xt7000002j2j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7000002j2j/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1995-06 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, June 1995 text GLSO News, June 1995 1995 1995-06 2019 true xt7000002j2j section xt7000002j2j "‘5 GLSO NEWS
GA‘I& .. a
LESBIAN \. ’\ \\ ;
sums IIINt 19% x Y: \ I.
~____ _V, E W, ,-,
“Yankee Doodle went to London, ’2an ONTRI u PART I 01: 11
just to ride a pony. Stuck a feather in mm BY MARY contributed by Icfrones
his hat and called it Macaroni.” ” CRONE These items are from books,
This little tune about the —_' newspapers and magazine illustrate
redneck American goes on to say all ROMANTIC FRIENDSHIPS the ruined lives and careers because
he’s 800d for is dancing With the Perhaps you have never heard society’s assault on lesbigay people.
ladies. Yb“ may know it from this term, but during the Nineteenth Think of all the good if people didn’t
singing it in grade school as it has Century and the first quarter of the have to devote so much energy to
been sung in this country for over Twentieth Century, romantic hiding from persecution.
200 years. friendships were a common and April 1995 - Hans Hermann
What you may not have learned accepted form of “intense Groer, Archbishop of Vienna and
is that it was sung by the British friendships” between young women. head of the Austrian Church, stands
about the Americans to taunt them. Known as “smashing” in the accused of sexually abusing young
The red-coated soldiers thoughtlittle expanding New England women’s boys as a teacher at a Catholic
0f the grunge ibbk sported by the iii" colleges of the same era, young seminary in the 19705.
bred farmers th dared thumb their women were expected and even Dec 1994 - Bias-related killings
noses at the King Of England. encouraged to have crushes on older of homosexuals are often gratu-
However, jUSt as the word women or teachers. Ayoung woman itOuSly violent and many go
Yankee had been turned from insult was said to develop a “crush,” unsolved, according to a report by 23
into a badge of honor, as soon as the “spoon,” “pash” (for passion), or anti—violence groups. The report
PeOPie 0f the Americas OUSted the “rave” on an older, admired woman. listed 15] murders in 29 states and
British after a series of amazing Public affirmation Of these the District of Columbia from
victories, the song Yankee Doodle crushes were allowed, but feelings January 1992 until early this month.
became quickly popular. The were expected to be acted out in Almost 60 percent involved four or
inhabitants Of the newly independent symbolic acts of homage to the older continued on Page 6
nation wore it as a badge of HONOR - woman, such as making her bed,
and 0t PRibE- leaving some candy in her room, or HTJSJDE 3U TIE:
In the same way, we celebrate writing her poems. Actual physical Community News 3
June as the anniversary 0f the closeness or daily conversations were National News 4
Stonewall Rebellion and call it PRiDE not expected, thus maintaining Rediscovering Our History
MONTH We take the insults that are distance. The “ravee” was expected comr. by Mary Crone.......I..1&2
flung at us ' dyke, queen, queer ' AND to offer affection and moral guidance .SPECIAI. CALENDAR SECTION},
TURN THEM INTO TERMS OF PRIDE. It’s to her “raves.” “Desires” that might A Two-Page Listing of Lexington's
an AMERiCAN TRADiTiONtV arise were thought to be adolescent Pride Month Activities

