xt7000002h5r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7000002h5r/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 1910-10-20 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 3, No. 7, October 20, 1910 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 3, No. 7, October 20, 1910 1910 1910-10-20 2015 true xt7000002h5r section xt7000002h5r  
  ’I` H E ID E A
runucnmou ‘ • • f P‘*T"°°mA
Um ers1 0 Kentuck
1 Vol. III LEXINGTON, KY., OCTOBER 20,1910 No. 7
F . sent across for the last touch down, journeyed to Louisville, Monday, to see
Q Shankllu failed to kick goal. Score: Central Unixersity play Sewanee
--..., a   , Kentucky, 42; Wesleyan, 0. and from reports, it was a game worth
‘ Summary. going to see.
Kentucky so far out-classed Wes- Now let’s look at a little dope. We
leyan that no star plays were needed, have beaten North Carolina, Central
es   credit must be given Giltner and has beaten Sewanee, and if we beat
, Shanklln, while Watkins, still seems Central, we have a. clear title to
to hesitate ln executing his end runs. "Southern Champions." It Sewanee
······—·—····· Lane did the best playing for Wes- beats Vanderbilt, an the better. From
leyan and with a good running mate, the style of game put up by Central,
W   u c to Rc  should prove dangerous. Monday, the Thanksgiving game will
Llno Up. outdo anything yet seen around these
_ ” _ Kentucky Position Wesleyan parts. The men are working hard.
    “wl|d   Glltner .......... r. e. .......... Day the injured mtmbers are rapidly cou-
Harrlson . ..... r. t....(Cap) Cockrell valesclng, and all State supporters
· Webb (Cup) ..... P. S. ..--.---·- Chfké can be assured of getting everything
_______..r_» .__.._ CHHIDDGII ......... C .......... . Hllllt {hg men have, on {hg gridirg¤_
‘ Johnson ...... l. g. ...... Spoonmon _____ _
Naylor ........ l. t. ....... Armstrong
On last Saturday about tW0 h¤¤d¥‘€d 8°°°"d Q¤¤"*•"· G. Shanklin ...... l. e. ......... Eagle CENTRAL-SEWANEE GAME.
and t.wenty·five State S¤DP0¥‘t€¤‘¤ ¤°‘ Entire second team goes in tor B. Shanklln ....... r. h. ....   Lane ...
companied the teams to Wmchester State. Line bucks by Hart scored Watkins ....... 1. h. ......... Henry Kwtuckiam wm
in hopes of seeing A 881110 of foot ball- the third touch down. Score, K., 15; Threlkeld ....... f. b. ....... Hendrix
With all due credit to Wesleyan. they W.. 0. After some good work by the Offlclala. P _
furnished very little €¤€€¥‘t¤i¤m°¤t second team Hart was sent over for Referee Dr. McKinley, Virginia; About f°""·" t°“°'wS· mcludmg P"°f·
as our men ¤im·DlY "W8lk€d all Over the fourth tm ch down. Sullivan fail- Umpire, Ogden. Wesleyan; Field Wusom journeyed te L°“iSvm°· MOD'
m,em." The game last S8€¤1‘d9·Y dem` ed at goal. Score, K., 20; W, 0. Sev- Judge, McClure, Winchester; Time- d“y· to see Central lick Sewanee and
Ouggmted that Kentucky MIS. with eral forward passes failed and Wes- keeper, Prof'. Wilson, State. they saw wmfi they went after'
the exception of D0¤¤iblY C*>¤U‘¤] ¤° leyan succeeded in getting the ball on ._.— ..... Last years Southern Cqampions
worthy opponent in the State. WM Keutucky’s 10-yard une, 'when time asoncerowu sA·run¤Av. “'°’° °°m¤*°*°*Y °°*°*°°°°d by uw
can furnish a good game of toot bam was called ______ husky bunch of Kentucklaus repre-
The men at Wesleyan must be given Third Quarter Ou Saturday, next, Keutukjkbr plays sentiug the Danville school. The
credit for being able to accomplish Kentucky kicks on to Wesleyan on hm- nrst game for State Champion, Sewanee team seemed badly coached
