xt7000000x5b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7000000x5b/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 1935 bulletins  English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins The Quarterly Bulletin of The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc., Vol. X, No. 3, Winter 1935 text The Quarterly Bulletin of The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc., Vol. X, No. 3, Winter 1935 1935 1935 2014 true xt7000000x5b section xt7000000x5b I
T The Quarterly Bulletun of
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v The F1‘0Htl€P Nurs1n<> Servwe Inc.
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T VOL. X \VlN'l`EH, 1935 NO. 3
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A \\`z1;;on L(‘2l\`lllg` The Hydeu Hospital \\'ith (`lnistnms Toys
. For An Outpost Nursing Center
` Volunteer Christmas S(`¢(‘l‘Dt$.ll`)’, Sylvia. Bowditch, to the left

 · é
·  I
Published quarterly by the Frontier Nursing Service, Lexington, Ky. 7
vommm X wimnn, 1935 NUMBER 3 i '
"Entered as second class matter June 30, 1926, at the Post O]Yice at
Lexington, Ky., under the Act of March 3, 1879."
Copyright 1935 Frontier Nursing Service. Inc.

i · l
I I Art thou not glad to close
Thy wearied eyes, O saddest child of Time,
_ . Eyes which have looked on every mortal crime
And swept the piteous round of mortal woes?
’ No tears shall weep thy fall
· When, as the midnight bell shall toll thy fate,
5 Another lifts the scepter of thy state,
  And sits a monarch in thine ancient hall.
I Him, too, the nations wait;
i "O lead us from the shadow of the past,"
  In a long wail like this December blast,
They cry, and, crying, grow less desolate.
Beneath his gentle hand _
They hope to see no meadow, vale, or hill
Stained with a deeper red than roses spill
When some too boisterous zephyr sweeps the land.
A time of peaceful prayer,
Of law, love, labor, honest loss, and gain-
These are the visions of the coming reign
Now floating to them on this wintry air.

Nelson Fant, of Flemingsburg, Kentucky
In the summer of 1934 there died in Kentucky a knightly `
gentleman, a man of strictest probity in his public and private ·
’ life. He represented a type of American more usual a generation i
- ago than now-—a leader in a little town, a leader not only in name
and wealth but in hard work, in honest relationships, in good
judgment, in modesty, in the helping hand and the friendly
word. Through the era of speculation, he counselled prudence
and gave an example of it. Through the era of depression his
liberality lay hidden until his death.
The fine old-fashioned house in which he lived, with its beau-
tiful lines and graceful charm spoke the openness, the simplicity,
the generosity and prudence of the kind of man who honored
such a house with his presence, and shared it with his neighbors.
If the real story of America could be written during this
past troubled era, we should find that her safety lay all along in
` the hands of these quiet leaders. Their heads were not turned
by prosperity; their hearts were not broken by the depression
they did nothing to bring on and everything to relieve.
The Frontier Nursing Service is profoundly honored in that
Mr. Fant, after arranging for certain specific bequests and leav-
ing the bulk of his considerable estate to his widow, has provided
that on her death it shall all go to the Frontier Nursing Service
as a memorial to their only son, Nelson Fant, Jr. Generations
yet to come of women and of little children, and of the sick and
helpless, will be reverently and tenderly cared for from the
income of this fund, in the name of a young man cut down before
his prime.
The Frontier Nursing Service extends its profound sympa-
thy to the woman who shared Mr. Fant’s generous, open, kindly
life for many years and who now sits desolate at his hearth l
beside his empty chair. When husband and children are both _
gone, there are only memories, but in the case of this family an ° l
old prayer is answered—"Lord, keep my memory green." ·