 :0” / /, 2‘4 7,91, ail/7’s??? from the from page ind lived. with Gertrude, her lifelong
LII/{731522; ()5/dg/l,;(/:‘;; and to have only an “immature” companion. in the mountains of
{wet/(fig, fif- //,5,7H:¢/; sexual nature. (But they did call North Carolina. .
{3:57;{91E,’,;',’,/5’:f them “passions!”) Of course, even _ The. support 0f romantic
9.7/10“ GAY éjf’¢/”;: adult women were not believed to be friendships as healthy learning
0/0"” 4...,” ail/21””? sexual in the same sense as men were experlences for young women began
‘,///J./ (LESBIANK/Z/y’t/ at this time in history. The feelings to decime 1“ the late 19.20%, perhaps
1/ //”5'”:”}/;u, “VJ/t of love and desire stirred up in these “0t comc1dentally as scientists-began
”:21 SERVICES; {1 relationships were socially to .write about women s sexuality. ln
,3": " ,,/¢.:<-*fiitf§’aéf}142;.2’27v'455'i‘l6; ’ff acceptable as long as they were this period, there were articles
IRGAN/[ZATION’ controlled and directed into self— written by female college adminis-
5..,. f . .". fi .I. '1 t denial, spiritual sacrifice, and social trators and professors who spent
service. their lives living with women
GLSQ N@WS I first read of romantic companions, warning their students
published Monthly by the friendships years ago and was able to teZCfaivogttiheigtensi’efrrlizgtskhifisthWight
Lex'".g‘°“ Gay’test'a" Site'riiyar'ir’rC’tetfri’egehr‘fr fifideefdefigr'} drereasd aarewrress er remade
Servrces Organization she was familiar with the sexuality, they were afraid of being
BO. BOX "471 phenomenon. Certainly, she said, discovered, or perhaps they accepted
Lexington, KY 40575 she had carried books for an older society’s negative opinion 0f their
girl regularly in high school and relationships. Romantic friendships
Interim Editor: worn a token of affection in her hair. continued particularly at women’s
Peter Taylor In college, she was the captain of a colleges into the 194075 and 50’s, bUt
Crew Team (stillabig women’s sport were written about as less intense,
_ . at a few schools and several nurturing friendships rather than as
LaYOUt Editors/Co-Edltors: younger women had)crushes on her. crushes or as passions. V
Tammy D- Stmng/ She did not see these as particularly W
Elizabeth A. Gilliam intense relationships, but remember . r r a
they were for some of her Are YOU being discrimi'
Glso Annual Dues and classmates. t Ci , t .
Newsletter: $15 Can we guess which young ”0 (3 OQOIHS in
Dues and Newsletter for women might have been most Kenh‘Kky due to your
Couples: $20 intensely involved? My father’s ’ v ' '
Newsletter Only: $10 favorite older sister, Mary Cabeu sexual orientation?
Views or opinions expressed in the (who I was namedtfor), attended Mt'
GLSO News are those ofthe authors and Holyoke College 1n 1913’ and was R + H, N
don’t necessarily represent those of the refused readmittance in 1916 after epor . 0W.
GLSO Board of Directors. Submissions taking a year Off to travel with her ' ' . V
are welcome. All submissions become family. no one at Mt. Holyoke was Ca“ “19 GLSO Discrimination
the property of GLSO and must indicate . . .
full name arrd address ed the dearer. The :b‘eflfloswefa" ideguhate explafatlor; Proiect, and help to put our
staff reserves the ri ht to edit or e1r re “53 0 er re-en YY- ' ' ' ' ' .
submissions and ads to mEet publishing suspect that her attempt at a romantic di$£fimin0ti0n on the b00i($,
requirements, as well as the right to friendship became more sexually ,
reject any submissions. Placement 0f charged and less self-sacrificing than 276-5393
advertlsmg 1n GLSO News denotes . '
neither a person’s sexual orientation nor was socrally acceptable. My Aunt .____________—.
abusiness’ customer preference. Mary went on to become a doctor
GLSO News Page 2

