xt7000000x7h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7000000x7h/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1977-12-02 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, December 2, 1977, no. 206 text The Green Bean, December 2, 1977, no. 206 1977 1977-12-02 2014 true xt7000000x7h section xt7000000x7h .UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY LIBRARTEs' NEWSLETTER
12/2/77 N0. 206
7 December - Copyright Law Program — Courtroom, College of Law, A
y 1:30 - 3:00 PM
Hospital Auditorium, 6th floor, Medical Center,
3:30 - 5:00 PM (see note)
9 December — Administrative Council Meeting — Gallery, 8:30 AM
16 December — Administrative Council Meeting — Gallery, 8:30 AM `
22 December - Staff Christmas Luncheon, ll:30 AM — 1:30 PM l
Current Exhibits: Foyer, King Library North — A Tribute to
Vladimir Nabokov. Also display of Recent Acquisitions. King
Library South, Lobby — Swiss in American Life (through December
K Contributors to this number: Pat Boyle, John Bryant, Jacqueline
Bull, John Gray, Faith Harders, Claire McCann (Editor), Mary
Ransbottom, and Bob Turner.

 - 2 -
` Tribute to Frances Shine
It is a real privilege to have an opportunity to write a few
words of tribute to my friend and colleague, Frances Shine.
My friendship and association with her goes bac; almost fifty
years. In the fall of l928 the new Henry Clay High School was
opened at Walton and Main Streets. As a member of the senior
class, it was my first opportunity to attend a brand-new,
modern school but even more, it was the first time I had been
in an inviting, just completed library with bright new books. .
The experience was an exciting one, made even more rewarding
by an attractive, young librarian. That person was Frances
Shine, then Frances Smith. I
Mrs. Shine was a graduate of the University of Kentucky where
she was a member of Phi Beta Kappa. She received library degrees
from Simmons College and Columbia University. She was a niece of
Miss Margaret I. King, the University's first librarian.
During World War II, she was librarian at Holabird Signal Depot
in Baltimore. After the war, she returned to Lexington and
became Assistant Archivist at the U. K. Library. When the p
Archives Department was expanded to include rare books, its title ~ `
was changed to Special Collections, and Mrs. Shine became
Associate Head, a position she held until her retirement in 1968. ·
Mrs. Shine was active in planning for the expansion of the rare
book collections. She was enthusiastic in every effort to
enlist faculty and student interest not only in the department,
but in the library as a whole. She arranged a number of inter-
esting displays in the lobby of King Library South when display
cases surrounded the walls.
After her retirement, Mrs. Shine continued her interest in the
department. She and Dr. Shine gave us many pleasant times at the
farm. We shall always rememberherenthusiasm for life and ‘
tremendous courage.
Jacqueline Bull ·
Kikkuli Text . ·
The October issue of Fine Print carried a review of the King
Library Press edition of The Kikkuli Text on the Training_of
Horses. The original text was inscribed on clay tablets in
cuneiform Hittite about l35O B.C., and is the earliest known
manual devotedixnhorse training. It was written for the instruc-
tion of the Hittite armies. The review notes the "...stunning

 marbled endpapers in WELIQHL cl<.r‘=i‘sl   ¤sln5¤eZe‘7;S are .%'*nld.ed twice
‘ in accordion fashion, hinting at the original form of the
clay tablet .... Also unusual is the choice of all Caslon capitals
for the body of the text ..¤q This choice again alludes to ancient
writing customs before the development of minuscule letters."
Kikkuli was translated from the German by Professor Gerhard F.
Probst, Transylvania University. Copies are still available
and may be obtained from Gay Reading, Director, King Library
Press, Special Collections Department, King Library North,
University of Kentucky, Lexington,
Copyright Law_Program
The program will concentrate on the effect which the new copy-
right law will have on faculty and university use of copyrighted
materials, The presentation will cover reproduction and distri-
bution of copyrighted materials to students for classroom use;
reproduction of non-print and audiovisual materials; music; use ·
and reproduction of copyrighted materials for research, including
library photocopying; and copyright changes as they affect faculty .
as authors.
United Way Pacesetter_AwarQ§_
Memorandum from John Bryant, United Way Chairman for the Library:
Fran and Joe have their cats with whom they have built a tradition
of winning teams, The librarians are doing likewise, building a
tradition of a giving teamt Because of the great effort on the
part of the staff, the Library is the recipient of two major
United Way pacesetter awards for l978,
The first award is for a 25 per cent increase in total dollars
over the previous year, i,e._ $1,699 last year, with $2,202 (to
date) this yearc
The second award is a 50 per cent increase in t .·r;. rticipation over
the previous year, i.e., 63 last year, with lO2 this year.
T While these statistics will neither be flashed across a score- i
board nor extolled in print and other media, they will stand as a
U tribute to a great bunch of warm-hearted librarians, a really _
giving~winning team. Dr. James Chapman from the Vice-President's
Office will present the awards in early Qecewberl Thanks so much. v
iles rams. Lwclisea
A pot luck Christmas luncheon will be held Thursday, December 22,
from ll:3O to l:3O in the old Rare Book Room, Everyone is invited
. and encouraged to share the good Food and festivities! A sign-up
\ . .. . » - e A I _ _
é ‘ sheet will he circulated in each department next weekn
I .

 ·¤- ..»§*
Administrative SerygcesMnews_ ·
Clift Black has moved from the basement to Room 30l, King Library
North. He may be reached at 8~283l or 3~2566.
Cecil Madison's new phone number is 3—2058.
Wheelbarrels and Concrete Elpcks?
Has Special Collections expanded its acquisitions policy to in- V
clude wheelbarrels, concrete blocks and dull, gray pressboard
walks? The wheelbarrel and protective walk are temporary features
which will disappear in time, The concrete blocks are here to
stay as a permanent wall in our stacks, This wall is the first
stage in our preservation and security program. We will now be
able to install separate temperature and humidity controls which
are not subject to the frequent, drastic fluctuations of the
central system which are so detrimental to the proper care of
research materials. Currently, our book collection is split to
provide room for the wall to be erected. We hope our patrons will
not be inconyenicnced by the traffic occasioned by the construc-
tion or by the delay in our locating books nestled under protective ‘
g plastic drapery.
LT II CSR (router)
LT I Newspaper/Microtexts
Clerk Typist lG (half time) Special Collections
If interested, please see Faith Harders.
LT III Lexington Technical Institute (Technical services; back~ ‘
ground in SOLINET and/or bookkeeping helpfulh) For further infor—
mation, call Lee Hisle (8M49l9); formal application must be made
through Kathy White at University Personnel:
General Reference Librarian, Ohio State University Libraries,
Columbus, Ohioa Available: January l, l§78s Salary: $lO,44O ~
$l2,36O annually, depending upon qualifications and experience.

 There will be an ACTS General Assembly on Wednesday, December 7
at 2:00 p.m. in the Galleryh The evaluation ferm will be
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