xt7000002k71 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7000002k71/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1999 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, November 1999 Vol.70 No.11 text The Kentucky Press, November 1999 Vol.70 No.11 1999 1999 2019 true xt7000002k71 section xt7000002k71 ‘W-‘i‘iv’wf’fimkwtmw-m-tw-rNana-wvv‘tmlm‘m‘ “Nix?!”W"'~-..:-'»v\4\v.‘..rn «m. v» ..'w ~, u» Mala , A. .. t. nu.- . .- _._. ‘hw :‘r‘r- - - _-~.:.,,.. 4*. ~‘»,.’."~‘ t’i: Mi.- ""'i.""'-v“. .’~."~'~‘".'.'-'-1"*-",.' "‘:..’,/?i5".7“.': }L 3-: .:'~-.“.--" \“.g:""'( I Ra It i.
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l Volume 70. Number I] - November. I999 68 S
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H1 h COUIT I'UICS 1n fa V ()r Of Ml ddlCSlbOl‘O 3 er
D ' ' lut I d In 1002:, 'l‘roy {Fringe Welth ‘.‘\£l'~ .. tuxo teriii lt‘t'ttf‘l-Ili'iti llm' 7ln pith :' .i . , ‘ ~ _
eCISlon on pOI '08 a mayor who \xli- t'HHHlII’g tor t" i-hctiuii i,::ht to ‘vm‘ oiiaiu-i‘ it».,' 5' ‘, i
' 'f' f H - l’tilillcal hie» til \Velcii‘» bought ;. liill tuft!» :irl i5. . not it“,_. , ,Hi lip M. 3,3' .. . ,3 t. u.
. Slgnl lCant or a llledla iii the l):iil\' Neu» and tht llt“,‘-\ll.ltitl pul- tit! v't. ttif‘, i it , é , t. .M 1,
‘ ‘ Y llr‘ltt'tl the :itcht 510 and .ia:.iiiioii Not 1 the lit". 1,. ”,4“. , , ,; 1w , ., .
”-VJJSALARNAI'IAN day helore thecll-ttioii “1-bit lo~t llii- cit-«Mon _‘,.,,i_‘j; M “ii" ._ ,4 t
Kl A News'Bureau . and claiiiied he was detaiiieil bx the next paper “MM” ,p 1, 1.14;: ., W" if“ my , . , .
'l'l “hill “' “NW: l"i"“l‘l"‘l ‘W ”W' ‘fl 'l'“ “9" and the two men who plact ii the ad -lli'liill“» “Mk‘pj'lw, m l,” “A, .,, I, m 1,. i, H.»
‘I““'-""’”-" l‘”' ”l“ ”W‘l'” ”l K"”‘”"k.V"' “WHWY l’ursit'ul and Paul Houe‘la: Hull lh- ,ii o and i] t l I i t I ‘ I i. V
‘ . w .l|,. («4- .. .li Iii-i pm". [Hit i," If“ .
the state Supreme ( ourt has upheld an appel» f'.,,-['”1M.imm invasum rit'prix'acy I l 1”" [I ' l ‘ ‘ -
. . . . . t '. (‘l'tli it It“? . , ;,( (in ,ii , ‘3 ;
late ruling in favor of the Middleshoio Daily The Supreme ('oiirt decision haiidei! dam, ””l’ " ”' ' " ‘ t i ‘ ,
v . . . . :~ ' ‘,~\J I ll ‘i it~ iii.’ 41‘ "Iliz" :i'i
News and against a former mayor who Oct. 21 tllh’lnlfih‘l‘r. all those arguiiieiih I» m” H ‘ H ‘ ‘ ' ‘
..' . _. _ . ‘. . . n , . . l‘ieiactiakei‘
(lalmed be lost, an eleition betause of a politl» It s a terrific Win. [his is a very important I
cal ad published in the paper. decision basically because it coiit HIIH':~ the See COURT. page 12 _f
V 1 ‘ v ( '-
. MC’EEQAWWQXQS Controversml . -
Pennm ton moves - i u “ ‘
g ~ » W Making Money school media
- t0 Ashland dai1y° 0" ”'8 Web - / ’
L, ’ :z/
Neil Foote, Director of pOlle a] tered /
" BOWden promoted _ _ Interactive Media for the / “
, t :1 AH. Belo Cor ., s oke . , _, .. . , _
()ctober held more changes for \ 1’ é at the KPS pFallp Ad A >( heel systt i.i \ polir , toi
the KPA/KPS Boardoflhrectors. ‘ - - - - ““fi"'””~’ W" W” W“ W" "W '
, _ . Seminar in Lomsvme “mi- , p, wt. “W“ t. ,(i
Jerry Pennington former edi- \ H "" ” ' "’1 ’” "' " "" ‘ ‘
, - , ‘ ' V , last month. Foote KIM hih hm,“ WW”, .
tor of the Big,r Sandy News in ‘ ." ’
I louis'i 'ind Dietrict 1.0-1] bi ‘H‘(l encouraged newspa- 'l he Shelby t'oiiiit \ St him; '
"‘Hmflgp; h..‘ n“ Ved tt )i} . persto eStabl'Sh web S_\'*~l"lll alteied the 'il'lLilittl poiii‘
_ .t \tl til) ll I 1’ l " 1” Sites If they haven't and Min-ti \mwi W.“ mum-a? mu.
' I 51‘1”; (“RV I” ep(}n(cnt (t5 d to take the steps neces- tlie lllsll'lt’i-~ ioit.rzzi,'i1t=. yiri ifioii- iii ‘
(“DIVA ,‘ (. nor} ”RUM. It]: ~ll-liwgpd’- sary to reinforce them in coordinator U. ii~ lt‘lt'll!""‘l 3-H it“ -
_ , [Nth-till: in t ltrthdnltilillh‘t‘u‘.' ow- . they are online. He said WM“ mm“ M WWII} ‘W’ My 11
’ (lu ll. (‘nlnll'n'l‘ lm \ll - 1" ml“? l?“ 5 ii- newspapers ShOUld t‘: The re\ i~ed u‘ei‘sioi; :vrw I
: ie )(ldH oi t ie (tiiation o lb 1 g g focus on their strong ”I.” H i»- ”I”mlmwmi‘” H; d
erm. _ . .