" Faowrmn xuasixc siaavicis 3
§ My metamorphosis from acourier at Wendover to the
Christmas Secretary at Hyden Hospital was a gradual one.
‘ Throughout November and the Hrst week in December I rode
( over to the hospital two or three times a week, unwrapped and
• sorted the various packages that had come in since I was last
i there. But when Elihu began making two loaded sled trips up
_ from the post office a day with his mule, and when the truck
which went to Hazard for freight and express filled the front
; hall with boxes and barrels every trip, I found that every other
Q day was not sufficient to keep me caught up and so moved over to
  the hospital to stay during the rush in the ten days before
is When the shelves in the attic were first cleared for action,
i there seemed a vast amount of space. However, as one box after
  another was unpacked and their contents spread around, the
’ space became less and less until it was a question of where the
L things could be put. There was a large platform on which we
placed the clothing. We started a system whereby the smallest
children’s clothing began at one end and each pile after that was
V for slightly larger children, etc., all the way up to adults. The
underwear lay in one pile, the sweaters in another, the stockings
in another, etc., arranged neatly according to size. But by the
time the first wagon went out to the first outpost. it was nearly
impossible to keep them in order.
The same thing happened with the toys. The knives and
harmonicas were put in the same box until there were so many
they had to be put into separate and bigger boxes. All the dolls
were put into one huge wooden box. and when that was filled
they were sorted, rag dolls and rubber dolls, china dolls and cellu-
loid ones put in separate places. And even so, the big box though
at first depleted was filled again.
Willing helpers were easy to find. Everyone liked to open
 i the boxes and see the exciting things that came out of them.
_ Nurses on the wards would slip up for a bit between attending to
l i the patients. And the district nurses when they came in from
· work would turn to and be of great assistance. Even the con-

 4 rms QUARTERLY Bunnmru I
valescent patients were put to work, dressing dolls and sorting
beads, and rolling up the string. One woman had been in the
hospital for quite a long time, and it made her very happy to
think she could help in the Christmas work. One of our kind
neighbors offered his services and came up and helped us pack.
The week before Christmas the wagon began coming in from ~ 
the outlying districts for their loads (see cover picture). Beech I
Fork was the first to come, and for two days we went around our 1 ·
what-had-become-by—that-time toy shop, picking out presents for
so many school boys, so many school girls, so many preschool
boys, so many preschool girls, and so many babies. Lists of these
the nurses had made out and sent in, and there did seem to be a
great many children. Box after box was filled and loaded on to
the wagon which had come down the river sixteen miles that
morning to collect them. Red Bird’s boxes went the next day,
Flat Creek’s the next, Bowlingtown and Brutus the day after
that, and Possum Bend after that. So what with packing the
boxes for the wagons, unpacking the new things that come in
daily, and seeing that each center had the right amount of toys,
clothes, candy, used clothing, and used books on its wagon, life
, was rather busy. For a while the poor attic was so congested
with boxes coming in and boxes going out that there was hardly
room to move about.
Hyden and Wendover had their parties after Christmas so
as to take advantage of the last minute things sent in. Then too,
it is easier to buy toys for them from the outside with the money
designated for the purpose. This year, what with gifts and
money, there was plenty to go around, and from all reports the
children were overjoyed with their presents. As always, knives,
toy trucks, dolls, beads, and balls led the list of favorite things.
Some of the centers spread everything out under the tree and let
the children choose what they wanted most, and these were the
things most often chosen.
At Hyden Hospital, where three districts have their
headquarters, paper shopping bags with the family’s name ,
~ on them were filled with the children’s presents, and by
seven in the morning the children began to collect outside until .
by eight there were hundreds. After they had gotten their bags ft .
from one room they had some cocoa and then went in to the