what they do, as they are given very the 5_ym_d Hue with the aid of Hart ghip against Georgetown ggouega and lacked the vim. spirit, ginger and
· . · ,_ ability to come back that character-
little encouragement. and b61¤S hindi Coach Hinton has always tuxmd out . •
and Barnett uw ban was Worked mm lzes a Kentucky team and as a result
capped by wt having 5 place to prac- www l ·. 8 strong team and has alwavs given ·
Yan t`·‘"`it°ry• and Kimbm was the score was 19 to 0 in favor of
tyco, dg remarkably well. The W0¥'k t I me mth touchdown our team a hard tussle. Last year the
h rn mls was of the highest sen Over or ` score at the end ot the ilrst halt was Coach Banks, men-
ot t we ° ° Barnett kicked goal. Score: Ken- Bi Faulkeuben, at L T for
( 4; and no decision W8.S €l\`·6BUOH€d _ , against us and only by superior and g y, . .,
yp ’ m°ky· 26· “°Sl°y°“· 0‘ The ball was Sewanee wa the star of the Sewanee
b either team. The 881119 W88 mo p . supreme efforts did we grab the long · 3
Y again wmked into Wesleyans wr"` bunch He was racticall the whole
Oneiidgd gg warrant the diS¢\1¤¤i0¤ cf end of the score. Although George- · P Y
tory and after several attempts Dab- _ , ·i H h
i detail town has lost some of last years Show- tachng as many me as t °
uw game “ ‘ ney succeeded in scoring a drop _ A
nmterial th,. new men are coming up rest of th. team combined, backing
First Quarter'. kick from the 25~yard llne. Score— ’ “ th li 0 t u times blockm
K 29. W 0 Ou the mm out to all expectations and present a up 9 uv 8 a · S
Gilmer kicked off to WGSTBYM ml Sgw ’ ch °’ ed and one Off Wesle __ formidable combinationl Om. men are punts and showing by his all around
their 5-yard line. After $€V€¤`8l BV Z 6; Egg recovered u blockgd spurred on to greater €,uO,.tS_ if Such playing, splendid physique and untlr—
tcmpts at mw bucks Wesleyan was an t p yive get Score. Ken, a thing is possible, by the game (jen. ill! Hctivity that he justly deserves to
· ·• to Gilmer. From h€¤‘€ pun scm °" °' sa y' ' be all Sovtbern tackle. Brown. the
forced t0 D~1¤¤~. _ tral put up Monday and a good hard
Kentucky took the ball and bY Bud tu°ky’ 31’ W€E’l°yan‘ 0‘ After Several game can be looked {OL little 124 quarter ot the Sewanee
mug and lin.; bucks took the ball tv mgghrgslz P, :2;:*;;fimisggsssigzllgg Georgetown will be accompanied by team, made several nice gains, but as
Weslcyanns ]5'y"d mw' where Bryan W 0 ud U y S I the majority of her students, in addi- he was no i““"`f°"€“°°"· these gains
Shgnklin went through left WGKIG for mah. 5 `yu ¤°' tion to the {ah. Ones of Rucker Haul were necessarily few, owing to
the first touch down, f¤iU¤l§ in the Fcurth Quarter. and this along ought to bring my Some Brown's lightness. In puntlng only
kick at goal, score Kentucky 5. W9? The second team was taken out of those whose interest in {UG, bull. did Sewanee excel. completely out-
leyan, 0, After a series of lillé bllcks and the varsity went in for State. Qt c8tm_ is lagging classiug Central at this. Sewanee's
the "Blue vnd White" Carried the ball Play began by Threlkeld making a __________.___.. punt! 8·V"~‘¥'¤g€d OVW any Yards-
• down tha gem for the second touch forward pass to Bryan Shanklin for For Central, Dulty, Louis Seelbach,
down made by Threlkeld. Scorer A gain of 20 yards. Shanklln goes "DOPE." Wings, center, and Clark, quarter,
Kentucky, 1l}·—W08l6Y8D, 0- ANG? €X‘ around left end for sixth touchdown. -——- starred. Dut'fy’s retumlng of punts.