, . . . intzlocalnews. ,. . ,. . , ii» i, ,
kristi H|ackford~Bowden. p0 undid i ‘4‘“ ~t ;..t4.v.. 1:9,, 4
District. State—At-lati‘ge board . tomaph» U" ‘9‘ “M ('XHWH‘W I' I“
. lHLf the \t'lttitii (l.i'_ he flid'l" 73:!" i
_ See MOVES, page 11 " See POLICY. page 11
r ‘ r ‘ l \ \ -.__;_________H___ -,___. ~—}
Journalism Hall Of Fame nominations bem g accepted r——i——————-W ———~—: ,
.. ! sAhead I g
The Univei‘sitv of Kentuckv Since it was established in your nomination. i i
. r . . .‘ . , ~ . . I '2“) ntercom’emkmi L“
’ Journalism Alumni Association is 1980. more than 100 Journalists Mail the letter of nomination ‘ltflJaaSiggzllexin t2]; t?“t
" a i accepting nominations for its annu- have been inducted. and a photograph to: ltr. Huck ‘ ‘ 9 iii}? \
' ‘ al Kentucky Journalism Hall of Deadline for nominations is Ryan. School of Journalism and ; IllSide
Fame Awards. January 1.2000. 'l‘elecoiiimuiiications. l‘iii\ersit\ M l .«j."':
H ' The Hall of Fame recognizes To make a nomination. simply Kentucky. (itelliln .ltilH‘HHllsn] 1439.2: People, PapersintheNews lief, ._
‘ persons who have made significant write a letter (there is no official Building. Lexington. Ky 10300 l°Pg3zStanatfl1ebeginning-rrtakeii:j
contributions to Journalism and the nomination tormt detailiiigit he rea— 0013: _ jyourPaget lookbetter
~ selection is made of indn'iduals. son [or the nomination. LfIVIHL' £l> \ou iiia\ :et lltt'lltl'l‘ iiitoi‘iiiatioii E p ‘i _.
. . , . , . . . , o - i; -
‘ ll\'|t];; or (lead. \xho are kentucky much information as possible oi. m “min; the School ot .loiiiii,ii:~ivi hit: 6 Newspaper? to t: halqes‘i
natiyes or who have spent a siib~ the background ol' the iiidixidual 2tli(l ’l‘t‘lt't'ltHIlttllllItHllull“ Hi of. «at yincreaseinoninea vemsmg
~ stautial part «it their littlll‘nitllrlll you are noiiiiiiatiiiu. l)lt'.‘l.\t' em low Hit; lh Huck “\tlll at mitt J» .' - Pg. 9: Software copyright case “
k . careers in Kentucky .i photograph ol the noiiiiiit-e \‘.llli 15:00 hotdsimportantlessonsforall . ' "
..-. I 'e"
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" ' .. “V...” T... UWm . . , ,
.-‘I‘ ‘ I I: ‘ : . ‘ ' ii ' . I . g ‘ ‘I i ' I i . “::‘ . D. “. .» h‘ “ : e i ' I 5 ‘I >
‘ i M V' I ' i i i i .‘ h i . , t ‘* . I ’« ;:,-. .i ,- 'n' ‘ ‘i 1 f m i 4 ,‘ , ' ‘
‘ . 4 . . W U" ‘ . r,. a; " -_ ‘va 3;“ :-'.x T' 3" _~. -" MW"? . .- .

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Page 2 — The Kentucky Press. November. 1999
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‘» l ' ‘ ' - ~ =i'-~: w tli . ri ;\ \ ’1 N; e tl. ‘l\ ‘tllttit' t l1t‘t'l1lL‘l1Jt'lttltl neusmter in ‘ .. ' ' . ' . ‘ ,
MLNeelx named publisher - l . ‘ ”“ A\ ‘ ,l 1 *‘ ‘ 3' ‘, " . ‘ I I (mint [nuts Madisnm'illc ;
- .-\\\.n‘:t wt l‘..\:tllt‘l‘il‘1‘ttllt‘. .th \t‘l'Vt‘tl ix ( l.n‘l<..\\'ille. lnd ~ ‘.
‘ ‘i o I ‘ ‘ . l, ' . |.. .' -\,_ I, w . , - . t , . . .
ut Mnichettd paper ginup .1 ,th,mnwm. the! m mm .., new 51mm eta .spnits writer .
k, - I . ‘-
. . , t‘nv v urine nwtrii: )tll'llt‘ .ttt.tii'~ ; l. , . ,. » t, ‘ . ‘ ~
.l.u'l\ \lt'Nt-t-IV htts been litllllt't'l t in l l NelllL\ hllt‘d 10 hde UlllLL. l‘.(l(lle (mtnt has been hind at the . ~
' 4'. t\ " . . .-
I"tll‘ll>‘l‘x“l‘ wt The Mun-head .\'e\\'<. the .' . . - . ,- , Mntlisnm'ille Messenger 41.x n spurts 1.-
‘ .. ,. _ ., UlLUldUUll at Hnducm lllC . ._ '
tun» i 5 ~nuppu. .tntl it.~ .‘l\l(l l“ ‘llktt ,, ll . . B l b \Hlilr . _
v , ‘ I \ x ' . ‘ ‘ ‘ , . . , ~ .
r: ~ii> l'x'a'tk‘tl in Mt n- tiliura'. Uh»- lltll [\L Llll I|(llll.\ d“ \l( l“ ll .\lelt.~>;t .\.ille_\ h;i.<_;numl Ilga' 51‘th A Iinnrnulmn grruduute (:1 Murray -
ll‘lllll’l‘ ‘H‘l ( mflml’ (‘ ’euntx \[lll '1\ T1” x d \lUll ‘l‘ wt the litil‘Ine (hunt) lleruld Nt'\\>‘ .r‘ State I 'niversit). (lrzint was nn the \tnll ' 4
Mt Neel) qtrz‘nm it. .\l-‘relietttl trnn: ‘ ‘ “ l“ L‘k' L‘ 3 k thenlllee .tnd ’x'll't‘lllttllttl] Hlitllilift'l “l. ll)“ WWW] W‘W-‘l’HPWV ll)“ Murray ‘
\\'~~t \iEI‘LIlltld xxlit he \pent nine .v‘xnn Kellen h t~ 1 mid the \tttl wt Natllm “tum [m- nevxpnixtr mum» State NeWS. thr three tear.» lle ‘.\'()I‘kt‘(l .'
