xt700000155q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt700000155q/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1983 athletic publications  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Basketball Programs (Women) Dial Women's Basketball Classic; Kentucky, Valdosta State, Eastern Kentucky, Wisconsin; November 26-27, 1983 text Dial Women's Basketball Classic; Kentucky, Valdosta State, Eastern Kentucky, Wisconsin; November 26-27, 1983 1983 1983 2014 true xt700000155q section xt700000155q ( i November
` I 26-27 , 1983
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Valdnsta State I It `IIII  I IIIII    I  IIII I
  Eastern Kentucky  

he kentucky ·, 
at' l ar 
I *      o
EARN $4.59 AN HOUR >   *   x
FoRA1>A1v:rr1M1z]on I   5 p -
Earn over $1,300 your first year   It’s a   I * I I, · QN? I ·   ,
fact when you count your once a month l  *    
drill pay and twoweeks annual training   V Y    
y0u’lI receive   $1,300.   I A  l  
‘ $1,500 bonus or $4,000 educational 12xAM1>uas or PAY L
assistance for eligible non-prior service F (I 2l°t°b"  
people. Bonus qualified unit. ($2,000 Om yi-me
bonus for critical skills) Grade Amount Grade Amount .
E-1 (-2) $ 73.52 E—6 (+ 6) $141.84
E-2 ( ·2) 85.72 E—7 (+ 10) 171.40
REENLISTMENT BONUS - $900 for three E-3 (+2) 97.76 w-1 (+ 2) 149.96
years and $1,800 for six years.     $3.;;     (2;)   t
E-5 (+6) 128:68 O·3 (+ 8) 277;88
PROGRAM - Up to 50% tuition to V `
attend my university, college, VOC} FOR MORE DETAILED INFORMATION
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Lexington, Kentucky ·

 University Afciniircs 0   '
},.iG,E&~-it i riirrct Librarx - N0•’il'i
Urgiygrg-;Q€_‘·il Qi i°;.(£G(»JiCl·¤iii Wumerfg ~' ’·'
      rg;  Community College last year Ba§kctball
      j     after a freshman season at l, ·
·· r —       ¤ · r·s¤·  · ( d§§lc
in       Am Pm
_.   ,_.   _Q   Valdosta States four
    returning starters all averaged Classic Officials
3.;,5     A   in double figures last season,
t   ii. U ·     s t   led br 6-5 Cem? Pam rournmat Chairman
  `      A _. ` g’lY0i§’“·Q“;l’hO€f‘{)$Fg;g gi? Sue Feamster
i   ee . ‘     oin a m . 1 n in s _ _
“     ’ top returnees are 5-8 guard ?m°‘§1 ico"'
ja    ,/" Janet Huff (12.7 ppg) and 5-9 am"' ur S
    "   A _  ’ forward Chris Pruitt (11.2 3¤·Second Clock
A   in  `’``     K€I'lI AI'lCl€fS
'  1  {  ‘     ii     Kentuckys Nichols, a 6—foot Public Address
  l   sophomore, averaged 11.4 lim linele and Doug Bruce
      -   points and 7 rebounds as a Tgurnarnent Orriciars
5* ti  ¥ ? ‘·-» ¥    . ·. il€Sl‘llTl61ll Collins. El 5·lO Frankie Mitchum, Kermit Derry
  senior, averaged 7.5 points. Bro. Smith, David Gilreath

3     ;’‘ ·
     q ,  IDIR. @'ll`llS A. $lINml>¤¤¤
upgrading of facilities. Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of   maxmm
In the coming year. the University will Fame in Springfield, Mass. num Bt srurrirri Dr. karpri Ameruccr
host the 1984 NCAA Volleyball Cham- An Owensboro, Ky. native, Hagan is   n`°""” °‘ M
pionships and the Mideast Regional of married to the former Martha Milton, sr. kaaeh