change of punts, time was called with Webb kicked goal. Score: K., 37; W., How We Stand. going down on punts and end runs
ball ln Stute‘s possession on the 30- 0. Play began to drag and after ———— were worthv ol notice. Lonls Seel-
yard line. several line plunges 'Phrelkeld was About seventy-five "S¤ate" people bach playel his usual star game. He

A'k Y°'“ G"°°" f°"" :39::66 {8 Y¤¤‘WM'd 21888 Md 0¤‘<¤S¤€d class. Last Saturday, the trip was to *CLA88|FIED ADS. g
•x e ne or a touch own. carrying 2 High Bridge and everyone had a pleas- ...--
    S€W¤¤€€ m€¤ 0¤ his back f01‘ ten ant as well as a beautiful time. WAN'l`ED—Every State University E
nom mm Hoe cm mm v¤rd¤ withevt hams ¤¤w¤¤d· ¤¤¤¢k¤¤ ———-—-——- student nm ave his naumny done at ”
Made By a punt that resulted in a touchdown, the Peerless Laundnn Wilson &
Lexi Ion Roller Mill. 00. gained through Sewanee’s line at will, THE UNION LITERARY SOCIETY. Balbbage, Agents. 10_6 J
backed up C€nlI‘&l`S line in a manner -—-—-   1 '
that made it practically lmpregnable The meeting of the society on last WANTED_Tw0 live and energetic ·
M A R C H and played an all around star game. Saturday night was characterized by men whow am to make Some easy l
Clark. at quarter for C. U., played more than rsual interest as Well as pocket m,·m€y_ Saturday work,. `
a great game and ran the team well. by diversity of literary treats. will Hou nmrfm.6 with smdiel ML A
G00D FU'RNTTURE» His returning of punts and end run- The society was addressed by Lieut. Kliem Mme]. Bms_ 10_6
ning were ’n a class with Duffy, if not Kelly, his subject being, "The Atti-   g
calpEt`s• wall Papa! and Btovel better. He made forty yards on an tude That the Citizens of the Country ’Al1 ads for this want column l’
  end run for a touchdown through the Should Assume Towards the Mllltia." should he addressed to the Business ._
entire Sewanee team. He is a grea·t He dealt with all phases of his sub- Manager of The Idea, 136 East Max- 2_
A. K. ADCOCK little player. ject in a masterly and learned way. well. Price ten cents per count line. 1
Vi , ,f t·l,l_*- ll tl ,
°“?*“ **5**** T°”A°°° .d`.“§F..?t QZTQET MZLSEZ “1mIZ..“Q». $$3 “F.i`§t$T.1..Z2‘..’Id‘“Z.,2‘LL‘d' “§`§“S ”.°.‘“.“..‘."“.“ "”° "“°“. “.°.°°.".‘°.".     .
“]>ST·0“ & S- LIME Sewanee‘s line almost at will. block· large number of the members. N°W '• NW WN to 8•° ,
Lexington, - - - - Kentucky ing punts, tackling behind the line and Mr. Bowden gave an excellent ad- Rudolf F Roscnbaur  
  doing damage in general. dress which displayed a. marked abil- 1 HE°TA"-OR .
Central outweighed Sewanee and lty ln the historic art. He was fol- __
    were playing in a climate to which towed by M:. Weaver, who in "Echoes for .
_ _ _, ,, Electric, Steam and Dry Cleaning .
