; expulsion for too many absences. th€ radioactive water. lh8t°h community. the body needs time to regain h‘S T.°"."“y . Franklin, a senior “5.0
start Wntcr In its ruling,the Judicial Board said, They saythe venting ofabout57,000 “We are averaging about [8 people strength "13]“th "l Isocral work. had his
“...it is not our purpose to obstruct curies of krypton would involve no an hour which isn‘ttoo bad." Webster ”383" said that "0‘ onlylslhc Pl°' s°°°"‘l ”when". as .3 lil°°d d°“°’
After four separate Miles at tour lustice. btit to uphold the constitution public health hazards. They also say said. “Bl" we hope to do better." “’55 painless ht" added lhhl h is also yesterday. .Frfhkhh said u was scary
separate meetings, the L I l as we have clearly done in this case.“ there iS many times that much WChStCl' said there are four steps very beneficial. “th" a student but worth l"
amendment was finally pronounced The ruling went on to say. “...wc radiation in the water. ihVOlVCd lh donating blOOd- First, the donates Now be. his parents. hls Theres hmhlhh to be scared 0h
dead at last night is meeting of Student urgcthe Executive Branch(the student No official decision has been made donor must register with rhc recep’ “Others and We“ arc covered any; The P‘f’l’lfihm “F “f“flerlhl and
Government. The proposal to give senatorsl. to look at itselfand ask why on the venting plan, pending public tionist and from there is screened for where In the country for one year ll “WOW"; he “'d- hs all well
Lexrngton Technical Institute asenate it is such a difficult task to have the hearings and future impact studies. any medical or physical problems. they should need blood. 0T83hl1¢d~
seat cannot be [CHV'Cd until next fall. required number ofsenators present to
Even the passage of the [III P355 an amendment. Oda
proposal at the April I meeting was “Perhaps other means should be security cell in Attica state prison. Berkowitr warned Lebanese ll°htl¢t before dawn yesterday and lllllCd l
overturned by the lUdlClal Board 0" consrdered ‘0 "‘5‘": attendance. that publicity could spark more mass murders. baby. an adult and one of the Israeli soldiers who
- April 4. Senators can not and must not exhibit m stormed the building and slew the five terrorists. the
The board found that the apathy in matters as im ortant as ~ Israelis said.
. amendment did not have the requtred these “ p KIEIINTUCIKY UTILITIES Co. announced yester- wigs: 5,21:sz1; Exaggrgizfgzfid n: The sttack.just as Passover week ended.coincided
two~thirds approval of the senate due lh a final attempt to P355 the dayitineekinganI|.4percentrstehike.which would operating. according to a university of Cincinnati with lh° Mlhuh “h.“hl“ President Carter h" called
to an error in the roll count The 23 amendment before the semester ends, "m h" ”"1th .‘h ‘d‘hhm‘h $3.0" m'll'°“”“" sociologist. ' w‘lh Egyl’h‘" Pm'd‘m AW." S'd‘l "d hmh
affirmative votes cast on April I were 50 Presrdent Mark Metcalf asked the The “gang?“ “lzllhhme h'kfe‘hghhloved‘would The comments of Norris Johnson. who studies col- th‘l‘hh'h" Mch'Chem Best: wfihfvclx h:h°d
not enough to pass the amendment senators at last night‘s meeting ifthey means ' mont y increase on chvcrahecuml lull“? behavior. come tour "‘0th llttCtl‘St'llll’Cdt‘ Palestinian sutonomytslks. at .el or as mg:
becau th ll ' l- r w ld d ' ' mer whose house does "ohm“ electric heat. . b persons attendingarock concert at Riverfront Col- l0" yesterday hhd he'lh follows next week for separ
5° "C are actua 3 » 3 CUT-Cl“ °hI atten 8 5le3l "“3""! Oh No information was available for customers using - y ate (all!!-
senators. not 34 as the senate April 28. Passage at the specral session electric he“ iscum left ll persons dead. . Wm
incorrectly reported at the April I would count as the second of two "860“ K 432312;; irih‘iiisovill:itchithheriiea‘iii‘LIflerslifh:
mcfi‘lcngz'} affirmative totes were two 2:65:53];th votes need“! to ratlfy the . I . place a situation in which uninhibited behavior ofa SO MUCH FOR THE 6000' Now for the bad;

. - - DAVID BERKOWITL New York ( nt 5 son in t ., ,_, , \ ,.....,II“ in, — Raintoday wrthareallygood chance ofthundershow