When Terry Hall arrived at
Kentucky in 1980. the Lady Kats
were coming off their most
successful season ever and
beginning to gain national respect.
They had been ranked in the Top
20 throughout the 1979-80 season
and had finished the year with a
24-5 record and a berth in the
AIAW National playoffs.
  .f__`    ·
‘:·  e.,    
i ‘     in the nation but fell to Indiana in A native of Salem, Ind., Hall
gybg   gg         the first round of the NCAA earned both her undergraduate and
  gigs? s  Vlg  g   j  tournament. graduate degrees in Health and DE.
     =  ij     i-t<‘   Halls record at Kentucky is 72-19. While attending Indiana State. she
g   ·._    ·~..     gg     — -· ` and considering Kentuckys tough starred in basketball. field hockey
=={g;g;g  >  ` scheduling habits (10 games with and volleyball. She was honored
-         .1 j      ranked opponents last season AND with the "I" Woman Award in 1965,
        __   g.g _   _ · ` this season), a .791 winning and received the prestigious
  gejlgj   `     ,  percentage is outstanding. Her Hillman Award in 1966 as the most
4       *   g_    ~     g   career record is 165-79. That mark outstanding female athlete at ISU.
~  .   igzif    Q   " __  includes one season at Eastern ,
··         I   ~ ’‘·-     Kentucky, five at Louisville and gfsghllglifg Ifgguigy isme I .
three at Kemucby tradenxark is thgtasr blfeallzi We 1
But the season was just a hint of Hall began her coaching career in b l. h ’ I I . .   { I
the great things to come under the high school ranks. Following 2 Eve { 3 agpgl? mime la €.
Halls guidance. The Lady Kats have her graduation from Indiana State p[€SSL?€hOnb[ Q Q €nSW€.t€am IS
gone far beyond respectability and in 1966, she was named head coach gnelftbt lf Eg W?75 {IO Emi 6 f ‘
into the perennial role of national at Butler High School in Louisville. fas 5 a gems? en lic Y li Em O
contender. They have been ranked In five seasons at Butler, Hall §\);i. Qimg in f i EOUILTE K; ibyll
in the Top QO every week and coached her teams to two Jefferson Defmag 1 O 65 1 rea h iis Q 6 ‘
averaged Q4 wins per season since County titles and an overall record defensive y' We D fw W 3 wer
Ham amvalg Of 6965 e ense we feel will exploit our g
In her first year at UK, Hall's Lady Then it was on to Eastern ODDOHQHIS W€alm€S§?S' Qur mam
Kats went 25-6, winning the Kentucky University, where Hall Clgnlgems are $0mrO Ugg Nfl [imlm
Kentucky Women's Intercollegiate earned her Master`s Degree in 1974 Qlt egangg eamfmf lim 5 Ot
Conference and reaching the final and was immediately named head be QCUOH Y Our D ayem
round of 16 in the AIAW National basketball coach. The Lady Colonels C0¤Ch H¤l| On Working With The
— tournament. Hall was named the went 14-6 that season and won the Plciyersa "I place a high premium
KWIC Coach of the Year that KWIC title over Kentucky. on hard work and dedication to the
season. Louisville, Western. Morehead, task at hand. I want my players to
. In 1982 and again last season the Murray and Northern Kentucky. feel the same way. I try to teach
Lady Kats were considered among Hall then accepted the coaching them that "doors of opportunity"
the top contenders for the NCAA job at Louisville. where she was open and close very quickly in life
championship. The 1981-82 squad faced with rebuilding a program. as well as on the basketball court.
won the Southeastern Conference She succeeded. guiding the Lady So always be prepared. In the span
championship and reached the Cards to a 79-54 record over five of a lifetime. their 4 years of college
quarter-finals of NCAA play before years. In 1979-80, her last season at basketball is short, therefore they
losing to eventual national U of L, the Lady Cards won their should work hard. be dedicated.
champion Louisiana Tech on the first Metro Conference excel. and enjoy the opportunity
Lady Techsters' home floor. Last championship. Hall also coached that exists."
year's Lady Kats were ranked fourth tennis and softball at U of L.  