 f . ' ”at ":-.. v: :3 .2 tax: 3 ’1 . .; y ..
L (01 WU N 1 1 i \Mv’
- 4.
= !
3 com leted all astoral re uirements, information call Shawn Fritz at 269-
5 DIFFERENT THIS YEAR she chooses to be un-ordained, and 1262 or at KYEl@aol.com.v
1 Unfortunately, this year the tsertve the comtmuniiiyilingn atdfllrs_ GLSO BOARD ELECTIONS
1 Lexington Men’s Chorus will not be ra 1v? capaf‘ y' e rea es TO BE HELD DURING PICNIC
- , District which she is charged to ,
s able to perform at the Volunteers . t t l f . ht On Sunday, June 4, at the Pride
- Banquet. They have performed at all oversee comprises a 98 0 mg Picnic, all members of the GLSO
. states - therefore, she is constantly .
t three preVious Banquets, and of , . . Will be able to vote for new board
. . traveling. Her experience With and . .
1 course, they Will be greatly missed. . . ht t th 't' members and officers. You can pick
5 That’s the bad news... The good ‘“.S'g 5 ° 0 6‘ gay commun} ‘65 up a ballet at the GLSO table inside
. Will, we are sure, prove most enlight—
1 news is we have been able to procure . . Bell House. Current Board members
ening. We look forward to seeing . .
1 a most wonderful replacement. running for another term are.
, . you there for what should be the
. Roger Burnell, a Berea native, and an . . . , Secretary Matthew Reed
. . . . most excmng Lexington Volunteer s
; accomplished concert pianist, Will B t t' At-large Jon Shelton
1 provide the evening’s entertainment. anque ye ' V At-large Craig Hudson
I Mr. Burnell is a graduate of the PRIDE WEEK MONTE At-large Tammy Strong
3 College of the Conservatory of CARLO BOWLING Board members who are not up
5 Music in Cincinnati. He received The Thoroughbred Invitational for re-election and are serving
t both the Presser and the Clinburn Tournament, lnc., along with the another year are:
7 Scholarships from that esteemed Rainbow Bowling League invite you Treasurer Mike Taylor
S institution. Mr. Burnell went on to to an evening of gay pride and At-large Rex Van Alstine
study in Europe and perform in fellowship at our Monte Carlo At—large Sue Strong. 7
concert across Germany and the Bowling Night, 8:45 pm, June 23rd GAYLINE ENDS LENGTHY RUN
Netherlands. We are very excited at Joyland Bowling Lanes (2361 This is to let everyone know that
and fortunate to have Mr. Burnell. Paris Pike). the GLSO Gayline has been discon—
We are also tremendously The bowlers will compete in a nected as a part of a re-examination
pleased with the speaker for this secret doubles (partner will be of our services due to our limited
year’s event, and for the first time, arranged by lottery after registra- funds and the board’s general
the speaker will be from outside of tion), no—tap format with a perception that it was no longer
Lexington. In keeping with the great continuous Monte Carlo payout. No functioning as a cost-effective
speakers of the past, and the average or previous bowling service to the community.
versatility we wish to bring to this experience is needed; we’re just For more than a decade of
event, we are importing a wonderful OUT to have fun. Prizes to be service, under the stewardship of a
woman from Louisville. Judy Dale awarded for the top three placing variety of caring, community—
will be our after dinner speaker this doubles partners as well as minded members of the Lexington
year. Ms. Dale is the district continuous winners in the Monte lesbigay community, the phone line
coordinator for the Great Lakes Carlo payout. There will also be a provided support and information for
District of the Universal Fellowship 50/50 raffle. the many people who experience
of Metropolitan Community Entry fee for the three-game problems due to their sexual
Churches. event will be $10 per person. 50% of identities and had no place to turn. lt
Ms. Dale is a lay-person with the the net profits will be donated to Aids isn’t yet clear whether this is going to
Church, and although she has Volunteers of Lexington. For more continued onnage4
- GLSO News Page 3