thirds 01 l4. bui "2} I lit votes were Only eight senators raised their Sam killer. ssysit‘sslmost impossible for hlmto“lcc: ' crsthrougliouttheday.Thetemperatureisgoingtobe
needed to pass" In a senate constituted hands to signify that they would be guilt and remorse” for his crimes while television and world Ilrlzhl though With hill“ in the '0‘” t0 "lid 70* The
of 35 members, according to SG Vice willing to attend. the movies glorify mus killingund reduce ‘victimsto rain will be endinl later tonight With literati“! Wt“-
President Sid Neal. Senator At-large Britt Brockman mere objects." PALESTINIAN TERRORISTSinvsded snursery dyness. Look for inure overcast me! tomorrow W'th

The 42-seat senate shrunk to 35 (who is also the vice president-elect) In a letter to The Male New: from a maximum full of sleeping children at n kibbutz in the Israeli- temperatures again in the high 60: to low 70:.
senators due to resignations and Continued on page 3 -——-——————
h i

 KENTUCKY Debbie McDInlel .
[idllur in ('hiel Mark Green ‘ Kim Aubrey Thoma (‘hrl John Chy Guy Landon
Jay Fond! Bob (‘ochnne Izhlerlummem Edilor Spnm [it] ill Director of Photography I
(In Willis .‘1\\U( mic Edi/tin Paul Mann . ' 1
Managing hduor (‘indy McGee S. T. Robinson . Brim Rickard Dnyid Mlynrd
Jacki Rudd Aunldnl Aim/um Spam Editor Pholo Manager
Steve Massey Lin Don-ltd ' (‘opi [ft/iron Enlerlainmem Editor
editorials & comments (um/mi Eiliiur Ital/Inna] Edi/or
' g I I I I I I
UK falling on its face during two-day blood drive being held in Coliseum
lhrce groups want your body but not for scien- tu‘al reason why they have never or only once in their lJnlike the Situation here, blood drives at other state member of your family are injured after you donate I —
um experiments or to relieve nature‘s biological life donated blood. . universmes have had successful drives and alarge blood, you. are saving yourself money and cutting
urges. A two-day blood driyeends this evening at UK; Ask someone on campus today ifthey have donated donor turnout. According to an official working at down hospital expenses.
. few people donated yesterday and allthe groups desire blood. if not, they Wlii probably have an excuse. LlK’s preject, Eastern Kentucky Universrty holds a .ConSider that the cost of one pint of blood atahos-
is the presence of your body and a pint of your blood. But is there any excuse for denying a seriously Slmlial' two-day blood .dl‘lVC each semester and raises pital is approxrmately $l00. If you, your brothers or
Whatever the reason because your friends are injured person the blood he needs to live? lfthere isa apprommately 400 units of blood per day. sisters, your parents. your spouse or your spouse's
. donating. because you are feeling generous or because blood shortagein Kentucky hospitals and no response Should UK, the state‘s leading university. in many parents are seriously injured and require a large
- .' you know the far-reaching benefits ofdonating blood. to community blood drives. someone could die. Each areas, go down in the donation books behind EKU number of blood transfusions — then because ofyour
do it in Memorial Coliseum today between 4 pm. and individual contribution is extremely important and and other state schools? UK‘s blood goal for the two- blood donation — the patient or patients will receive .
ls pm. at the blood drive sponsored by the Central can affect the whole picture surrounding emergency day drive is set at 500 pints. free blood anywhere inthe United States for one year
‘ Kentucky Blood Center. l'K Student (iovernnment operations. ‘ Only 60 pints were donated yesterday. after your donation
Lind Lexington “1le station WKQQ-FM- The importance Of these hiOOd derCS cannot be The question is why. it is to your benefit to make Donating blood takes a relatively short period of
Perhaps apathy has hit those l'K students. faculty overemphasrzed but because of poor response to time to donate —. there IS a chance your blood may time. is almost painless and will benefit you and your ‘
and staff members who haven't donated. or perhaps the drive and the University community’s apparent save someone's life or provide blood for a much- family if they are hospitalized and need blood. Want .