   Fnowrmn xcnsixo smnvicis s
Christmas tree to see Santa Claus who gave them "pokes" of
candy. Outside they eagerly opened their bags and picked out
their presents and went down the hill playing their harmonicas,
. hugging their dolls, or showing off their knives, thoroughly
  \Ve want all of our kind friends to realize how much their
I help in making Christmas in the mountains a happy time is
. . appreciated. There were a few parcels which had the names of
the sender obliterated in shipping or had insufficient address to
make acknowledgment possible. To all others I am writing indi-
vidually. Our profoundly grateful thanks to each and all.
Volunteer Christmas Secretary.
We announce with interest and every good wish for their
happiness, the marriage on New Year’s Day, in the chapel of
the Presbyterian Theological Seminary at Louisville, of Mrs.
Joseph Carter of VVoodford County, Ky., a member of our
executive committee, to Mr. VVilliam Cassius Goodloe of
Lexington, Ky.
=?= =i¢ =i= =i<
"Do you know we almost quarrel about who will get the first
l glimpse of your little magazine? We read every word of it."
From MR. AND Mas. Gnoacn H. CLAPP, Pittsburgh.
>l= >|= =|= >l<
We gratefully acknowledge in this bulletin four decks of
playing cards for \Vendover, and regret that we can not make `
personal acknowledgment to the kind donor. The decks were
sent from Macy’s in New York, and unfortunately the enclosed
card was evidently mixed with one intended for another parcel.
It reads, "To Shirley Ann, dear, from Grandpa and Uncle Leo."
The Frontier Nursing Service appreciates the kind refer-
_ ence to the success of its maternity program in an article in the
r'  December Survey Graphic, by our old friend, Dr. C.-E. A. Wins-
low, of Yale University.

 l i
6 rm: QUARTERLY Bnrnmm .
———— l
(Given us by an English friend) .
I am writing to tell you that my baby has been born two months
old when shall I get more pay.  
You have changed my little boy to a girl. Will it make any dif- “
I am expecting to be confined next month, will you please let me
know what to do about it. I
My Bill has been in charge of a spitton shall I get more pay. Y
In answer to yours I have given birth to twins. Hoping this will
be satisfactory.
My husband is dead and I am a widow. I want to pick up what
is dropped.  
Please send me more inflamation about my son. ti
I enclose my certificate and six children. l
Please send me more money as my new baby is a bottled one.
My daughter Fanny was baptized in half a sheet of paper by the
Rev. Thomas.
I have received no pay since my husband has been gone from
My husband has been away from Crystal and got four days fur-
long and now has gone away to the mind sweepers.
We have received your letter, I am his grandma. He was born
and brought up in answer to your letter.
‘ I write those few lines for Mrs. -———-. She is expecting to be
confined and can do with it.
In answer to your form I am no relation to the Smith, but I love
him and had three children to him.
Please hurry up with my money as we are sitting with empty
stomachs. I expect you are sitting with full ones.
I am glad to tell you that my husband has been reported dead.
I have not received no pay since my husband was confined in a
constipation camp in Germany. (
In accordance with instructions on ring paper I have given birth y
to twins enclosed in envelope. J

A Fnonrina NURSING snavicm 7
  The Patriot Service Committee of the Colonial Dames of
I Pennsylvania, inspired by Mrs. Henry Pease of Philadelphia,
· started the ball rolling. Mrs. Pease visited one or two of the
Indian reservations in the Northwest and got together with our
  Indian Bureau in the Department of the Interior over a PLAN.
In many of our Indian reservations the condition of the child- l
bearing mother, and of the baby, is not good. The government
has put in hospitals with American doctors and nurses, but not
y all of the Indian women will use the facilities offered them. VVe
I still have around 200,000 full-bloods on our reservations, and a
fair number of them don’t speak English. The Pennsylvania
Dames thought that if they could train superior Indian girls as
nurses and put them back on the reservations, they would supply
i the necessary link between Uncle Sam and his wards. 'They
  took, therefore, with the permission of the Indian Bureau, from
  the government school at Lawrence, Kansas, a young Cherokee
named Adeline Clark and a young Chippewa named Virginia
Miller. These two were in the upper ten per cent. of the gradu-
ates of the school. They placed them at the Pennsylvania Gen-
eral Hospital in Philadelphia, where they went through three
years nurses’ training and took their Pennsylvania State Boards.
At this point the Frontier Nursing Service came into the
picture. The Pennsylvania Dames and the Indian Bureau both
realized that these young nurses could not be taken directly from
a large general hospital and put back on the reservations without
graduate training in remotely rural nursing technique, in mater-
nity and child care, under conditions not unlike those they would
have to face afterwards. The Frontier Nursing Service, there-
fore, was asked to take them for a year as graduate students and
give them this graduate training. We agreed to join in this fas-
cinating affiliation, but our narrow budget could not be stretched
to include the board and allowance of student nurses, the pur-
chase of two extra horses and their upkeep every month, and
4. complete outfits of winter and summer uniform. We, therefore,
'  appealed to the Colonial Dames of Kentucky, who voted an ap-
] propriation to cover the maintenance and allowance of one
l '