W WW‘WW W WWW lN/Tfl e iN/l. tNEtws .
be a permanent, irrevocable move. \_.__.L I; i \_,._,L ' \ L ‘ . \_. L_/ F
If a need develops, we may resume ! I
service at a new number. If you have . l
a question or comment about this DOMESTIC PARTNERSHIP allow. the state. to remove a Chll-d e
decision, be sure and contact BENEFITS OFFERED AT from lts mothers care‘because she ls c
someone on the GLSO board and let SOME CORPORATIONS a .le‘sblan. Thls deCl-SIOII sends a P
them know how you feellv “Nationwide, about 140 major Chilling tgefstagenhm :ESt to $9533”: 1
ublic and rivate em lo ers extend mo ers, ” oa mo ersw 0 ea ‘
MISS IGBO MID—YEAR ihedical behefits {0 gig, :nd lesbian lives that narrow-minded individuals I:
1995 PAGEANT TO BE HELD domestic partners, including Apple d0 hOt accept or understand. The
The Thoroughbred Invitational Computer lnc., Eastman Kodak, freedom to support and nurture one v
Tournament Wt“ sponsor the Miss Levi Strauss&Co., Microsoft Corp., is own family is one that every V
IGBO Mid-Year 1995 Pageant, a Sony Corp., Harley Davidson, human being should enjoy. Lesbians c
fund-raiser for the International Gay Marriott Corp., Sheraton Corp., and gay men have long known that p
Bowling Organization tournament HBO, USAir and Xerox.” we cannot count on our nation is l
to be held in Lexington on ~From the Providence (R.I.) Journal. courts to protect ”5 against acts 0f t‘
November 7-12, 1995. Contestants The GLSO is currently unaware discrimination or violence. In n
from the region will be judged on of any company based in Kentucky Virginia, we cannot even count on e
presentation, stage question, that Offers similar domestic them to upheld the most basic level c
evening gown, and talent. Miss partnership benefits. Recently, the 0f human decency.
Kate from Cincinnati will serve as owner of a local company _ to which and, as an editorialpoint of l\
hostess and emcee, with special one of our staff belongs _ went to comparison... ]
guests performing throughout the Humana Corporation and asked ONTARIO COURT OK’S
evening. The pageant will be held whether they would cover the ADOPTION RIGHTS FOR
June 15’ 1995’ promptly at 9pm in domestic partner of their employees. SAME'SEX COUPLES
Lexington’s newest hot SPOt’ Chlb Humana said that, in some other Earlier this week (May 8)’ ajudge Of
141 (located at 14] W. Vine St')‘ states, they cover domestic partners, the Ontario Court ruled that 4
Anyone interested in entering when that state’s law contains lesbian couples, who had applied for
ShOUId contact Dave Campbell at language about health benefits for adoption 0f their partner’s children,
2695983 or Steve Covey at 299' common-law partners. That is, since 00”” d0 50- The judge went further
6088. An information package and Kentucky has no stipulation to rule that Ontario’s law
application Will be sent to you. The regarding protection for common- disallowing same-sex adoption '
contestant entry fee is $25 and the law spouses, Humana will not cover rights was in violation of the federal
deadline is June 13’ 1995 at 9pm. domestic partners of homosexuals, Charter 0f Rights and Freedoms.v '
Miss IGBO Mid-Year 1995 will either.v LESBIAN ACTIVISTS TO
receive $100 cash, a crown, a sash, GLAAD DIRECTOR’S ADVANCE RESOLUTION AT
flowers, and a plaque. Runner-up STATEMENT ON VA WHITE HOUSE
will receive cash, flowers and a SUPREME COURT DECISION CONFERENCE ON AGING
plaque. BOth Wt“ represent the AGAINST LESBIAN MOTHERS Two lesbian delegates at the
IGBO Mid'Ye‘” 1995 Committee April 21, 1995 - by Director Ellen May 2-5 White House Conference
during the IGBABE Variety Show Carton _ The Gay & Lesbian on Aging advanced a resolution
to be held November 12, 1995 at the Alliance Against Defamation detailing issues of special concern to
Lexington Hyatt Regency to raise (GLAAD) deplores the decision of older lesbian and gay Americans.
money for local AIDS charities. the Supreme Court of Virginia to Del Martin and Phyllis Lyon Wth
GLSO News Page 4 -