"The Tanlor That Sat1siies" they vvere accustomed. but Without 8 from the Clllfs, paid an earnest and work.
shadow f doubt, they outclassed Se- 1 ue t tribute to the people of the °
STEAM and DRY cLEANING‘ wannee Gin every department of the ;(;§tu;lky mountains. Ladgg   :::::“y'
159 South limestone game except punting. The society has decided to have its Fa an Phone 485 Lexan QM Ky .
  THE THANKSGIVING GAME BE- usual declamntory contest early in the y ` 9 ' ` `
TWEEN CENTRAL AND STATE season and with the assurance of a °
UNIV§3‘$I?¥ Ii“N°H STAND umvznsmzs wnu. oacnma THE number of eager aspirants emenng. "EXT·°°°"°
Ihr Ha°°M’“m`h and CHAMPIONSHIP OF THE SOUTH- who speak "beautlfully an\ well." the PENNAN1-8, POSTERS
YI c\?tl A I(ml)”l_l)% __,....... contest will certazinly give Old Union
fl I} };1PH]4_y}§_ M55;-gAN|cA|_ Ng·rE3_ a good "klck oft" for the literary STATIGNERY W
‘ ' ’ " ‘ ’ ..... f the year
(\'·`1‘l' _; , .__`,‘ gameo , .
  The Sgnigrs are lggking ftyrward Besides having back with us, this PR|N'|'|NQ
EVERYTHING FOR THE with pleasure to a trip to High Bridge. Y€¤l`· ¤€m'W all the Um "BLa“d‘bYB·
KODAK! The new brgdge is rapidly nearing the society ls developing a number of     & C0.
Dcvelo in and Pri t. completion and Prot. Anderson has the best new men that have ever en- I t d -
P g u mg` promised them a trip down there i€1‘€d the U¤iV€¥`SitY· It is €¤U¥`€lY uccorpom E
Lexington Photo Supply ('_}0_ within the next week or ten days. probable that tht? Success OY the SO' N0_ 152 West Main Street
Over Kirby’s Ten (jen; store These trips are of great yractical cicty this Y.E’¤¥‘» will not 0¤lY be Ph€‘
  value to   Student and form 8. nominal, but   Qxcéed   IDOSK Lexiugtonr K·y•
unique feature or this course. The sanguine hows of its ardent support-  
· P -3
  M  P. fourth, Wednesday, is being devoted GFS- New Phono 621X Old hone 617
](‘]·j (j[{}.j;\M PARLOR to a review of the technical maga-   &  
,_ Y Y zines that come to the department. ···"‘··—·"" PRINTING
· SKI) LI;;\(`H STAND Each Dseninr is given an article in CAMPUS CLUB ORGANIzE8_ Rush Work a. Specialty
South Lame and \\vij]Sl0w Streets some Journal and discusses this ar- 140.\46 south \..|m••1:on•
  ticle before the class. o Lexington, Kentucky, `
Wednesday is now known as maga- E‘¢°* 0m°°"•·
J` J' FITZGERALD zine day and is becoming quite popu- --—— ' ”" "" “""_‘ """""’_"‘
PLUMBING lar with the fellows. It is another The Campus Club met around the , l
swam and Watu, Heat. unique feature of the course. Be- campus last Wednesday and organized   S ’
269 W Short _ _ I _ sides being instructive at the present for the coming year. Mr. J. L. ~
` ` ’°xmgt°“· KY·‘ time, they are led to cultivate a habit Crosthwaite, last year's president, _ ‘ b
  of studying the engineering maga- presided and after 8. short 8.ddl‘8BB.     S ’
KINKEAD COAL GOMPANY zines, whlcn is invaluable to success- called for the election of officers. g Y ’
OFFICE ful €¤Sl¤€€¥`Y°·- Thé M€¢h8¥1iC8l EU- The election was as follows: R. B.