Indian nurse. The Dames of other states are at the time this
goes to press evincing equal interest in the Indian nurses. Massa-
chusetts has already sent us a generous check. New York,
Michigan and Rhode Island are other states already interested.
We have no doubt of the outcome, because the Dames everywhere I
are enthusiastic over this concrete plan started by Pennsylvania {
to benent our only living Colonial memorial. l`
Meanwhile, the two Indian nurses are with us and showing
rare aptitude for the work. Both ride horseback well, and both  
are admirably trained as nurses. Our Kentucky population is I
already proudly pointing out its traces of Indian blood, and our
local committees are offering the most helpful cooperation. `
Meanwhile, the Minnesota Colonial Dames have also taken
two girls to give them training as nurses in Minneapolis, and
Pennsylvania is taking two more. The head of the National
Patriotic Service Committee, Mrs. Arthur Holbrook of Milwau-
kee, is deeply interested in the plan. A big movement is
under way.
— Overheard-
` ‘In the bleak mid-winter
Frosty wind made moan, V
_ Earth stood hard as iron, ‘
Water like a stone;
Snow had fallen, snow on snow,
Snow on snow,
In the bleak mid-winter,
Long ago.
, (C. Rossnrri)
Man with a good piece of bottom land and good clothes:
"What does the wind say to you ?"
Man living on marginal _land with thin overalls and no coat:
"Hit says to me, ‘I’m a goin’ to split you in two.’ "
First man: "Why didn’t you work and make money for  
clothes like I did ?" ,_
Second man.: "I worked all summer but my children et hit  [
up. There warn’t nothin’ left for clothes." I

 rnonrma Nunsmo smnviciz 9
It was my privilege during my holiday last summer to visit
;‘ at a country place in Kent. At Canterbury I met Miss Babing-
”- ton, of the Precincts, the Hon. Secretary of the Kent County
Nursing Association. This association is aiiliated with the
_. famous Queen’s Institute, and their nurses are trained in mid-
  wifery at the British Hospital for Mothers and Babies at Wool-
wich in London, where I took my own midwifery training, and at
— the Plaistow Maternity Charity.
Readers of this Bulletin are aware of the maternity record
of the Frontier Nursing Service. We carried through our first
thousand cases with but two maternal deaths, both of them heart
cases and neither one due to an obstetrical cause. We have car-
ried through a second thousand maternity cases with no death
from any cause, direct or indirect. Our system is that of the
Queen’s: namely, normal cases carried by nurses who are also
graduate midwives and abnormal cases carried by a physician,
namely our own medical director who is a first class obstetrician.
` This system works. It works in England, and it works in
Kentucky. h
From Miss Babington’s report of the Kent County Nursing
‘ Association, we take the following significant figures.
1. British Hospital for Mothers and Babies, Woolwich.
Years 1924-31 inclusive. Hospital and district. Cases,
6,808. Maternal mortality rate, 1.9 per 1,000 births.
2. Plaistow Maternity Charity. Years 1910-31 inclusive.
Hospital and district. Cases, 103,386. Maternal mor-
tality rate, 1.03.
3. District cases attended by all Queen’s Nurses from
1928-31 inclusive. Cases, 260,787. Maternal mortality
rate, 1.09.
  Why do we continue to lose over fifteen thousand maternal
  lives every year in America? Why do we have a death rate of
 i from six to seven mothers per thousand live births? All over
I Great Britain, and in the Kentucky mountains, under the system