 submit the resolution in response to rights organization, Daughters of negative men to try to get them to
,w the final conference agenda, Bilitis. Martin and Lyon have been use condoms. “Staying negative -
’ published in the Federal Register on partners for 42 years and have it’s not automatic” is the slogan of
' February 2, 1995, which excluded dedicated their adult lives to lesbian the campaign that will feature
lesbian and gay concerns from and gay activism. The pioneer posters, displays in gay publications
d explicit consideration. The original activists have also co-authored and cards distributed in New York
5 conference agenda, published in the several books including, City bars, clubs and gyms frequented
a Federal Register on October 12, Lesbian/Woman.v by gay men. GMHC hopes the
n 1994, included gay men and lesbians GLAAD SEEKS LOVEBIRDS program will be picked up by other
d in a list of special constituencies to The Gay and Lesbian Alliance groups around the country.
s be addressed during the conference. Against Defamation hopes to Richard Elovich, director of
e The Martin and Lyon resolution educate the public about the need for GMHC’s substance use counseling
e would ensure gay and lesbian gay marriage by having same-sex and education department, said the
y visibility and sensitivity in future couples “who are in marital-type aim of the campaign was to
3 conference events and make several relationships” talk to the press. To encourage HIV—negative gay men to
it policy recommendations. The White volunteer anywhere in the US, talk about when they have unsafe sex
5 House Conference on Aging is phone (212) 807-17001 and why, rather than focusing on an
if tasked with shaping guidelines for GMHC LAUNCHES ideal ofusingacondom during every
n national policy on aging and the CAMPAIGN DIRECTEDATHIV sexual encounter.
n elderly. It is the fourth such Gay Men NEW YORK (Reuter) _ GMHC also released a report
:1 conference since 1961. Gay Men’s Health Crisis, the calling for closer studies of the
Conference delegates Del nation’s oldest AIDS service organi- spread of AIDS and what programs
Martin, 74, and Phyllis Lyon, 70, in zation, Thursday announced its first work to convince men to use
1955 co-founded the firSt IeSbian Campaign targeting gay, HIV— continued onpage 12
G Y - PR! 9 E .- o 2 a.
if ~ IIII' u'_--~"l , -i “e ""i- .
4 . . . ', , _ .. ' ' - - .
i eem' - * T ? mow-e-
" Mugs _—-- -—-‘-- -~
:I‘ '
i; Tables will be available for organizations, artists, musicians, and
‘ craftspeople. Call Carol (268-2770) to reserve a space.
. 0
There Will be cold ”a," 0’
drinks, lunch Games sponsored by TSGRA § shi
e selections he
6 (including vegetarian) s I 4 l 995
g and “mm for UNDAY, UNE ,
;. resonable prices
‘1 12—5pm
_ GLSO News Page 5

 from thefront page 46, a homosexual who was an AIDS Carsten, had been a traveling
more gunshots 0r stab wounds, the carrier, was found at his home in companion of Dean. Dean, who was
repeated use ofblunt objects or more Haifa’s Kiryat Eliezer district. He 40 years Carsten’s senior, had
than one killing method. had been stabbed to death. Demner bankrolled $350,000 for the younger l
Dec 1994 - A 21—year-old had reportedly invited men to his man’s failed limo business. The
Filipino homosexual who was home and paid them to have sex on attorney had made headlines in 1990
depressed about people taunting him condition they did not use condoms, when he won a $42.6—million
over his homosexuality, used a razor even though he was aware he was an judgment for a tiny beverage ‘
to cut off his penis in his family AIDS carrier. Israeli Police advised company. In September of 1993 he
home in Manila. anyone who had been in contact was removed from his partnership at
Nov 1994 - Emmett Stagg, Irish with the Technion lecturer to one ofthe biggest Chicago law firms
minister of state in the Environment undergo an AIDS test. of Willian Brinks Olds Hofer Gilson
Department, is arrested for asking a May 1994 - Michael Brown is & Lione.
suspected male prostitute to get into cleared of accusations of 21 Feb 1994 - Mr Stephen 3
his car in Dublin’s Phoenix Park. homosexual affair only after he Milligan, a Conservative British MP, 1
Oct 1994 - The new Bishop of resigned as a British Government was found dead wearing women’s
Durham spoke of his “penitence” for whip. underclothing. 5'
an act of gross indecency in a public May 1994 - Openly gay, Carsten 1993 — “Gay Slayer” Colin
lavatory 26 years before; “I am not, Hofer, is arrested for the December Ireland was sentenced to life impris-
and never have been homosexual ,” 1993 murder of Suzanne Olds, wife onment after he admitted strangling
he said. of the closeted powerful Chicago five homosexual men in murders
Oct 1994 — The naked body of trademark attorney, Dean Olds, at that horrified London’s gay
Technion Prof. Yeshayahu Demner, their $850,000 Wilmette, IL home. continued on page 14
TON . N _ _.___
. - - 4: — ———«— —fi~_ _ -9 .___
| _ g __________: ._ .___ __.—_. _»-._"~_' .___.Ra' 6\___
I‘l ’2’— ‘D .'.
”5”" lak H e S ~‘-—-“-=""
w es 1 .54 s. -
. ’19 $39 . 3‘33?“ ‘
.«tjxr SUNDAY, JUNE 11 ARTSPLACE sir-1,
First Performance: 6 p.m. 161 N. Hill i. '
Second Performance: 8 p.m.
GENERAL 0: Obtain At:
S E A T I N G : '
$5 _ 00 m sz. BAR2.5.5.-Slese511(enneth Prlde ’ q‘
For Tickets, ll CROSSINGS....233-7266 m
Please Contact § m
Any Chorus 3 233‘7‘56
sée waxy-{23:33:30 PRIDE CENTER or nu: BLUEGRASS
W__— '