and YARD- gineers‘ Club. of Kentucky State Uni- Pogue, President; F. Baker, Vice-   N Limestone A
N0. 157 N. Broadway. versity, affiliated wit.h the American President; H. Claggett, Treasurer; '
RAll.ROA|) YA}t];..(·_ S_ }`r€ight De_ Society of Mechanical Engineers, has Miss Netherton. Secretary. ........ '
put, S_ Broadway and Christv Sts- been organized. lt is composed of Mr. Pogne took the chair and in a up
7.... the members of the Senlor class and neat. appropriate speech thanked the _
Y   its object is to stimulate interest ln attending members for the unexpect- NEW Equlpm€nt 1
    the activities and proceedings of the ed t?) honor. The Club then voted  
engineering world. The following Mr. E. (Squirrel) McCoy, and F. L. '
SCHANGIYS CANDY KITCHEN officers were elected: Marx, honorary members. their term l
119 gquth Upper SL G. C. Mills, Chairman. of membership having expired. A Place {Or Gentlemen  
Legiugtggh _ , _ _ Kentucky V. L. Downing, Vice-President. Last years By-laws and Constltu- *‘
  I1€€ Moore. S€C]`€t8.ry· tion WPYG V(}t.Pd OH and accepted for  
G. B. Shanklin, Secretary. the coming ye ar. '  "' ' {
]_ M_   Governing Committee. The Club is a purely Dennocratlc one,
R. S. Webb. not in a political sense, and anyone . . . 4-*
W. W. Stevenson. wishing to Join see any of the officers we are Fflmds Ol the _Umv"S“y `
  W. A. Luftey. as to the rrqulrements. Lets Gd ACq\.l8lI\lCd
—-~—-—-·-—~-———— The Club after talking ever the
9 r _ Much interest ls being shown in the prospects of the coming year adjourned _
“0° M*=*··¤¤k Lodge Bu*ldi'*é· excursions of Prof. Mlller’s Geology until next meeting

 , T II E I D E A 3
—····~·»·»··· ·r rw We  A·¥  ·   · · NRE IN CHEMISTRY BUILDING. sity. Most of them get diplomas, but
M ———— n very few get membership to the
  r, On last Saturday night. fire broke honor society.
A out in the Chemistry building. Had it. Consider the time
nd purpose of
Student-.- not been for "Cap," the nlqhtwatch- the course you take. We must get
man, and Mr. Humble, who rooms in ready to take up the burden of science
1 Bear in mind that the h(_x_ the building. the fire would hen:. done and statesmanshlp. This period of
A inmou Drug C0. is the most great damage. The origin of me fire four years is merely a preliminary to  
; convenient place for you, "““t f“f ‘° ;“° b’°“"‘“g °' “, "°*fl" me "ghl ‘“ "'°· Y°“ have "€"“ “°‘ CLIFTON ngppggp
’ and 8, limited amount of in- °°“ an ng [ ‘°sph°"”‘ The l'_" "‘" °“"d °f l““"“g “° l"°· OY h‘l“8 dead •%¤¤·¤¤¢¤ 2%|n.hi¢h
· formation will be granted l H0 d8·m8S9. only the loss Ol. lll`|¤¤¥ of the fume that WHS 99 ·¤\l2‘¤g- institution cannot teach you but that I
TABLET8, Dr. Maxln arrived shortly after the your pate in me depends upon the m_   .·'f  
EN fire department rushing into the build- dividual yoi are ' l A
1 ·’ *
` P cus and ing he threw out the phosphoris and l 222 West Main
- -;—·——--——— KODAK FINISHING
, l th t * · h
A 8'¤‘m°N¤*Y bgwadggggggvggdjhgt ggggjpyyagg me com PBMC;. AND mms.
‘ -   —- Bring your Kodak trouble to mc.
W 11 I . · t t n it t ri t 3.
Wim   §Q;l;06Q?‘§0Q;?§§S Ijfff "fhB‘°Hf€°°gOt;‘e‘i1 ;°S;frt‘°‘;;lQ1 Practice for the mee our will be ._...............