in use by the Queen’s and the Frontier Nursing Service, the loss {
of mothers is never more than one or two per thousand births.
Why has America the highest death rate in childbirth of any `
civilized nation that keeps vital statistics? Why have we lost  
more women in childbirth in our history as a nation than men in
war? The Frontier Nursing Service is blazing a white trail ·
across the darkness of this national disgrace. You who support
the work of the Service with your money, your time, and your ,
affection, you are blazing this trail. Your names are all down ‘
each year in our audit, and this prosaic audit is really a Book of I
M. B. ~
The Horses Had Christmas, Too l
, From one of our Cincinnati couriers, Dorothy Caldwell, j
came a large box of sugar just before Christmas, with a lump for  
D each horse, and a card with special mention of her favorites. · 
To Lassie,  
the violet, to inspire her to emulate its modest and tender  ‘
- qualities. i
To Gloria,  i
the rose, because Bland likes Gloria, and she also likes roses. :
(Could it be that the logic isn’t faultless, if she doesn’t?) l
, To Diana,
the forget-me-not, because, even if you wanted to, you  
couldn’t forget her, no matter how hard you tried.
To Dixie,
the lily of the valley, chiefly because I’ve a soft spot in my
heart for both.  ,
I To Birdalone, _
the aster, because they’re both such hardy perennials. 4_
And to all the horses, a very merry Christmas, and lots of sugar.

 A Fnonrma Nunsme snnvxcn ll
· During a recent visit to Detroit, the editor of this Bulletin
had the privilege of a personally conducted tour by Mr. and Mrs.
} Henry Ford over this famous village. Few experiences could be
more profoundly moving for an American. Associations that
3 reach back into the heart of America in science, in education, in
  folk songs, in history, and in the early memories of all of us, are
1 all grouped about that old-time village green.
L There is Lincoln’s court-house just as he pleaded in it as a
l young lawyer. There, too, are one-room early American schools.
l The brick school was that attended by Mr. Ford in his childhood.
l The log school is that in which McGuffy taught. Among the
, houses is the one-room log cabin where McGuffy was born. "The
  Little Mansion," a substantial house of great charm, is where
  Stephen Foster was born. On a stretch of water floats a small,
lv  old-time steam boat from the Sewanee River. The Martha and
5 Mary Church stands at the head of the green, a building of lovely
; lines constructed out of the brick that once made the home where
 I Mrs. Henry Ford was born. An old-fashioned inn brought from
{ another part of Michigan and reconstructed just as it was, a tin-
A type studio where we had our pictures taken, a cobbler’s shop
Z where shoes are being made today, a post office from which we
E sent off picture post cards—al1 of these things are not only real as
they were, but many of them are in actual use at the present time.
  Children attend the schools; services are held in the church
` where a beautiful modern organ has been installed. Perhaps
some day people will stop at the inn and sit on the horse-hair sofa
in its old-fashioned parlor. Most moving, because most signifi-
cant of vital changes in the modern world, are the little old stable
 , where Henry Ford constructed his nrst model, and the Menlo
P Park Laboratory, brought over just as it was from New Jersey,
where Edison perfected his great inventions. Perpetual fire, lit
lx by Edison himself, is kept in the furnaces. The gas jet he
worked under, all the light any of us had then, is still lit. Even