Saturday Navember Q6 Sunday Navember 27
Va/dasta State
1.'5O PM
Wzscanszn Game I
Sunday ·
Cham IO
5.·50 PM __. ___g
Eastern Kentucky Game 4
5.·50 DM
Kentucky Game Q LGQ
SUUOYLV T/urd P/ace
1.'5O PM
L G1 Game 5
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Caach Hall gives instructions during game in Japan last summer.
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Seated, left t0 right: Sandy Harding, Iulie Duerring, Lisa C0llins. Lynnette Lewis, Diane Stephens and D0nna Martin.
Standing, left t0 right: Head C0ach Terry Hall. Graduate Assistant l20bin E>0ard. Leslie Ni<:h0ls, Debbie Miller, Karen
M0sley, Melanie Warren, I0dy l2unge. Melissa Napier, Assistant C0a<;h Milae Kindred. \70lunteer Assistant Patty I0
Hedges and Trainer Sue Stanley.
IO Lisa C0llins G/F SI2 5-10 C0rbin, Ky.
Laurel C0unty High
Q5 lulie Duerring G FI2 5-7 Fl0rence, Ky.
B00ne C0unty High
5 Sandy Harding G Fl2 5-2 Auburn, NY.
Auburn High
40 Lynnette Lewis F SI2 5-9 L0yall, Ky.
Caw00d High
Q4 D0nna Martin G SI2 5-7 Lexingt0n, Ky.
Tates Creelz High
55 Debbie Miller C F12 6-1 Liberty. Ky.
Casey C0unty High
44 Karen M0sley C SO 6-5 T0led0, Oh.
l50wsher High
42 Melissa Napier F FI2 6-1 Barb0urville, Ky.
Kn0x Central High
1 1 Leslie Nich0ls F SO 6-0 Lexingt0n, Ky.
Henry Clay High °\
Q5 l0dy l2unge C S12 6-2 \X7aul20n, l0wa  
\X7aul20n High
4 Diane Stephens G JI2 5-9 L0uisville, Ky. nl
S0uthern High
50 Melanie Warren C FI2 6-6 Owensb0r0, Ky.
Owensb0r0 Cath0lic
_   Terry Hall, Head C0ach
Milze Kindred, Assistant C0a<;h
_ l20bin B0ard, Graduate Assistant
Sue Stanley, Trainer
  MGF? B€¥h BYOOb$· $i¤d€¤i TF¤i¤€F
Heather L0ngt0n and Lisa Neal, Managers

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DBCP row. left to right; Margy Shelton, Loretta Pate, Martha Gerton, Tina Cottle, Shannon Brady, Laura Seay. Nell H€¤Sl€v· Aselstemt Cemeh
Marcia Haney; Front row, left to right: Ereda Hagan, Lois Buntyn. Karen Evans, Diana Billing. Van Marshel
and Lisa Goodin,
No. Name Position Height Class Hometown ‘
ll Marcia Haney E 5'11" Jr. Bedford, KY
12 Ereda Hagan G 5'6" Sr. Whitesville, KY A
15 Karen Evans G 5`4" Sr. Corbin, KY
15 Van Marshel F 5’8" Er. White Plains, KY ‘
20 Lisa Goodin G 5'6" Sr. Austin, iN ‘
Q1 Lois Buntyn G 5`5" Fr. Crestwood, KY
22 Marsgy Shelton E 6'0" So. Corbin, KY
Q5 Diana Billing E 5'9" Er. McRae. GA
52 Martha Gerton E 6'0" Er. Springfield. KY
55 Loretta Pate G 5,1lH So. Deland, KY
55 Shannon Brady E—P 6'l" lr. Louisville, KY
44 Laura Seay E 5' 1 1" So. Calvert City, KY
45 Tina Cottle P 6YlH Jr. Miami, EL
r .
l Dr. Dianne Murphy, Head Basketball Coach
`I Neu Hensley Assiseem eeeeh  
Linda Myers, Assistant Coach  
Karen Freeman. Graduate Assistant
Eva Clifton, Athletic Trainer

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First row, left to right; Coach Charles Cooper, Janice Washington, Pam Johnson, Sherri France, Assistant Coach Val Bazarte; Second row. left to right: Ka-
jtiansu Cornelius, Gina Bozeman, Marianne Canning, Kim Hamm, Candace Fincher. Bridgett Moore, Manager, Julie Cool2; Third row, left to right: Cindy
Cooper, Debbie Roberson, Anneliese Canning, Lisa Leland.
1983-84 Valdosta State Roster
No. Name Position Height Class Hometown
5 Kim Hamm G 5`5" So. Sylvester, GA
1O Bridgett Moore F 5'10" Fr. Nashville, GA
ll Kajuansa Cornelius F 5`8" So. Adel, GA
IQ Cindy Cooper G 5'10" Jr. Valdosta, GA
15 Lisa Leland G 5'6" Fr. Nashville, GA
15 Anneliese Canning F 5'10" So. Riverdale, GA
QQ Debbie Roberson F 5`lO" So. Pearson, GA
Q5 Gina Bozeman F 5`6" Jr. Sylvester, GA _
5o Sherri France F 5'10" Sr. Melbourne, FL
32 Candace Fincher C 5—lO" Fr. LaGrange, GA
55 Pam Johnson C 6'5" Sr. Valdosta, GA ,
42 Janice Washington C 6'0" Sr. Pensacola, FL
  Charles Cooper. Head Baslaetball Coach
Val Vazarte, Assistant Coach
WAlLlD®$l[A  20*5 