‘ and we will certainly do the reached some other chemicals in tne held Monday and Thursday €v€nmgS‘   &  
gl \ b   at 7 o'clock in Professor Wheelers
est, we can for you_ store-room the building would have Studio lf you want a new pair of Shoes gg
Respectfully, been ruined. The` Mandolin Club wm MVP their to the shoe dealer. If you want your
• meeting in the Same place at 5 shoss repaired go to Honaker the shoe
`       m·rEncot.Lzc.|A1·E oassrw Olclock Thursday afmnoon ma er. lll S h \l ll
• - -0 _..____ . 3 lout ,5 .
‘ Comm, Main & mmf A$$°C'lAT'°N· ·n-uz saooxs ctvn. Encsmaznmcs "NVFF SAIUH
’ —··—‘ socnzrv.
Phoenix How] Building-_ At a meeting of the commi*te· men   &  
from the four colleges forming the The Brooks Civil Engineers have
_ ...L..._. Inter-Collegiate Debating Association, recently I.€m.ganiz€,d_ The meeting H0ME`MADE CANDY
Hunshelh from G€O"g‘°’tOw"· Plas" who delivered a very instructive lec- 1 ·· F ,   ·
. U4 last Miain bt.
dent of the ASSOci8'tl0n' t\]]°€ uI)()\]_ [LC C0]`[][`[]iSSi()n FO[‘[u    
• • Quisenberry. from Central, Vice- Gm,€mm€m_
Pmsldenh After the address by Prof. Rowe, the O
Hubbard, from Georgetown, Secre- following Oaqcers were elected.
State and Central will debate this O. H. Taylor. President.
LEXINGTON, KY Year. Central to submit the question T. E. Earle, Vice-President.
and judtges and the debate to be held George Shabkland, Secretary.
      c   in State Uniyersity Chapel. Transyl- F. R. Naylor, Treasurer.
g y vania and Georgetown will debate at Following the election of officers
Georgetown. It was not decided Prof. Terrell told of the Transit and
which team should submit the ques- the work it is intended to accomplish. °
Blankets tion and judges. Prof. Terrell's address was listened        
Comforts, State defeated Georgetown last Avril to with much interest and enthusiasm.
Sheets by H \1¤3¤lm0l1S vote of HVP jl1dg€‘S- Upon the conclusion of his remarks, it of Lexington
T C. U. defeated Georgetown by a ma- was unanimously voted to continue
Pillow cues jority of V0f€S. Thi? winning teams the publication of the Transit, and the -1;-;-
will flght this year for the Champion- following officers were elected to the
= POR THE COLLEGE GIRL ship of the State. Staff:
Handsome Tailored Suits Button This Association was formed in   B'  `
F _ ’ 1905 by the four colleges named W·A· Ha1"¤.Edit0F-in-Chief· Vocalist
I G10V°$» and anvtluns $166 she Wants at abova In the ave years State has G. B. Merchant, Business Manager.
Bp8Ci3.l p1‘iC08 been defeated but Once which was \\'. S. Pennv, Senior Representative.
· in 1909 by T,·a“Sy]vania_ Stgtgfs A. L. Atwill, Junior Representative.
team, mst year was coyupgggd gf 0, E. A. Humphreys, Sophomore Repre- d
J. I--   E. Baird, H. A. Babb and W. H. Town- S€¤1¤1t·i`·’*>·    
send, The team is yet to be selected E. B. Walker. Freshman Representa- b
..—-——-————-—-——-—————·—~ to meet Central Ugtiversity. UV9-      
t The Debatmg A?S°°‘l““°" is mn- y — , · . . The only first class shop in Lexington
» trolled by an executive committee, con- The El1‘4\’0l‘tl1 Leclglle ot the Pdlk Y1 P ld l _ _ lt,
  E     sistiug of two representatives from Avenue Methodist Church will give a ac Ompd §“rI?6¥sgHl· P _
l l each institution. W. H. Townsend book social Friday Eveningb October ‘ * · mlmelcr