his old mortar has been found in pieces and put together just as
he used it.
"There is no tale to write of what I did,——
I only served my master as he chose. I
Within my bowl he ground his mixtures fine, e‘
Pounded his powders, pulverized his paste. I I
One day a workman dropped me. Out I went, ,
Cast to the dump among the broken shards. *
“Neglected in the dust of passing years,
I lay forgotten till another came;
Within my scattered parts he saw the clew
To all those yesterdays at Menlo Park.
With his own hands he matched my sides again,
Restored my fragments each one to its place. I
"One day my master climbed those steps once more,
With his own hands he set me on this ledge.
‘Here’s where it always stood. Here it belongs,’ I
Said he. And now I wait for his return,—- g
A humble mortar dreaming of the past,
While shadowy figures linger on the stairs." -
(——WM. A. SIMONDS) {
Barter Plus  
———— I
Kit to Wendover nurse: "Margaret, who is that tall, good-  
looking young boy who greets me so pleasantly each morning ?" I
Wendover nurse: "Oh, he is working off five midwifery  
fees." I
Kit: "Five midwifery fees! That is impossible." I
Wendover nurse, laughing: "Of course, it is impossible in _
the way you are thinking about it. That boy has a small farm of  ,
his own, but no corn on it. He has offered to work off five mid-
wifery fees for five of his married friends who are having new
babies this winter. Each father will give him five dollars worth ,»,
of corn for his labor." I
i I

 Fizoivriisiz Nrnsmc smavicie is
, El>1'l`0R’S NOTE: The following article was sent us by a Scotch nurse now
living in New York, who is old and crippled and gallant. At the same time
{ she sent Christmas gifts for our children and wrote, "These little gifts I am
· sending you are crude, I know, but they are sent with all the love of an old
nurse’s heart for the poor people who are ‘up against it'. If I may suggest
it, I like them to be given to the most troublesome ones, those whom it
, seems impossible to do anything with! I have often found that a little
unexpected gift works miracles."
I During the frightfully severe winter of 1911 I was doing
district nursing at Glasgow, Scotland. Early in December we
had a terrible blizzard with intense cold; pneumonia was preva-
lent everywhere, especially among the poor people, and on ac-
count of the weather, many of the big works were closed down,
_ so that unemployment was an added suffering. My district was
( on the outskirts of the city, and it used to take me almost an
hour by tram to get there.
It had been snowing all night, but as we all left the Home at
` 9 a. m. for our different destinations the sky had the appearance
—, of clearing. Traffic was disorganized in every direction, snow
s was piled high everywhere, though squads of men were working
¤ frantically to clear the tramlines. In those days they had not the
effective devices that they now have for clearing the snow away
  after heavy storms, so there was almost an hour’s delay before
{ we were able to start.
g I was dreadfully worried at this, as I had a very sick patient .
I down with pneumonia, whose crisis was due at any moment. His
  young wife (pretty as a picture) had given birth to her first baby
{ only two weeks before, and therefore was anything but strong.
E When I had the case, four days before, I did all in my power to
i induce her to let the doctor send her husband to hospital, but
, she utterly refused! "Nurse dear," she said, "dinna ask me to
pairt wi’ ma Donald! How could I bear to think o’ him lying
' amang straingers in a hospital ward‘?" (She had all the poor
 ' people’s horror of sending their relatives away to an institution)
"an I alane here wid the wean‘? Let him be, Nurse, let him be, I
{2 will look after him masself, I will mind him good."
{ When I arrived that morning it was eleven o’clock. Close