.lt‘\ it the l.~:.tn llttttltt't‘ ti tltnli. 'l‘ht lienfueh Stdiddr'l in l’itll‘llfiltfl‘fll In ”H. H..,-;,1(1,j\’(.w, “13]” 4““ high :15 n spnm writer. zirzsi>tnnt spurts edi- '-
11w. queer tn legztn W \'.t ll:  .t l-“V' .le.\l,1!li’l 5‘31“” (b :1 (“e-“um r SUM-m. rpm-(Spurn. tnr und mpufis editnr Uri-(finally ll‘ttllt . .
in .1\ttrietvut'pwuiwih tl the [hitter l\'~. llrttl :trtluh» l trnni lnthtnzt 1m. H“. “I” ”N.” pruninttd 1” market Pittsburgh. (liaint lll!)\’t‘(l tn l’udnuih ' .
induliiui gent-rid in tlt:if.l"l'. llltlllttlflllil l‘nnt-rxitx Swntluzeflt an MA} \Vllll :i rest-zirt‘h twitll‘lllllttllll‘ til the llerttld “hm l1“ ““5 ‘l- H“ attended H‘dm'i‘l‘ ’i ‘
«liter. llt‘\\.\ txlitnr Kind quart.» wlitur lle' luu'helerk depre e in t'nimnunimtitin NV“; aster Pumh-JUHHI ”H. ('eniinunity (‘nlleg’e lit-lure transferringr
hum ltl.‘ nexx \ptiper tuirur tit 'l'he ( ‘nnl While :it ll V >ht \t't'K‘Hl .i.\ tditnr at the lilimhethtnwn \Iews-lfinterprise Wm,” tn Murray State.
' '1..'.\ .I tn . ‘II _. \‘ . ,. ‘
\_il1t I\ N w inI .\I1.tdi~t n \\ \ ti. tttItti l): pintnn nt ut (\ HHHHHlt .tIlHn. Sh“ wnrkul until 199:. She was must .
r‘ ‘ t' ' t ’ ‘l ‘ ' < i' \' - -‘ ’ ' '\’\' ‘ 5' R "x V ' fl y , y 4 , x \
\v‘hlll‘nlly; “l“; ‘Ilf’lnflr': n ”3 ll“ ll ‘ n I“ 1‘ lht! kill” t h iltlli‘ r t l“ recently emhlnyed at 'I he hentut‘k)‘ KET S Mdbtl Cd“ ClCLth
‘M‘i ,.. --;.r; \ ‘ . I
. mm. It t n. t n« mitmnn t l t“ in 1 “Mt i l Hl t l t _\ tinI tn Standard m Bunl>tnwn as an ndvertts~ . .
( ‘ .\ . ~ , v \w e . ~ w - t - . . . . ‘ ‘ \
I In 1.*.Il\ht pt lll t lthl ninntn. .i. it Hit pnhlit nl.ttian1>('1.'itt-> l)l\'lr~‘l()l1
. I , . _ \ ‘ -_ > I - N , Hchpupt‘rt1)‘d('(‘|'pttltt‘HlltUrhjtil)
' r- 1" n A xiii» 't’n‘m.‘ erm :w ‘ '«.-' ~.:;' . ... . IIIII WI , .,,.» ..;. i,.. ‘
Y N... V. I,“ .L 1.. '. 1., "~" “ l“ ‘»'-'~ " ‘ 11‘ .. ""“l Mnnsnur replaces Mit'hnel Bunk: _ . . _ .
:Lm rt” ,-x . At .r: .: ,-, . \x'hn Sf‘fl't‘tl 21>UdllHTHlVTllt‘:\(‘l\'tx‘tll£' HillTlS 101115 ”C“ .\ Stall
it v . < \ \ ‘ llm‘v' ' ‘ Vt ‘
3"” rt \r 4» .. . “ .7 ,. ~ ‘ ‘ tnr the past 1‘) years Banks th‘x‘t‘pIHl (t - w - w
l ‘ ‘ ' '» l * ‘t«,_ t: . t' » _ h . . I ' l i V” — ‘
l1 ’ ‘ ‘ “ ‘ ‘ " halt in nitmagmg editnr til the lUJ‘KK) t'ir ‘11 LUnLlUll 8 5L llllllLl ELI“) ‘
i "' t'“ l" " I'x " I . I _
i , . ._ t. _. . I. t... . ('HltlllHlt d;nl\' paper in hzutnnm .\( i ”I ,‘l'tlh'f' Hum; ll..‘I',.,;l.t-tl the \mtl
l i » \ . .. . 3: . .U ' ~ , \e t T m" ”NU” (fiizt‘tte. Mnnsnur \wrked nt"l'he.\'entinel l‘lt‘lln in lendnra
. I: l .t! The i-de'neute lrnm 1978. when he lllil‘t‘lrl i< :i t'et‘t‘hi :’l';tr.lll m (\l
‘J _ . .. ' ‘- ' ...; , ii'll‘tml the ,‘tnfl'tis n reporter. tn 199(3. lJHdM‘} dei. ('I-‘Jit-Ue While at
, . , - ;». . . , .. .. I the ltifil thrw years spent as Itttutt’tgll‘m l.ind.\e\ \‘x risen >he ~» I «ml .‘t~ ethtni.