» they are simply scared ofthe donating process. lt‘s an “It‘s my blood and I'll keep it" attitude. this blood needed operation. . . an update onthe donor turnout? Call 254-8948 before
. ' experience everyone should try. ifonly to have a fac- drive may be a failure. There IS also an economic benefit. If you or a 8 pm. tonight.
' hrs—\m . i -
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« - . ea tin la Iarrsm hard to sto ' decrease educa tron 3 value
. I P,
' ‘ heryone cheats \Aell. maybe not Clearly. for many different reasons. others hide the evidence of their tever guess you venture on the number the teacher must have solid evidence. placed priorities in an ihStitUtiOh 0t
, ~ ' ' everyone. but lllfl percent is the most any count of people who admit they wrongdoing and copy the work of students cheating.the number who ln the case of plagiarism. it is the learning.
‘ ‘ .- accurate ilgurc that can be casually cheat is an underestimation. . themselves. get punished for it IS much smaller. instructor‘s burden to produce the A COiiCSC degree‘s worth is PTOPOJ'
. ' ; tossed around For seyeral weeks he ——_ Do plagiarists and cheaters get Attempts to crack down simply make source of the material plagiarized. It is tionai to what it takes to get one. in a
tried in vain to determine how many . _ caught? I‘ve not found any statistics cheaters work harder to avoid detec- not unreasonable to require strict world Of supply and demand. most
' students cheat to beter their grades. riff/n available, but one professor openly tion. and stringent rules are unfairto proof. butthe result is that plagiarism attend college to get-aheadbofthecom-
, ' and the most reliable estimate pub- g admits to catching plagiarists regu- the honest students unjustly accused is an almost unenforceable offense. lt petition and maxtmize their contribu-
' ‘ 2 _' . lished claimshlipercentof the students larly and booting them out of class. or the victim of a mistake. is unrealistic to expectanyoneto track tiOh to their heid Of interest. it the l
- i In higher education admit to occur m This deters cheaters who enroll in his What‘s more, thehfinancial struc- the material down from overtwo mil- average graduate reflectsalowerqual-
:* ‘ sional cheating. Personal experience confirms this. courses, but gives him a reputation ture of teaching makes thorough lion library volumes orcountless other ity. represents only the money ttt9°k
. -- ‘- , M} figureIshlsht‘rhccuuscthoscxti A friend of a friend complained thatteaches otherstoavoid hisclass or checks impractical for most of the Private SOUYSCS- togetthedegtec»°thaShtti°mte8htyr
~ . i " l‘t‘rCCht 1”? Ct’htemd Cheatersflhd thC recently about her customers plagiar- disguise their work well. faculty. Frequently, instructors work lfyou getcaught, aslap on thewrist then we all iOSC- College becomes
' . most hard-core \illians wouldn't ”mg the work they give hertotype for Plagiarism and cheating are taboos to advance their careers or seek out- or course failure is likely to result. If worthless for anything but the rare ‘
- . * admit in a legitimate survey that they class assignments. that stifle any attempt to delve into side income to make ends meet. punished by the Dean of Students, at ease of pureintellectual stimulation. if
‘ ' . cheat. It would be against their nature. She reports it is not uncommon for their incidence, like extramarital sex, Almost all professors have many out- worst you'll be reprimanded and be you can call it that.