 g ,


d O

: GAY PRIDE! 214 E. Main St. lexinlzlon, KY . 231-6997 - $3.75 ea. film Frlday

0 June 2

2 Starts Friday June 9, There’s a man in Jeff’s life

e _. “I“ fight for him and

u Finallg... stand by him forever.

is a romantic v ,


y aw w—r i ”/2:

4 W“ .. ,
I AVOL (AIDS Volunteers of Lexington)
j ,3 ' announces a full-time immediate
‘f‘\ . opening for a Stop AIDS advocate, a
I 3'2 8’ Agi'land Ave‘ I non-traditional HIV prevention position
I "WWW-$.- lex’”9"”l KY 40502 which requires extensive outreach and
I 606.269.3968 varying hours primarily within the gay
3 W" Orders 300.932.5225 I and bi-sexual community. Salary range
I f, I 15,000 to 17,000 with benefits. Write to:
I ' II Executive Director, AVOL, PO. Box
fléz 431, Lexington, Kentucky 40585.

_ GLSO News Page I]

\_I 5—1 L l I—J L - \_.| h \_1 L/
from Page-5 College, covering Socarides with the US. military.v
condoms. According to the report, luminous pink sticky foam and VICTORY IN KANSAS
the rate 0f_ infection among gay men blowing whistles and fog horns. May 4’ 1995...ln a three-two vote
is on the rise again, up to 2'6. percent Demonstrators chanted, “We’re Tuesday, May 2, the City
"1 1993from 1-4 percent 1" 1990, not sick we don’t need healing” and Commission of Lawrence, Kansas
afteraninitialrateofover 10 percent accused Socarides of leading 3 voted to add the words “sexual
in the early 19805.. political war against lesbian and gay orientation” to the city’s existing
The report said that young _gay rights. They surrounded Socarides Human Relations Ordinance.
men 1n 1994 engaged in far less risky With placards reading “Cure The decision is being hailed as
behavror than their c0unter‘parts a Homophobia Psychotherapists” and making Lawrence the only cityinthe
decade ago, .bm. “0‘6? that due to “M1nd-F**cker ' state of Kansas to extend protection
the extraordinarily high prevalence While 20 demonstrators chanted against discrimination to people
of HIV 1n§ect1on almonlg gay men}: and blew 'foghorns, Socarides, based on their sexual orientation.v
even . mo erate eve s 0 rls covered in pink foam, was led away KY CONGRESSIONAL
behavror may be suffrcrent to sustain by secur1ty guards. Demonstrators
the epidemic in the gay community occupied the room for about 10 PERSONNEL POLICIES. .
into the next generation.”v minutes before being removed from According to the personnel polrcres
PROTESTERS STORM the building by police officers. for the 104th Congress. Out Of
ANTI'GAY Some 40 officers were present but no Kentucky’s 2 senators 39d 6 repre-
PSYCHIATRIST’S LECTURE arrests were made. sentatives, only Loursville’s IMike
London, 29 Apr 95 - Lesbian and New York Psychoanalyst Ward includes 563ml Orientation m
gay protesters today invaded a Charles Socarides is the leading h‘S non-discrlmation policy:
prestigious London school of exponent of attempts to “cure”
psychotherapy, disruPting a Speech homosexual patients by effecting a
by controversial US psychiatrist change to heterosexuality. He was
Charles Socarides. The protestors the top medical expert presenting
stormed the podium at Regents Park arguments against allowing gays in
i . . Precuous Furs
licensed Psychologist
(606) 255 4864 All Breed Pet Grooming
I 0
Ex erlenced
Fax (606) 255-5385 p
110 Woodland Ave. 277_9365
Lexmgton, KY 40502
GLSO News Page 12 I