; “I,   ., . . . with): He then act'epted ;i int, .15 editnr writer .tnd ltll‘llHLflttlf’lH‘l' tar the ml
3 ' i U ’1 i.. v - , it 'l‘ht .‘ltnrms News and held tlmt pm". lures hrnmnthlV next ~trtpt't'. 'l‘he \'n
I ' . ;. . tzwn until his mnve back tn The At theSentinal lithe llitt't'h‘xk'lll lit-tin
i . -, . . .. ' -: 1 r-" ~ \. -. ,xdxugdrh ttl:trll\' respnnwhle t'er «wt-grinr' the It
5 . A nntiw nt'lpuisville. Munsnur is (t lmndun VHF (l‘i'llll‘t'll‘ liltli‘l‘m “‘l'Vt' l
l _ . , ’ . n _ , , t . t . _ . . i t
. . . . ' l inunmlisnigmduntenfthel ntvermtynt “WHI'HV‘H! and Hi" [WNW ( ”I!!!“ l
l I V . l H . lie-ntnt'l'.) llel' active in civic zitllnrw “WM“? ludumtinn l
' - ~ ' ' ' 4 ' ”h l‘l=lm:1 the llinn‘s (‘luh and the l‘ninn ‘
. ‘ ‘ 3w ‘ w '- ' , . I (Mitt-icy \C‘xlt ‘A See PEOPLE. page tO
I l I ' ' " "‘ ' .i ' 'l- ',t. l lt‘tltlt’l ;
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-. ,1 » . llere at“ Mtlllt' ll]lll;'.\' lit‘\\'~lut wilx \mvlt t";“.t lrfll \ il‘>4'l‘:li~*t~
Em» -. . l ~ .w. . ' l'V" l“1‘~“'l”“ l‘ Y’t‘\'t‘-’7‘"ll“' ‘li’h :leivt lll\".~t'lt\,tllttl;tlllé‘dtllllli"
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‘33.“. , . .lt , ._ l ‘ tell'iw pntei we
5 ., r 3.. - .. t . 11- ,1 ’ i‘r~ f‘l]""l‘ v tut -
,.r-. .2 ' » ' i“ . ~.‘ . . t . °,\lw“» in iii! r. itllt‘lt“ illtll
“flu/‘3 g ‘ ‘ tll-R‘. Illll‘41ll'll\‘l'ltiitl"l t-‘Hfgtg' , I I I
l I‘lz‘l l‘.t\ lt"tl .l’l ‘filltill l ' V'.!ll‘ I‘HV'l“'\lllwi'Jllllbllthyrwllnl' lllllliiz"
ti :r'. .. T " ~ = ‘ ‘ ‘ {... (my _., 03in,“ .»1;'n> in~t lll"tl in hunt
u . .. _ j’. \ . a... l
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., . a, . ‘fmfirts ., th ”11150 ”buy “[N'rutmn i e a I - 9 ' Ovember 1
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By Lisa D. - 1% ”1:: the m “fin-mm. ‘ “mum ‘ “1 ”1m- 1“ SICS ' 999 ' Pa
. lXon III "1:; i ,; y0llr (‘nl‘ II IS and Uni dud (iovplo ’ nppd III'II ( 11V.” \HIIII L Or ‘ 98 3 .I
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Chan 0 r“ living - quillity “‘1‘ qumtv‘v'“ 1mm .751” 7 m ”‘1‘”hum)?!“ "Mun, " ""11“er I SSS '
gt? 0 r ‘11 a t‘ * S”View ~ Pl'mi . ‘ 1' f" “nmn ‘ '1‘, ' 11" ..\. " ‘5'. 'M t ‘
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Ofc We f()Cus, -..ep Pace? i 98nd Se1"Vi ,y.)ur Cur“, th IV 5(“118/0lthn" ”1 hcl ' l“ H Yul m ““11 hm , ”Mrkbtm r H'
‘ ”30k (fume We im on? ' tfig' Shrink-CW which m ”"11- ‘Wchwvo t1 mm“. “H 1mm ‘1’ » 1r “’1’ pm r't {M 11m n i” 1’1”“
0 t ‘ porta eyb . lngo W 2Ire , 9 g H1m, ‘ 1 mm 51111:“ p1. ’ 1 y ur .. ‘ “Imag- ‘
affect rends m to k e1m ' hy') NOW, 1 17 M g“ {1) t dn (‘4 . ((15 I on
- YOu and h 99p Cusm prOVedt ‘ How .. grou M "115 21nd _ “Ht H ”Hm” I I mplpm“
It's a] and Yo 0W th . mer? 0 bette Ldn , p. “Re ”by.“ h , 1 Nu” ._ ‘1 and l m
.. So im “r bu - (WM 2 150mg h11mm. them . ”Us 1.. , ‘1‘ryr, . ”fury ’1' “mg.
the b . pol-ta 5111935 B . . Ident' the th ( and . U’ncr, ‘ 5 <1 \.I _ m. Is I 5 31' k -1_\.
, aslc " nt to ' ut bund lfy 0 [‘90 rCalL, . . (tUI n II ~dn1t. r . . “(,rk- <1 (. 5U I
:filld Ennidoiiyour buSiSLake Sure need as?” businegpspfirtunitiog t Your SSE“ are mozttuj th‘THEIX you, 523:: 21nd ”bl-(1'23: toward Hi:
9 futu ‘ OW Ca SS are 0 vic 9 n9w ‘ Le, IS th ‘ '0 The ’ Slntlgs ~ K Import, ‘ I)('t(1 I H.055 ()n‘ , ’05. EVul ‘ I
re ‘f n you . n es. N . prOdu V Ore . , 3 Sho 1 In th . “"1 t( rmin . ‘1 n- r ”31(-
Wea ‘7 l 0 bu! ew ‘ ctb? , ‘1 - udr‘ , ‘ no . ’ w . . 1. w . , LU]; , .