y Milhous Ripoff. an English iunior. her clients to ask her to type papers illegal gambling or alcoholism Eve- side interests. most of which contrib- placed on some sort of probation. Unfortunately. iittie can be done
. ,_ ' ‘ , is a case in point. “I always copy my from a book. or retype a paper from ryone from the administration, the ute to experience intheir field. intheir Break in to the sports center and about cheating. N0 census can Sttid)’
‘ , ‘ papers fromthefraternity' files or some the files of a campus organization. faculty, the students and society in situation they cannot be expected to you‘re turned over the the courts and the pr.oblem,.no.soc1al program can
-- :9 ‘ gtittfrhmehtdocumcnti thnitCOmes 'lhis womanisathirty-sixyearold col- general is cited as the cause of aca- labor over excessive precautions or receive a criminal record. We police SOiVC it- The IhCIdChCC 9i diShOhCSty
‘ . '- to putting words on paper, lautomati‘ lege graduate. and refuses business demic dishonesty. so everyone ignores complete checks of footnotes. the theft of property more than we do reflects the human condition, andhwe
‘ cally use someone ciSC'S- 50 i answer from students who are obviously it or refuses to talk. To bring a student before the dean the theft of ideas and academic disho- each add or dCtht from "th 0t"
’ '1‘ ' that i dtih‘t Cheat." cheating. Still. she wonders how many One thing is known, however. Wha- to face charges ofan academic nature, nesty. This seems to be a case of mis- 3Ct10h5-
t I '. r y‘ y : -
A k h '
_ .. , s not w at your corporation can do for you, but what you . . .
- . 2‘ . ' By Ml('HAl~Il. l). DAWAHARE absurd. reversal through their acquiescence. against the proposed legislation ~ and not “the systemisthe solution“toallourproblems wrong, we can boycott their products. More
' .2 ’l he most recent. and perhaps clearest. exam- worked. These sorts of advertisements foster the simply. if institutions try to impose any sort of
‘ f ‘ , 7, Nearly 20 years ago. President John ple of this can be found in the present conflict The bill. still in Congress, is a much tam- unhealthy world view Americans possess. We equity or injustice upon the American pc0pIC.
I} , 1'3; .‘ Kennedy told the American people to “ask not over the proposed “windfall"piofits tax and its pered with piece of legislation that has been are led t0 believe that the dichotomy Of our it can bc met by a °°ii°CtiV° front.
». '. I‘ p ‘ I what your country can do for you. but what plight in the nation's capitol. rendered utterly impotent. The government self-world and iitC-world is necessary. One might argue that these sorts of action
V . ' ' y" )0“ “in d“ it" Wt" “WNW" AlthOUgh conSI- M chose. and blatantly. to scrvethe special inter- The working person spends over a third of are illegal or impossible but such a statement
‘ , 2 ‘ dered by many lobe a bold statementconcern- 0 inion est groups and ignore the basic needs of the hi5 waking hours OtithCiOb- Heiscompellcd to only reflects the very problem we are discuss-
. _ ing the nature of American strength. this p majority of the American peoplc,thus making work in order to provide his sustenance, and ih8- Laws are nothing more than words 0“
1 ' j ' “tatcmeht “Ct“a”) exemplifies 2* my Signifi- —-———————— the common laborer a servant of the govern- perhaps that of his family, as well. But what paper if they are not respected by the society .
‘, '1 cant problem in the basic composition of In I979. the major American oil companies merit and the oilcompanies. But this particular about the relationship between the workerand they are supposed togovern.Generally. people
' . , » American soCial consciousness, That is. Amer- managed an immense profit increase over the case is merelyasymptom ofa much larger and the product of labor? As Wendell Berry says will avoid committing murder because they '
' , ,' icans have been told. in one way or another. previous year (some reaching nearly 200 per- older infirmity. about the modern standard of efficiency, believe murder to be womg. not just because
,2 that the} muxt serve institutions. Fsen more cent) at a time when the rest of the nation‘s The cause of our present economic prob- “instead of asking a man what he does well, it they fear the law. The power ofthc law resides
' , distressing is our acceptance of this illogical economy came to a virtual halt with an annual Iems. and the whole problem of people serving asks him what he can do fast and cheap." Berry in a SOCiCtY'S respect for it. This is h°t 3“ “8th
. . , turn of the tables growth In GNP falling below three percent. institutions, lies in the reason for our quiet' argues that this attitude “displaces and des- ment for valueiess Wichi- Rather. it is an
‘ I think it‘s safe to argue. at least ideally. that Americans were asked to conserve fuel, and acceptance of the “windfall“ tax incident and troys thC standards 0t quality."The dominant assertion 0f the most basic democratic princi-
_ , . ' institutions are meant to serve people (i0\erll~ pay higher prices at the gas pumps and on utili- other incidents like it. Americans have become idea is that Pr0tits (quantity) are 0t much PiCS- Principles that can be found in classic
' , . merits.foreitample.areformedinorderto pro- ties. and for any other commodity that soaccustomedtotheirroleof“consumer"inan greater importance than the quality 0f the American writing. “Ch as Thoreau‘s CM.