 14%?» W W (46 We» and m comm (on,
W W to cm W?» W and we
memm 7m/4W-W W!
3: by William Finn and James Lapine
' Directed by Bill Felty with musical direction by Tedrin Blair Lindsay
ies Charting Marvin’s self-discovery, this musical defines what it really means
0f to be a family. Marvin has been marries to Trina, is devoted to his son Jason,
:6 and is in love with a man named Whizzer. In the course of this comic moving
in journey, Marvin comes to terms with his sexual orientation, Trina marries Mendel
who is Marvin’s psychiatrist, Jason comes of age, and Whizzer confronts AlDS.
Starring Raul Escudero Jr. as Marvin, Susan Thomas as Trina, Charlie
Carr as Whizzer, Nick Swarts as Jason, Patrick Lucas as Mendel, and Pam
Baker and Missy Johnston as the lesbians who live next door.
8 pm 1-3, 8-10, 15-17, 22-24; 2 pm June 11,18 & 25
Tickets: $8-14
, Call 233-0663 .,-. “W“
to order your m8 -.
tickets now! P‘ '
Visa MC Discover 139 West Short Street
_ GLSO News Page 13

 from page 6 Estyn children’s home in Wrexham, 1990 - James William Dayton,
community. Ireland, who was Peter Howarth, who retired in 1984 44, a computer scientist at the Naval
fascinated by outdoor survival shortly before the home was closed Avionics Center in Indianapolis, ran
training, said he hated gays bUt and former Bryn Estyn housemaster a male prostitution ring known as
police believed he murdered not out at a children’s home in Gwynedd, “Muscles USA” and “Muscles
Of a sexual motive bUt because he Nefyn Dodd, become the subject ofa Midwest” that offered young body-
wanted to be famous. police investigations that they builders for hire through a computer
1992 - Commander Michael subjected children to sadistic and network that drew clients from 39
Trestrail, who joined the Royalty humiliating treatment. Cartrefle states. Authorities say Dayton was
Protection Branch in 1966 and Children’s Home’s head, Stephen believed to have matched at least
became Queen Elizabeth’s Norris, is jailed for three years for 100 prostitutes and 300 patrons
bodyguard in 1973, is forced to sexually abusing young boys in his through a sophisticated electronic
resign after relation With a male care over a seven-year period. network whose clients included
prostitute is made public. Norris had been a housemaster in banking officials, a Roman Catholic
March 1992 Conservative charge of the young boys’ wing at priest and a policeman. Dayton died
British MP Alan Amos, aged 39, is Bryn Estyn, and two of his former in March of a heart attack during a
forced from office after he was colleagues there had also been homosexual trystata motel in Ohio
arrested and released WithOUt Charge convicted of sex offences against before he could be tried. Marion
after being questioned about an children in care. Fred Rutter, a County Prosecutor Stephen
' alleged homosexual act on former policeman, is jailed for 12 Goldsmith.
‘ Hampstead Heath. years for rape and buggery of young 1990 - Author Wendy Leigh
1991 - Gay and Lesbian girls at a hostel for the young publishes biography of Arnold
‘ Americans (GLA) founder, Michael homeless. Another former Clwyd Schwarzenegger which alleges that
Petralis, threw drink at Rep. Steven social worker, gay rights activist he used large quantities of steroids
i Gunderson (R-Wis.) at Alexandria David Gillison, was given three and that he engaged in homosexual
i gay bar. years’ imprisonment in 1987 for activities with wealthy gay men.
1 1991 - Dept. Of Defense having sexual relations with a 16- March 1992, SPY magazine
i Spokesman, Pete Williams outed. year—old boy in his care. publishes a nude photo of Arnold
July 1991 - Police uncover 1990 — Robert Indiana, an artist and further allegations of
i alleged sexual and physical assaults known for his block-letter represen- homosexual activity. The magazine
in N0rth Wales children’s homes that tations of the word love was arrested later announces it will close due to
had been going on for overadecade. on a charge of hiring a male financial pressure.
‘ The former deputy head of Bryn prostitute in Rockland, Maine. To BE CONTINUED IN IULY
, W— Laura E. Kaplan
AIL Licensed Clinical Social Worker
E=F HIV/AIDs I Personal Growth
, S I carE Relationshlps lWomen's Issues
Pioneers in Alternate-Site Health Care ‘ 436 West Second Street
: l510N Pik S ' H Ph (606) 253 0300 m LEXintJIOH, “40507
ewtown e, mte one - .
. Lexington,Kentucky 40511 Fax (606) 231-1214 6062543112 I Pager' 232'0873
GLSO News Page 14 I