. k. y “1‘ {OUDdat'ld for 3. Idenf‘ncmg?) N£w Sor_ prionty th ‘fltct the ’1 Xt year hats “Ht F' hat 5 Work“ b01515
a What are "th Ion is érs. Talk tlfy y‘mr best Your firidingat you 1den‘t?“snf'top H" I m“ tunv wh mg and _
n ' _ . 1 o C a I . s. 1 1L, , (.’r- I
. You]: depth undeebaSICS"? The bZPUt DO the;hem' ASk f()dV£rtlS_ y0u10' Set Strait . d 1mm .s-pe/ifls" Dix“, ( “((}d_
c.) Yognarket b ) {ytanding (flare magnfiroved? 15:9 al'eas that; their generbjectives‘ (E15195 {Ur “chip . hflsédpr and "1(Ilr‘kA‘d Works -
Oct 1‘ Compet't' our cust a') ' 3V9 the' the" need‘ Comd 0b a]. approa- L A Stratx V-mg Se ‘ 1" Dalla‘ ”I"?! ('on -’ ['5 a ‘
/Ser ' 1 mm d Omer 4 Id . lr "Bed. ‘5 be JCCtl v (h to . . - Lgy lg , "”na ~ '8' TX ‘ “Ufa '
u Vlces W' _) Yo S - entxf 5Cha mg 0b" Ve, F( , dthev ‘ d N r5 "at ~ She (. "1
nderstand; 1th this _u1‘ pr0d_ Prospectg YyOUr beet nged? JeCtive i- )r Instant. IIIlg Wu” .nnmunity Iona“v 0n bonduus
:ense ofdire11t1g C0mes a'“'depth “eedto dét'ODetermifieadLCYtising prfifits byhrf,” inCTcaut‘ ‘1 your ‘2'"? busing?mic-drums- rehalfOf
10n' C i0 gre gain - w 3 ac ie ., " I, ‘ ’ "Hm "PO 9 8 ad , ' Or I V
succlensg for futurenggocus’ and 33% Progbgdfntify Wiley bus1nezs~you two n::vthat "1211);“:r Str‘uegghiy “11v ag’pnatmnauv”323%“. (”ldhheér '
S- - . 51- C . g . ‘ . ‘ 21 ~ 0t ,V n ‘ res. __ » ' , s
L hpmfic d Clcounts each 0 “tablish AP] and Ngva-W-zanon‘"" ”1mm”.
N newspapeo to get ”191:1“; what you cKamine V0 lar [WON Rnninth 11t '1 gati(’nll;t'd( A Over 7() gozfi’m’H-m
1' m 0 f‘ m' y’Our b' g 021 i- 1 ‘ a .1‘ ’ (‘Usz _ u [1, V -~ »
6 Id Ore Val 1nd y( [“0 ()n x O JUCtI b“Ca” .Sl( Bu. (”Illz , ((1th), A
' entif l181ble. 11” u ‘ . 1 0r tw V05 an 3’ up... 5111058 , i and ., 15 ..
6W y loSt CUS’“ ’athlch ea h 0 P()ssjbl(_ I d deto’; I 85 “(Ivortl .)Bu£ld"r8 SI ”54 her I
prozl )mers‘ Why 11 D! f“ C ' btmtcflios “day for w M r ’1é’u's'lltfnflll bust-
‘dre . Q . “ mo t; . - ‘ and ' - Mr fr” " ’ yrs-I V
t 0 Ch I] ‘lttlonS r0 lLIths ”.0 T- . bUI‘II/Ur III/0r") (( "Nude”, (all
C ({Ulrod ‘ dCtICS ‘171033 “In," ( (r Copy V
n SS t0 0be k ('(In b) (1([UertL-S'y )Il her SI" «
R gOOd I‘ y Ud ““0 hwn‘ W14, gm 3;“
. ' ‘ 1611] - 72.5» ze
eSlSt em 1 g6 r at LAD” 18.547
' ()IICH» .2 {)r
the firsturge to grab p OyGe S b a . BVCI‘SES self WI,
5 ‘
thr Warm bod r21“ for Wind rrln I [l ' aftC
Ough the do y 35;?“ for threzdatvs W m, €d1a r r
e h' ' ¥m()nt . ' and r . — A W
In th Or gte 1rlng hs‘ ( pfirt ‘ ‘ ,
e“ ‘ p.T .. Proc‘.,. (rs Jud 1‘. .
fr Could filgIOOd Old daYQ ” “Bed :‘ffétmnal 31):):3 IS the next :10m1ng (34:51“ a hearinbarrvd (‘ ealall’l
lme ad a Vacanc > a a manau Walk ’ a Ca . Dach: H dSQI the nty tr. g In ‘1 IUHUn I .
. - and ndld dVC .1 n “We I l[)l(. H ‘ thb J . stt‘ln . . .
reSUme » or fr y Wlth a b T talk 3 ate Wh x pmtt’st f TN‘d h' , lurdp I (“it‘n- ”11“,
s ke . 0m 8 One- 00 0ft ) nd Wu 0 (mm rum u. mlh’olf‘ r In” so 111w, (HIV u
And pt 1n a d Stack Va C“ We h' gthem' ‘ Jud , ”1 new. Unm. h thv } , . .H‘rs' 1 ‘. Dhoki
that esk d ()f Canc Ire t( f‘ m_ t, g4- Rub spar)“ I 7r I“, IV I “Hm“ I “Winn
3“ th Stack raWer 8‘ y' We f ) 1“ {in 11111V r on (‘1 1‘5 (””115 It L 1‘1 r- ‘ C1115-
e mot- _ of FC‘ - x pend th 1“ th ‘ . Urgent f “fwrflntvd . 1““an ‘ . yr Opp“ t ‘pnru‘ I _
ed to watlon 1’umeq e “em ~ L 9051f 0r I’\("t ‘1 r1‘(lu - ‘ “”1 111’ h“ h . - ””1" r5 l1Ut 1
Work h emplo 1 Was pmblem 51x m Ion but r: 1 h 8r d (‘bt by 1' 1~ Wh . "firm , 1mm“. I,“ ‘
Th0 ardI yees n m. ‘ Sy bru- I ()nth . I (”Wm , d [by \I I ~ ‘WVVhr- I (I) [10d 7 #5 W115
Se “ Ced- 1btak ‘ 158d z 1* fix; t - r5 be }, Alan ‘ 5 5 . #411 um] , (
Tod gOOd 1 es. tgfls .1 ng rlal h . )drrUd ‘ )n(- th- (”Kt “VI “(10pr i ( r “"1 I
ay, find. 0 d day a, Don‘t ( nd ()the (w- I (‘erln r frUrn t} ‘it (10’ . (llgh . . 1((11']II.(I ‘ _V
Crop r lng th S are grab drag r 'erult (‘ L. ()('t 2“ . )0 pr“- ”(-(i ”CC . (irrl\'(.d I {H’rtbr
eqllir ‘3 Crea gone. the f ””1 feet A "”11 * 1” M. . mu “*5. \1 «ind .