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Seated left t0 right: Chris Pruit, Janet Huff. Mary Chrnelich. Sheila Driver; Middle row: Michelle Fischer, Anne Lederer. Jane Slaarr; Bach row: Trainer. John
Kitzman. Head Coach. Edwina Qualls, Cammy Hudson. Andrea Adams, Teresa Theder. Linda Stuessy. Inga Young, Cindy Slovala. Manager. Andrea Felix.
Assistant Manager, Linda Gough and Terry Ellis. I
No. Name Position Height Class Hometown
5 Chris Pruitt G-F 5'9" Jr. Chicago. IL
IO Janet Huff G 5'8" Sr. Milwaukee. WI
14 Sheila Driver G 5'8" So. Racine, WI
20 Anne Lederer F 5`1 1" So. Waukesha. WI
24 Cindy Slovale F 5' 1 1" So. Chicago. IL
51 Mary Chrnelich G 5'8" Sr. Milwaulzee, WI
522 Andrea Adams F 5' 10" J r. Milwaukee. WI
L 55 Inga Young F 6'2" Fr. Alexandria, VA T
54 Teresa Theder C 6'4" Jr. Watertown, WI
55 Michelle Fischer F 6'0" Fr. Flint, WI
, 44 Jane Slearr G—F 5`Q" Fr. Hales Corners. WI
55 Linda Stuessy F 6` 1" So. Brooklyn, WI
55 Camilla Hudson C 6’4" So. Aurora. IL
Head Coach, Edvvina Qualls
A55l$l¤m CO€*Cll€$1 Tell? Ellls sind Llmla GO‘l9l”*  
Trainer, Susan Boldt. John Kitzman, Jim Bosanny  

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    J r ‘ ¥ iw     ROBIN BOARD
. . . . " t    ·    Z U7\ Graduate Assistant *
s   A   » "       \i Louisville, 1985
7 _t.  F A former player for Coach Terry Hall at Louisville, Robin A
  joined the Lady Kat staff in September. While at Louisville.
»"  A Robin lettered in baslzetball four consecutive years, two of
 A those seasons with Coach Hall at the helm. She was a
  ,, i - member of the Lady Card teams that won Metro Conference
titles in 1979 and 1981 and is in the record boolz for best free
Mike KlI1dI'€d throw percentage in a season, which she set in 1979. Robin
Assistant Coach was also an outstanding high school player at Louisville Butler
. . High. She helped her team to the Girls State Toumament in
Eastern Kentucky umverslm 1980 1976 and 1978. She was All—State honorable mention for three
straight years and played in the East-West All-Star game in
1978. She also played tennis for three seasons and ran traclz
Milze was hired as a part—time assistant at UK in July. and One Veer at Burier
then was elevated to full-time assistant in late September pebin is pursuing e Musrers Degree in peereuiieneiinerupy
following the resignation of assistant coach Dottie Berry. A at UK gne has si great interest in Yeung neeriie end has ner.
*989 Qleduele Of Eemem KemUel?Y· Mme Served fel We ticipatecl as avolunteer for Special Olympics for five straight
seasons as assistant girls' baslzetball coach at Estill County Years. gne eiise is Credited Wiin Starting me YOuth Beisieeibeii
High $¤h¤<>l in Irvine. K7-. beige wmine t¤ UK camps in igsi anti im at the st. Matthews yMcA in
A native of Winchester. Ky., Milze graduated from Clarlz Leuisviiie
COUNTY meh Seheel in 1975 He {hen attended Mefeheed A former collegiate softball player at U of L, Robin has um-
Slele UmVeY$lW fel One rear belele UeVl$leTYm%’ [O E¢iSt€r¤· pired softball and officiated baslzetball and volleyball. She is
He received a degree in Industrial Education, and then Q3 years Oiei anu Singles
taught at Clarlz County for one year before accepting a job
at Estill County.
ln his first season at Estill, Milae helped direct the varsity r
squad to its first—ever winning season in 1982. The following A
year. the L