 1.7* **··*————-—-—
to a window of the little house stood a dejected-looking horse, the
snow falling on him, melting almost as it fell; he appeared to be
gazing earnestly into the window outside which he stood. I
knocked at the door, but evidently I was not heard, so I lifted the
latch and walked in. In front of the fire sat the young mother,
tears running down her face and dropping on the sleeping infant  .
in her lap. When she turned and saw me, she was completely i
overcome; I did my best to console her, and after some time she ’
was able to answer my questions. She told me that Donald had \
had a very bad night, but had now been sleeping for about two i
hours. Then I asked her why the horse was standing outside in
the snow, and she broke out into fresh weeping. "Oh! Nurse,"
she said, "all night Donald kept saying that he could see his
mither, who died four years ago, standin’ at the foot o’ his bed,  
an’ she was beckoning him tae come. About six o’clock this A
morning he begged me tae bring Darkie out o’ the stable—he
wanted tae say guid-bye tae him; so as soon as it was light
enough, I asked a neighbour tae bring him his horse. Donald
would hae me open the window, then put the bridle in his puir
wasted hauns, an’ he said, ‘Darkie, old boy, I am going tae leave
ye, an’ I hae a sair, sair heart at pairtin’ frae ye. Ye hae aye
been a guid beastie tae me, an’ now I am going on a lang, lang `
journey all alone an’ I canna bring ye alang! May the guid God,
W'ho even looks after the little sparrows on the tree, watch o’er
ye, an ’gie ye intae the hauns o’ a kind maister who’ll ken how tae `
treat ye right.’ After a while Donald fell asleep again, still hold-
ing the reins in his hauns. I had not the heart tae disturb him,
an’ I was so tired out that I quite forgot to cover up the puir I
dumb brute!"
y I then softly opened the bedroom door and looked in. There
{ lay poor Donald asleep, the hectic flush only adding to the beauty
on his face, which was turned towards the window where Darkie
? stood patiently looking at him. I closed the door again, and told
y his wife that I would return in a few hours; I had so many other
patients to attend to. Before leaving, I gave her some money, _
l and told her that I would send in a neighbour who would buy
I some bran, and she was then to make a good hot mash for the
V horse. I took an old rug Ilfound in the room, and went and , 
, covered poor Darkie.
` I

 ` Fnoxrrma Nunsme smzviciz is
When I returned some hours later, Donald showed every
sign of sinking rapidly. The doctor had called, and told his wife
to prepare for the worst. Donald recognized me as I entered,
and when I went over to his bedside, he took my hand and begged
me to look after his wife and little son. "And, please, Nurse," he
said, "don’t forget Darkiel We were good pals for six years,
 i I have had him since he was a year old, an’ there never was a
» nicer or a kinder beastie! Perhaps you, who have been such a
` godsend to us all, will see that he falls into good hands ?" I gave
, him my promise to see to everything, and a look of great happi—
ness overspread his face. He kissed my hand, and gradually
sank into unconsciousness. He passed peacefully away that night.
I made a collection amongst some kind friends who never
  failed me when I appealed to them (I am afraid my appeals for
I help were many that hard winter). After the funeral I was able
to send the widow home with her baby to her parents in Inver-
ness-shire, and a kind old man, a great lover of all animals,
bought Darkie.
Often, afterwards, when I had a day off-duty, I would mount
my bicycle and ride out to a farm at Milngavie, and there I would
see Darkie, looking in the pink of condition, grazing in a field
` on good green grass. I flattered myself that he recognized me,
for when I called him, he would run up to me, and rub his head
against my shoulder, showing every sign of pleasure. ·
We have received a profoundly interesting reprint from The
American Journal of Hygiene of May, 1934, called "The Distribu—
tion and Epidemiology of Human Ascariasis in the United
States," by G. F. Otto and W. W. Cort. This big title means
WORMS, against which we wage a warfare that won’t end until
the worms are exterminated. Included in the report are the
findings from the survey made in our section. It is grievous to
` read that "in the Kentucky mountains are found the most favor-
able conditions for the development of a wide-spread, intense
· infestation." Well, the fight is on, and every supporter of the
H Frontier Nursing Service is a warrior.

A January Baby
Do you remember the wedding you and Willeford went to
last spring? The young couple are now living where Peacock and
Willeford stayed while they built the Bowlingtown and Brutus  
centers. I was called there about two in the morning on Sunday.
I don’t believe it ever has taken me so long to get up Leatherwood  
Creek. The snow was nearly to the top of my boots and still com-
ing. Poor Dixie picked up a ball of it with nearly every step and
went sliding all over the place. I don’t know how we managed
to slip at all with the snow as deep as it was, but we did. I was
glad there was a barn to put her in when we got there. The
young mother had a normal time culminating in the arrival of a
very normal daughter. About eleven-thirty the same morning,
Dixie and I started home. You should have seen Leatherwood
Creek. It had risen to a regul