approach 08 a mo / m of th the d IrSt wa ) but d ' CCOrd‘ ‘ 1‘5”“ V )rt(_1r f€ ' ‘ ljl('£ih I “£15
. re c 00r - rm b Ont ma . ‘ mat . ("ix- ’1 rh- ‘ ~‘ NH \ ,.
re Three 9x8“ pro-active mEnt teét:ltfier Look 0:31); thrOUgh Indggflgg (‘dit((:r'ldfn]rl(;\ N‘Iulc‘} (llr(,:(;:: 1%(‘tt‘,( (F It‘nllh {1‘61“ r-‘X
cruitm 1ples “95 i ' ave w ‘1 35M- ’ ’11 ('nt ‘ " h. ‘ 1.". X » "‘0le “UL L’ ‘
em 0f nterv' , Lurre *5» law of M . 1 Led \w , (15km, 1L } , '1
1) Gt, - are; Pro-act- the 1LW c . nt em .VPrs ]‘ ‘ (71st I L'Prv , 1111 Th 1 '1» 11111
It ln 1V9 0n€s andld p]()y_ Br I 1”] (V» v I [(1 d . , 0va . (1 14(‘(14 A\,f, I
can V01Ved ~ Who’llh 311‘s T ) , "Wn 51- “bSon . ‘ (fem-0 ~ ttwi U ‘ , AH“
hiresctzools‘ The owgth area tech" ediiole; do yo“ kfze to C‘1-exjrtty r0 20m 1191:: they Pliln‘rzmi [M11150 hearing. (Liv-mg barn-Sli‘tpbhmm .
. . l— ' rad ‘ . ”P thu ‘ - 0r - " “Y (’V'd “1 t< ”1mm. ( “115% ' r‘ 111
thOSe f3 best and portunltl ‘ boo ”(UV 9 (“m m(t' dung 1 (‘nco ) Dre- 1 “T H . ”1 ”r- the-
Wlth bri h 95 t0 mers ) e. Wh ) IVElt- M,“ I which duTin I ii léiw , (55 11>rt h (”1th . I
the b - a real . g test th . t[”0er 0n b ‘ ‘ ”nos 'h C( L the )(Ir 4 he P‘ ‘1 30.
1181110.. deg], and " mOtj ( . , the 8by Is ch. 1' iinco - ””11 t- Mulv “m1 H1 "1"‘1 to t' . -
tO—fvl '55 need 9 to W . m9 thlon , WUrk f drgvi ‘ ()f a f, - dlnt dhy 5, , (ll)(-I\-t In“ ,
‘C9 h ’ tom ("1‘ 1n ma] r - Came f 0ru. ‘0 r ( With ~ ‘1” try) F1 ‘ “”1 ‘1 h"'1r
turf » Lapeciq” Oct YOu f, reg 81508 . mm i ‘ M50“ (‘ 5h“"tin <1. “0 0min”, 1 ”1:1,.
. l y ()n th . dCQ- ‘ umCS th dnd that “CI-(1- [{OCU . /harl(_ I I g I” do: Flatt—10' hfiburg
2) N x er 110m; walki‘d t 0 GM Stack f l . -)rvlll(‘~'l'1ck 5» Highf'i , dth Bu} d and \I' DUhh-‘hp ‘
Man CtWOrk w‘ e up hmugh th W‘W‘Id . I u AWIS Cuu ( “lghfi. ( 1d Hf ‘ ) H“11dr1-k A “y‘ViHo r (,UV
y man. 1th 0th Proach W‘l “ hull d“ ho T0110 ‘l My 21nd ( Id Uf'ru "(1 to < 1- ( ”1111mm. pumhh ‘
mom Mom 0 . “I lead En 1 1mm . “113's. Th. -‘ "1m. 1“- T" . “*1 1111"» ~ ‘ “11 2m ‘ 1‘1
101 . IXLha I GFSI . lplo ‘ I “()rk I dt T I . “(kbt , [I 1 . ((mt -I d db-
:PPTOachedlib' “Ibo;lgt 0mp]()y. Sliver“) “if; m()tiv;1tif:::i(_ly. lhpirhl: Hmhfil'ldq t 0f Klaysiniirlckfinn ”:I‘1I1141ttnrne-i-M-
' . ' ( ‘ . r ' . x- _ ~ , . ~ ) .
th JOb-Seoky d Smart (In11no is atI m‘moy 3; burW‘ys 11'; I15 m‘Wt- rilepttUdlbs‘ IIIIInIIHIIn. ””15““ “hm Elm]; 1‘1Wyor IIIIhUrnvd with
Ossed 1f th 01‘. the I; ”HI-“ins- motlvéltor [h nUt the l ( ‘0 h’Und in H ‘ W‘Tv (“\II" “1”) that "_ In}: In H “find “all n :‘h'xbjll
netwO k Cre's n ame ign. pWS‘mvl . ~ n fact I ()np‘ Prin (‘ “‘1“th - {)\'(-r(\d II Hf full} {IR-n Um (.115tk1111'. . I
r ed W' 0 ()p(.n- ‘ t fl _ d ”1pm 7 dppr . _. ‘0 HuntV part . I My 5'11) “‘lirn rt 31nd . > rul. ./
3) [)0 11h other‘ 111:1. It'~ 0Klbmt 0n the - (1121mm “ ”1 P1“, ’ (a W 0n 1}“, 15k”; f_
bonug V018!) an (n’ 51-5 pziyclucky actuqll‘ Job and Um :"-..,_..I hlng “w 1dll(.n>'tt']n 155110 (,r 41
. ‘ progra I) ]p 03(1) l _ ‘ .' ()utri (- E "'°~....... (II‘SQ‘d 1n ‘
Lash bun . m. ("’nsid. (, H’fl‘rr‘a] . DQVOIO . ink thp : hpurm I hlmSt-lf Unpdlutbl .