2 Iuportel. and l)€“IeI. in and     B8ll'd RPG the I'€[)I`€S€Hl3· Qlst. HY the lillulg of Miss Ruth Rush.  
_ tives from State University. on East Maxwell street. All students
_ CHINA CUT GLASS. SILVER BRASS _,_.....____,..._.... nf the University are cordially in-  
l ‘ ~———-· —————-·——— ~
l 1 LAMPS ELECTR0LIEtRS' FANCY The engineers of the freshman class 'l`he Philosophian Literary Society  
l , should begin to look forward to the will hold lts meetings this year on
; DISHES NOVBJLTYS &c` Tau Beta Pl Society. That is the ideal l·‘rif thee I sadly i"R”=·  %"=’s*·?‘  *' 4
W. C. Duncan. R. G. Stevenson. pi ’ p l   l' I ,_
Mies Addie Dean. Miss Taylor. Ma" °“· d°“" °"’ M‘"‘°“· ; Ti p _ { »
·—— ‘—"" -————:  Kentucky, dear old Kentucky,   4 ·
I’ve loved thee from a chlld, ’ H" *  \ _   l
EDITORIAL Thy "Purchase" part. and "Blue l _ · l I
` Grass" heart, U I
" ¤ ·· ··· THE COLLE ’
All French students will be glad to Bllglld ssrn; tpmlllylllallp b t GE MAN S STORE t l
G $•
  note? that Prof. Zembrod is to conduct llcrxltenglen llgéar gid' Crigtzndeel? l If you want
a cass in French conversation. lt ' ,` A  
· U • • will meet, without books, to gain prac —H` Al Br ll' Tm i th I   t
nlversltsf [ical experience in Speaking mg hm- NEV-&———-—-ORGANIZATION • s GPIC! 0¢• . you wan
guage. No credit will be given for ' $f:g:3l,2;:?,°:‘;:‘?:}  
Of the work but this only tends to make Wh id __Th i I uk •"‘°*'• °°"'° '° ,
it the more interesting and more prof h 2, Sliv H here S lglll lillie tl      
  ltable, {OY those WhO tlléll PHIGT tl]€ Omel 8 l t ere cer a n y S no l Chu L st'. •,8 M
Y class wm be attracted to it by mal and although everyone loves all other - °•• · · · •¤*¢•' t
’ ll rs   ' '
_ _ _ _ live interest in the work ltsslt. This l”°“"°’“ °l lh° Blue lmd WM"' sllll """"  
Offers frcc fuzhtm lll all zll‘l- is an excellent opportunity to add to ll does (lll? good lll cllllllllll lllllllll Ollll '
ments cxccpt Law to gratlllates of your knowledge of the French lan- from ll°;le;lld ialjlllp lll lll? Safe gill     & C0, l
Kentucky lliuh Schools who arc gun d t 1 d- wal" at aps S °°°°lm S °l` ll l
prcparctl to l‘lll(*l‘ thc FI’PSllIll3H usegtilf   ll acqu re A more rea l °rg°nlz°ll°n °l ll wml local clubs lll ········ I
Class. The usual restraint of the class- Ollll mlllSl' The Lolllsvllle Clllll’ lll. .
Each county in the State is en- room will be given up and the students glmlzed llllll ye"' lll lllllllllg pll°` LEXINGTONS
titled to scntl FREE of tuition, wlll meet tt, somewhat of tt met ¤°“¤°°° ““°°°”¢ “‘° D"‘°“ °°“’;§’ GREAT DEPARTMENT STORE
Il`l2lll'l(‘lIltlllOll. l2ll>(lI‘2llOl‘}'2lIl(l oth- way. They will listen to some of Club has ll good lllllollllllllllli lllllllg S
cr {ccs, one or more appointees. Prot'. Zembrod’s excellent anecdotes Wellk llle Sllldlmls 0 llc Sglal lll?