 as y
en - MW
a? Special Discounts With Any Gay Pride Pin or T-Shirt!
See us at
Bell House - Just East of Downtown

GLSO Board (Mary) 266-5904 Bluegrass COLTS (Mark) 233-7266
GLSO Discrimination Project (left)....................276-5383 Country Dykes (Debbie)..............................(606) 871-7452
GLSO: News (Peter)............................................273-5845 Cumberland Cares................................................678-0587
Advertisements (Tammy) .....................275-3037 Fairness of Lexington HOTLINE........................275-7812
(Sue) ...........................277-3119 Fairness of Louisville (502) 893—0788
Calendar (Jeff)......................................276-5383 Front Runners (Keith) 254-6850
Folding (Lee).........................................277-9365 G/LAl-Anon 277-1877
Layout (Tammy) 275-3037 G/L Defense Fund (502) 589-2896
GLSO Speakers Bureau (Bill) .............................266-9175 IGBO Mid-Year 1995 (Steve)...............................276-3058
GLSO Support Group (Mary)............................266-5904 Kentucky ACLU (Keith).......................................2814482
(Mike)............................225-l828 Kentucky Fairness Alliance (Keith).....................2814482
Kentucky Legislature
STUDENT GROUPS Bill Status Line...................................(800) 382-2455
ACE League:Berea (Ed) ext. 7472 evenings only ........986—9314 Leg‘sIa‘“ Mesfage L'“""W'""""""(80°) 3727181
AGLF: NKU (Pat)..................................................572-5604 , Meeting 1?“ Line""""""""""""'"""(800) 633—9650
‘ B-GLAD: Centre College (Mykol).......................238-5332 ”“ng“ Me“ 5 Chm“ (Shem) .......................231.0090
LoulSVllle Youth Group...............................(502) 635-1302
SEES: [prforegggggggg Names Project, Lexington (Katie)........................272—2588
m a( u len) before 10pm _ Newcomers Group (Joe) 2785032
P-FLAG (Ruth) 2727075
ANONYMOUS AIDS TESTmG Pegasus Travel.......................................................268-4337
‘ Jessamine County..................................................885-4149 Rainbow Bowling League (Teri) ..........................268—8563
Ikxington-Fayette Countym.-m~um~--um...--.....-...288-2437 RISC (Mike)2255]51
l Madison County....................................................723-73]2 (Jack) 272-8354
WOOdfOI‘d County..................................................873-4541 Iii-State Gay Rodeo A551], (Ten-y) .....................255—5469
I (Paul).......................278—8023
AIDS INFO/SERVICES Womynweave (Ramona)........................................266-4672
AIDS Volunteers of Lexington.............................254—2865 RELIGIOUS GROUPS
I AVOL Legal Referral Program ...........................254—2865 Dignity [Catholic] (Don) 299—4458
‘ HIV/AIDS Legal Project.............................(502) 584-1254 Episc0pal Diocese AIDS Ministry (Steve) .....-.-...233-1782
HIV+ Youth Support Group ................................254-2865 Honesty [Southern Baptist] (Eddie)...........(502) 637-7609
3 Ken