ref) ”N‘s t (r Prov‘ - dnd h Plng an ' ' N L 111th“ ' “Pin 5
p 1 (‘r SuCCOqS‘f‘ul () (‘mploym Idlng hr“ ardwnrki ”‘11'lligmn l : eed tECh ”mdla ”1L1 1}“,
‘Pvrsoff “ 63nd ‘1‘ Wm ‘ '1’ to k 11;: t0. , ()Vkll : ( ‘1 n‘
‘ ’ . (*r b ldato - ‘ ’ [‘(n ‘ )0 (x d In ( . I‘ . n O 1 "-.... .
’ymg Inter» ""“Svsfw .. L" Mme 1-.‘1‘“Fv 501m- .xpmsm “”11 = t a Prob Cal advj
\H‘VV; ()tht‘r . (‘l‘Lh (llnlll‘_ lfitpnlng {I Ln‘iltlvo [} I It \Vill : all KP 6m . Ce? o.,.:
h ()fh‘r largo [RP/)r) the Hoods ( I‘llnklng 41nd 5 A’s Wlth ' ;
r [in/1.. ”Nu! ‘ ’ “WM“. : nCW \ yOUr :
Izn , from . . ebt .
I ' f/Iv H'NA 5 The D / rn€mb 8C? 5
‘ . 'IOO-cog.... : Code 5
' a1 ' -, V ' 6 H“
",fl I . ' ‘

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Page 4 - The Kentucky Press. November. 1999 g _
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wit ne“ irntessiiinal dex'eiii . _ . ,. . t.
l I I ll t i o o F"""“""“"""““”“""“‘ .i l se :i'iwd headline hierari'ht ltlt) “1:th trunt l
ment seminars are teini' at \ t‘(. i. g i ‘ . ‘ ,, ~
’ - ) h . D85: n [S . pages start \\llli a lead headline that s tiiti small Ilie v
the American lress Instituti s .; :. k
'l 'l \ . t .1 . i . . . ., . : _E ‘I result is that the page tends l1) luuk \\'(‘.‘ll\' and unanwvsy l
st in Hit i i’ll lllt .i illlllilg pi» I g1 . I / . E
IN' tins e’y 1'19 3'“ lawn \xhen Iwiu dunt ha\e much happening ()1) page 1. i I
-As » | . I ..
. "The t‘rat‘t ..., Editini' in,“ “ .1 :I \iiur readers still “am I\'uu tri help them navmate the E
lmi“ seminar {Hr “pa-spupi-r ciipIx' _ . ..: page Headliin lili'tiiitli) l1tlE).\ Ixnu dn that. Dunt h( {
desk persiinnel. ;L\'I\']_\I.\ participants By Edward F- Hennlnger g}. ‘ atraid tti start l)l,‘_{ I cant think of a page 1 ieven in a 'E
in assessing and HHPTH\'III;1 their I small Weekly that shuuldnt start With at least a 48 or 4
. ., .-\t a recent \\"irl\'.‘llttli in liatun Rnuize. La . the tupic . .
ciip\ editing skills thruugh hands- , bi) puint headline .
' . . . l was {Mile 1 design Must mt thnse attending represented .
an practite. peei critiques am. I t , Less than that and tau indicate tn readers that
. _ . smaller dailV and \\I't‘l\l\ iie‘.\spii})er.\ lheV ilidnt need . . ~ . . :
:eat'hing ”“111 an iinhne instiuctivt t t I tl m unit ”I. \I m n HI ) W tn hi ir theres little there that s wurth their time, And remems
, _ \ ' i‘ I . ‘i H .s ' ‘ ‘ ( ‘i
I‘ll“ “W“VWl“ seminar. ‘l“l“"‘r“‘l ”L rut “ “I 1 H H t ‘ ~ H‘ . her that headline hierarchx‘ is nut just determined hv =
. tl -I [I 't h ..r’ l' . . 1— the liasit's and they \\ inted them in a turmat that {lie} ' . ~ . ~
i“1 l; n ”1“ ~ “1”" “”1““ ‘ ‘iiuld t ike h wk t “III”. In} I“ in“; size Length. numher ()l decks and the tmldness (it the
‘ t‘taer i"‘l*\ editing seminars “ ‘ ‘ ‘ I‘ ‘I' ‘ ‘ - , . ..I 3. .
l i . ~ .., i lhe hest \xax ti- d~ ttiat’ Make a list. then rt'\'le\\' l‘ml i‘l‘“ 4“ l“) “(1‘)”
iaireaih uttered intliitle lllt'l1irn.,g\-..ii ”m. 1 wiur grid Avuid the temptatinn tn run everv sturv in a
,iiit ies ii‘ ma a: n: iie iv»; ti-s — - ~ ‘ .. , ,. * ‘
l Inji .._,H.hm.- ”1,“,ng inlrnmm. 1 Make the nameplate distincti\'e But de that lt_\' ditterent type Width IUH many measures tend tn con» .