For full lll`l'l01’lllHll0l1 rcgtlrcling and will take up among themselves °h°°° elflctllll °mc°l`S all O °ws' COLLEGE COLORS
8Dl‘>OlIlt<*(*s, courses of stutly, cost topics of ordinary discussion. In this Floyd Nlllllll" Pres'; lull; l;(l:Cll€;lllly_’ TN
of hoartl, ctc., apply to way the various dimcultles of speech Vl°°`Pl`°S" Allllll ll C ‘ll’ ec"
tl;\MlCS G. \YlllTE, will be brought out and overcome by Guy `l°llllll' lllll6llS` Mlly lllls love lol-  
.·lch`nq President, continual drill and practice on the °llll vlllllollll llllllglllcllilh lllllllli; algal;   0118*
Lexington, Ky. part of the students. dl°pl°y°d’ mil illllllg ell 0 F  
Now all the French students join the lm- Ollll Alma ll' ell' C 9
class and cooperate with Prof. Zem- ’—' ‘ d
brod to make it a permanent one ln MANAGER', SONG    
the Department or Modern Languages. Bl”lNE” ' D •
We need the work and now we have ' h t  
the effort to help us. The students ln Is lh° ca ll ll Spb; uber   H   d { .   { (:.81
general. fall to regard the work of the when ;ll°“gl;llell?ll$ lll ll a lll S llllllls or Spc l
  Faculty for them as they should. Preslm s ohv BW' t 8 orders
They look upon It as something re- ?“*t"";°‘;°;1';’€;'c‘;?pt:;uy
quired of them for graduation and re mu lvl
  thus miss the purpose of lt all. This FM p°llh°'p$’ gollllg llllllllllln     8 c0•
should not he. Let us all wake up That Ollll mlly be yolll l
IN   and give to our work the importance ———-—-—--
that *5 dm it- IM Us mm? °“" ··sne11 1 nt-ein nltn2" cried tt nszer. F     
5 classes not mere objects of drill and And the vicumm courage m,d_
C mwhlmlcal d"“d$""Y· but let us pm "You can’t. lt’s a freshman. Under Fayettc National Bank 7
into our studies the best that ls in us Just mt him on the head}. `lr
` . and remember that after our college ___ _     9  
Call fer the Genuine days we will have to study lu all Finest Hair Cutting and Shaving
earnestness and will then be thankful SEND I·N YOUR SUBSCRIPTION Pm-lor in the Clty
for the training we may have gotten FOR THE IDEA. ‘ g__

{ .
, 1*11 E 1 0 E A 5
` 3 AQRMZULTURAL NQTQQ, thls kind so that the name, Kentucky  
______ State University, wlll be carried North  
,,;,_ in the various competitions in Agri-  
· ` All students of the University ln- culture as WGH as iu athletics.
{9 terested ln the advancement of Agrl- ___  
__ , tl;  -,,`_ °“n“'°°·_H’t"“! One of the many yells of the College
t @,,3:.vc  ., ` The Kentucky Corn Growers’ Asso- of Agriculture:
tz lv··¢;,~    College of Agriculture, January 3-6, s·sw_ sg; ag, cg_
’$, V Y ‘  Wig;   1910. Each cxhlblt will consist of ten -
F   ;r §· iHrs:' SATS, and lhs flve best samples in PAT HALL MUSICALS cONT|NUED_ . •
T \.,}),s:i LM  the various classes wlll be eligible __,
d nigh  it _2% for exhibit at the National Corn Show, And it happened uu Friday eveningl I
, °;°iV,"   ‘ if No COI'!) will be Rdmltted to this great October 15th, that Pat Han put on a a  
i ,,,    I  A show unless lt has been exhibited at ntyre and many young gentlemen were t
I `  rvi the State ’h"“'· thereby embarrassed. But, neverthe-
{ l"‘   l-Kentucky ls one of the ten great less, a multitude assembled and they
  corn growing states of the Union, It fllled the spacious halls and the halls 0
rligql y dv has the most favorable soil and resounded with the sounds of merry ·
( hmnmlqi, ’ l climatic condltlons, and yet ranks laughter, and on that evening a most (Succcsscrs
.9... .,.,:§, ,........(. only fifth in production. '1`he aver- enjoyable D¤‘08¥'8¤1 Wee ¤‘P¤