  • 261.

    Steam lab

    Steam lab

  • 262.

    the Dickers, representing 4 generations

    the Dickers, representing 4 generations

  • 263.

    Machine shop annex

    Machine shop annex

  • 264.

    Senior room, engineering

    Senior room, engineering

  • 265.

    Junior drawing room

    Junior drawing room

  • 266.

    Chemistry Library

    Chemistry Library

  • 267.



  • 268.

    Chemistry Laboratory

    Chemistry Laboratory

  • 269.

    Professor Anderson's recreation room

    Professor Anderson's recreation room

  • 270.

    Forge shop

    Forge shop

  • 271.

    Electrical Engineering Recitation Room

    Electrical Engineering Recitation Room

  • 272.

    Professor John Neville by cannon

    Professor John Neville by cannon

  • 273.

    Corner electrical engineering lab

    Corner electrical engineering lab

  • 274.

    Mechanical engineering shop

    Mechanical engineering shop

  • 275.

    Professor Wilson's office

    Professor Wilson's office

  • 276.

    Mechanical Hall, exterior

    Mechanical Hall, exterior

  • 277.



  • 278.

    Professor J.G. White

    Professor J.G. White

  • 279.

    Philosophian Society 1906-1907

    Philosophian Society 1906-1907

  • 280.

    Neville Society 1906-1907

    Neville Society 1906-1907