' , , vide a form and directions tothc mandates ofa requued refinement or transport while these economic system where they themselves are a worker-product relationship. These standards Dlsobedlenee.
, nation ofpeople. Laws are created to reflect the companies increased their profits. “commodity" in the labor market. that they are dictated by the institutions we serve, a ser- There is a solution, albeit a complex one. to
' \alues of the society. not to fabricate them. When this finally came to the public fore, view these two roles as natural and somehow vitude that is reflected in our conformity to the problems Americansconfrontintheirdeal-
Even in feudal societies (and that is not to say President Caner proposed a bill that would necessary. Americans have become so alic- standards of quantity rather than of quality. ings with society‘s institutions. Americans
that we don‘t live in a kind of feudal society havetaxed,atanaccelerated rate.thesc profits, nated that they are convinced that there is a 0‘" problem.however, is h0t WithOUtRSOiU' must remember that institutions are intended
' . . today). Institullonsscr\'cd.atlhevcrylcastJhc and furthermore. would have used the new necessry dichotomy of self-world and life- tion. A solution which Mid“ in ourcollective t° ”WC them, and tht°“8h collective “tiOh
, 2 , needs of certain classes funds to develop alternate energy sources, world that theydon‘t even question the validity Wiii. our power to RtUSC- We often forget that “h be made to 5"" them. home must be the
The reality of today is that most Americans since the corporations didn‘t seem interested in ofsuchadistinction. Adistinction which. upon it it were not for US. the consumers. businesses masters 0t institutions.
r serve institutions Aside from a brief New Left doing so. No sooner had the bill gone to com- close examination. is clearly unnatural. WOUId fail. Officials cannot be CICCth Without
_ movement during the Vietnam War. Ameri- mittee than the oil companies. and other Every day, Americans are told that “it‘s popular votes. lflawsaren‘tjust.we can refuse Michael D. Denim: la a Polklcal Science
, cans have accepted this unnatural. and indeed related schial interest groups. began to lobby Miller time“ after a long day at work. or that to respect them. lfcertain hUSithSCS are d0ih8 ”M0“ '

 A: . ' lHI‘ KlNll ( Ki KLR'NLL 'l‘uesdii). April 8. 1980-3 ‘ _
. _ ‘ G l l ' .. .
. ‘ I I I n ' 5 “ '
Delta Zeta, Kappa Sigma take first place in annual Gong Show g
' By NANCY GWINN Kappa Sigma lraternitv win philanthropy. the Association (ireek Week ‘(ocktarls tor lwo.‘ ‘5 -' ’
“_ 5,5 *1 ”8 Staff Writer first place tn the annual Zeta of Retarded Citizens as this lhe two and one-hall hour Second place winners were ‘ ,‘, '1
.. ' fl .»-. ’I 'v‘ 5 . lau Alpha (tong Show last iirst event ignited a week oi show was emceed b) Dave Kappa Alpha lheta sororiti ‘
. g 5g '. _’ ‘0 A crowded Student ( enter night. . (ireels competitionsarid prirtre- Murray. 4 disc ltx‘KC) irom and Alpha (iamma Rho irater» . l, , 1 . 1
j. i t‘ 1* 5. . . .2 Ballroom of about 350 people Zeta lau Alpha sororrtv ipation. llddilitindll) included i esrngton radio station mi). 1 isa Barrrett.corrimunica- ' » r3.
. I ~ saw Delta Zeta SOFOHI) and r