l ‘itisii 4.4-i— IIiIi «i limp. H”, : ileaiiin: it up 'l‘we nian_\ nameplates are crammed Willi tuse readers and make them read at different speeds,
l H min.) ..t i'mIiuII .mw. \ “I .1 sl iflttli\ and intnrmatiwn that can gt,» sumewhere else Hi: Mv guideline an an\' page. nu man- than ttllt‘ sturv set in
5 '.|.ii" ..‘». it i \. A " i;_ _ - -
i\‘m‘iit pr .i ':i IX},.\~I!1~\'_E\IIIlIi.,‘“i | tht page It tht t\'pe is dated. igu tor something: nmwt ndd measure
line it 1:; ”I ..' mam ET .n. i" l"'” 'li'Hl "l“”"‘ " lVl’t‘lim’ lhdl »" 1”“ Um“ Stay With ll)" 7. Open the spacing Let the page breathe and help
fairy-ii _'.; . ““1” ~\“'l (””h‘l “l““lré‘l’lm' WHH‘WkS llkt‘ stretching draw attentinn tu t‘t'ntt't‘plt‘t’t‘ elements hI\' increasing.r
E » . i. ,
l .\n thwr iiw'u. s: niiirir “I sit. l "" "'H'” lit.., l“ “l" the negative space around thuse elements
I ' ‘ l l l‘ o' \ -'s i- ‘l' 'i v“ v 'I \ 4 i h '. ‘
l~\‘l”1l"‘-"‘ 1‘2 l‘i‘ t? “in; h is t ..: — Mith t a 4! tie .tiu It ast r that art nt VH1] sztra space helps attract the reader hetter than
t ' . . l v . ‘ 1 t t x i ‘3! 1 ‘ . " ‘ i .\' ‘ ' I ' i V I . ' . ' - .
i ”’7‘“: H“ ~1-fi1‘-‘~ 1L a tiiw- \‘~""t.l ’1 it 1 \ t l t pin llitt [Ult tliitfi (\tml“ l”) ll '1“ heaxier ur culured ruies. \xhich can appear tun dark and
H i .. .9 .- H i . t ' iiiaiitie't t oi i‘li 'tt «wret s‘e'-n.’ tt‘iiiit tie - .
!i Tee“ ll“ ‘1'“ l'i —Y 1-H l-- tl ' ' . l h. l ' . ‘r‘ \ tmi massn'e Reiiienilier that it s Iretiuentlv lietter te
at... ,, \ \,I,.,i i; i. h i,, “\l mt,» l T. is- rs ill i e i l Ytiv ‘rtiiii k hIiitv’lx'~ like culiired liiirders I”. I lt h\ H ”II I" tl ”I m m
ii _..ii . i..i._ ... , .. i\i- It i t" .55.- \ H'S 10‘ L t '
l A h “H I!“ H l) ”I A l \1 i i t. l , l t It \ uh I! I . b ( «insider a rail L'ttllllllltitlltrlt‘lF.(llILft’Sl>.l(‘t1>‘t’r>, l
l',.ItV‘; ”4" '3 ' . ll 13:; l«' k . it‘i"lii' l‘ll‘lll‘ 1 th '. Elll’fl‘ .H‘ il\‘,’ )‘(l't‘Ffi ,V I I J
lK m” ll " ”W l '1' ” ’ H L” l z . ‘ i . . . i . . l k . etc lhe rail usuallV mics altin;r the left edge Hl the page. ;
H IIIDII‘ JIM. repertiiih i _ i-i theii. it a pliivtns .ii' .i must iii: teasers aiti tni l t t l l ‘ l tl l It I f
i - > . ~ . _ . . ) ('a )e )acet ; "iiss ie iii iii (me (i i\'
i .\l’l Seminars lliil'ifi' lil'v‘ztvl' l’li -t is that ham iti'il‘lll lllt Wrist plintris lHI teasers U l in l “11} l ;' ln l ill,
i ' v i n - i i' r ‘ 'i ‘ I », \ z’ .
llt' llildfi'il {li‘ll‘llv'll‘di‘ with Hi‘lils I”, \litll‘ Mal k ”It '-‘»lill- ”I”: AM" the\ “I! in dravi' riunt (t>l_L.n>. \H ustt tiin iai. un iiiti sit ( .s ii tit.
III“ "\E” I,“ The learning takr ‘l m. Ir. I, j,,,‘. .tll'fl‘iliwii and ”I” ,.I, usually pictures Ht trunt page. (hie contains teasers. qunte (it the daIx and I
.wu I ,- .I,,;. M. ,II \ I . .. \I \ ”Wm, \ ,1, Ir..I,,gi.,- imam knew n wu can. uutline {hp other material The other includes an index. reader I
it‘“ .tii 1.9...1 i. t \ ii i . I . .
lard r an it div list 'l\\i'vlt‘ in i! Mi rt is in te isers the wild shape «it an iiutlined phutu ”tft’t‘nmtlttn and the like hach euntains a liberal
Iltf__V‘ivv'r\\""l‘. vr 3'51.v'.\....‘,\ {innit ,\ ll' iiis t :i i'tt tlii t‘ivailv-i‘s ew- And remember the WI‘tt- “nulunt 0’ phUtUS and ”er
t'g; i, 1; age“. n 37- it” iris 11 l' ir I Hi,‘ [\W “i it sh vrt .uia‘ tirieht 9 I‘se an index Rememhei that this is a lU‘tl tar
i". i;i11.'i\iwf'f1_.lil.ili.' kwiiuh tlii i I ls .i i niiiiiiit pliutt .\liire than any uther ele- your readers. S()II]UI]11;Iltt say that in small papers.
i I,“ ‘III, -;;I 1.; z _i;§ t i ti. igwg 3 men! ‘1; :i.. re» i tl'rlliilidlll phntn has the hest chant'e readers don't need an index I suppiise that argument
l ller' lll‘li'll Y: -.’. ”.3 tr will's l\ l ' .'.".ilvl i.'i_' '. It” !‘i .iili‘i" .tltt'ltlllln .'\\'Hl(l Iht‘ tendency [night ('(H'T'IV m Sttlllt‘tlill'uj like In] H-[Jdgt' lssllt'. l)'ll ltl
i l c v ,, .- V‘, . t , i '1 i ' . '
Ii} ”Ti 15 11-“ MM 7 ... i . ’i" , w ”h l"! "“‘ till "1 ll“ ”1 JlN’Ul ll“ Nimt 512‘ still use it because it helps readers (t